A bit frustrated at my body at the moment

I have lost over 10 pounds since the beginning of February, but certain areas of my body that I expected to see changing seem to have stayed exactly the same. :/ Namely, my arms and legs. I have always had a rather unusual distribution of fat in that my stomach is relatively flat whereas my extremities are disproportionately large. I am noticing that my stomach is getting ever flatter, but NOTHING has seemed to change with my arms and legs. I weigh around 155 pounds, which is an ideal weight for my height, but I feel as though the way my fat is distributed makes me appear much fatter than I actually am. And when I look at all the fat I still carry in these places, it makes me wonder just how much can I actually lose by the time I get to my goal weight in just 15 pounds? What if I reach my goal weight but all the weight comes out of my stomach and my arms and legs STILL remain unchanged? That is a fear I have, I think. I know there's no such thing is spot reduction, but I lift weights and do cardio and try to eat right. So you WOULD THINK that the weight would come off in multiple places after awhile.

I just don't understand it. Why am I built this way? I've seen people who weigh 200+ pounds with thinner arms and legs than me.

There is no way I am going to give up because of this anxiety, because I really want to see what DOES happen when I reach 140 pounds. But it does make it a bit disheartening. I thought FOR SURE I'd be comfortable wearing shorts and tank tops by this point in the year, but I'm still stuck covering everything up just like usual.


  • littled1986
    littled1986 Posts: 101 Member
    I can relate, except I have the opposite problem. I just want my stomach to get flatter but the weight is coming off everywhere but my stomach! *sigh* it can't be helped. The fat comes off where it wants. All you can do is keep going. Strength training/lifting will help. Eventually you'll see the results you're looking for.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    Asking why you are built that way is kind of pointless... You just are! Focus on being the healthiest you can, and use your nice flat stomach to your advantage. Hey, no muffin top! I wouldn't mind that.
  • ladywanderlust
    ladywanderlust Posts: 7 Member
    How tall are you?

    I am 5'7 (and like 1/2)!

  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Are you taking measurements? You may still be losing a bit in those spots, just not enough to be noticeable as it is elsewhere.
  • Tlw83
    Tlw83 Posts: 37 Member
    Consider yourself lucky. My legs are too skinny for the rest of me.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I, too, have always had extra thick arms and legs. I decided the best I could do with that was to try for good muscle definition, so those areas would at least be large for a good and attractive reason rather than just ... amorphously thick. So far it is working well. The areas are just as big as before, but all the muscles can now be seen. Try lifting heavy and doing squats so that the muscles in those areas become visible.