FDA approved weight loss prescriptions



  • lannabelle
    lannabelle Posts: 85 Member
    Smallc10 wrote: »
    Here are Alli's side effect written out in layman's terms


    That might help you make a decision.

    Nearly died at the second last one. That was hilarious! :D
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    SBRRepeat wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Alpo even says if you are not above a certain BMI not to use their product. It has also been associated with liver disease. Not to mention the embarrassing leakage they warn you about. Not worth it.

    I know the fact that this says Alpo instead of Alli is just a typo, but that made me lol so hard at the idea of people eating cans of dog food for weight loss. I'm sure that diet would also cause... Leakage...

    Omg! I didn't even realize my phone had auto corrected it. Absolutely hilarious typo.
    jazzine1 wrote: »
    SBRRepeat wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Alpo even says if you are not above a certain BMI not to use their product. It has also been associated with liver disease. Not to mention the embarrassing leakage they warn you about. Not worth it.

    I know the fact that this says Alpo instead of Alli is just a typo, but that made me lol so hard at the idea of people eating cans of dog food for weight loss. I'm sure that diet would also cause... Leakage...

    lol yup I read Alpo and immediately did that head tilt thing dogs do. :D

    Hahaha. Autocorrect strikes again lol.

  • annavalente
    annavalente Posts: 119 Member
    Smallc10 wrote: »
    Here are Alli's side effect written out in layman's terms


    That might help you make a decision.

    Lol I nearly threw up my dinner :D
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    jessica wrote:
    Has anyone had any experience with FDA approved weight loss prescriptions?
    What are your thoughts on these? Has anyone had any success and are there any that you would recommend?
    For someone with only 35 lb to lose, no reputable doctor would prescribe anything.
    And most of the OTC stuff is ineffective at best.

    psulemon wrote:
    if any diet pill actually worked, then there would be a lot more skinny people.
    Most are short term solutions (like a few months). But in the end, you still need to learn how, what
    and how much you can eat to sustain your lifestyle.
    Yep. But for someone whose appetite is out of control, who is constantly hungry, a prescription
    _appetite_ _suppressant_ is a wonderful thing.

    I have used such a medicine, which controlled & reset my appetite so I could earn to be satisfied
    eating normal, healthy portions. It was short-term (several months), I was under the supervision of
    a doctor, and I started with 110 lb to lose.
    It was miraculous, in the same way that morphine is to someone with a kidney stone. (BTDT) Seriously,
    I went from being almost constantly hungry to being hungry if I hadn't eaten for maybe 6 hours, which
    my doctor tells me is what normal people feel.

    Hunger is a type of pain, but one we have to learn to deal with every day.
    And an appetite suppressant does just that, and nothing but that.
    It does not burn fat, it does not exercise, it only allows the patient not to be ravenous.

  • dolljirl
    dolljirl Posts: 3 Member
    Smallc10 wrote: »
    Here are Alli's side effect written out in layman's terms


    That might help you make a decision.

    I laughed so hard my stomach and sides now hurt.
  • arat1983
    arat1983 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been on Belviq for a month now. I've lost 12 pounds. Feel great. Not hungry. It's not a stimulant. It's meant to be taken long term (a year) so that you can make lifestyle changes that stick. It's been around for a couple of years so it's still fairly new. Must get an rx from a doctor. Highly recommend if you have an appetite problem and don't want to take stimulants. I'm easily able to be under 1,300/day with this medication. Good luck!
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    arat1983 wrote: »
    I've been on Belviq for a month now. I've lost 12 pounds. Feel great. Not hungry. It's not a stimulant. It's meant to be taken long term (a year) so that you can make lifestyle changes that stick. It's been around for a couple of years so it's still fairly new. Must get an rx from a doctor. Highly recommend if you have an appetite problem and don't want to take stimulants. I'm easily able to be under 1,300/day with this medication. Good luck!

    Really? You reccomend a prescription diet pill for someone who only has 35 lbs to to lose? No, just no.
  • DressedInDreams
    DressedInDreams Posts: 96 Member
    Smallc10 wrote: »
    Here are Alli's side effect written out in layman's terms


    That might help you make a decision.

    Omg hilarious. Thanks for sharing this gem.
  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    edited April 2015
    I was looking into Alli

    risk liver damage for weight loss?

    "Changes in your bowel function often occur because of the unabsorbed fat. Fatty/oily stool, oily spotting, intestinal gas with discharge, a feeling of needing to have a bowel movement right away, increased number of bowel movements, or poor bowel control may occur."



  • crazygooselady
    crazygooselady Posts: 76 Member
    I used Alli for a couple of months. My wallet weighed less, but I did not. Two things helped me. My kids got norovirus and gave it to me. I decided that it was the perfect time to start REALLY counting calories. I started MFP again, and weighed and counted and when in doubt, counted higher, giving myself an extra serving in my count if I was unsure. And...it has worked. At first
    I was so wiped from being sick that I could hardly exercise. I am learning how to eat small again, learning to like feeling hungry, not counting on exercise to get me to a calory zone so I don't feel hungry. Granted, I have learned it is good to do the exercising on weekends so that I can social eat with family and outings without major going over. But...the main thing is calories in...count them accurately. And learn to like the feeling hungry. If you are hungry some, you are doing it right.

    Pills....they haven't come up with one yet that doesn't also come with instructions like MFP....cut calories and move more. I would have been better off if I had just paid attention to that and thrown away the pills. There is no easy, quick way to get rid of weight that doesn't involve a lost limb or two.

    Please skip this stage that I went through and be inspired by success stories to count accurately.
  • jessicaschaible1
    I have Been cutting calories and moving more! Its frustrating that people say that like its just that simple. What happens when you do all the right things and the weight still doesn't come off? Also I am considered obese on the bmi scale. If I want to get technical I should be aiming to lose 50 pounds but I decided to start at 35 to make a more reachable goal instead of putting to much pressure on myself.
  • bulk_n_cut
    bulk_n_cut Posts: 389 Member
    • What happens when you do all the right things
    • weight still doesn't come off?

    pick one.
    doing everything right will make it come off
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited April 2015
    I have Been cutting calories and moving more! Its frustrating that people say that like its just that simple. What happens when you do all the right things and the weight still doesn't come off? Also I am considered obese on the bmi scale. If I want to get technical I should be aiming to lose 50 pounds but I decided to start at 35 to make a more reachable goal instead of putting to much pressure on myself.

    Do you do all the right things? Two words: Food scale. Took me forever to do that one.

    And it's not that simple. If you really break it down, 'eat less, move more' takes time, discipline, and patience.

    Let's not even get INTO the realization that the progress will NOT be linear. That one threw me REAL hard for a while. What helps is using more than one way of measuring your progress. I started the 30 day shred earlier this month. I haven't really lost anything, but my clothes fit better and I will be measuring my inches later this week.

    Give that a try. Remember, you didn't put it on in a day, so it's not going to leave in a day.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I have Been cutting calories and moving more! Its frustrating that people say that like its just that simple. What happens when you do all the right things and the weight still doesn't come off? Also I am considered obese on the bmi scale. If I want to get technical I should be aiming to lose 50 pounds but I decided to start at 35 to make a more reachable goal instead of putting to much pressure on myself.
    The big question is, what are you actually doing? Most people think eating more fruit/veggies and whole food = doing right but what is really the biggest driver is the # of calories.

  • Rdy2feelbetter
    Rdy2feelbetter Posts: 2 Member
    arat1983 wrote: »
    I've been on Belviq for a month now. I've lost 12 pounds. Feel great. Not hungry. It's not a stimulant. It's meant to be taken long term (a year) so that you can make lifestyle changes that stick. It's been around for a couple of years so it's still fairly new. Must get an rx from a doctor. Highly recommend if you have an appetite problem and don't want to take stimulants. I'm easily able to be under 1,300/day with this medication. Good luck!

    I have been on Belviq for a week, which I know isn't long, but so far it has helped me to not be so hungry, and I haven't had any side effects as of right now. I really hope that this will help me.
  • heatherbrazilmiller
    Jessica, have you ever heard of Shakeology? It is an all natural, nutrient dense meal replacement shake! It can help you gain energy, lower junk and sugar cravings, boost your immune system and digention and loose weight...just to name a few!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Jessica, have you ever heard of Shakeology? It is an all natural, nutrient dense meal replacement shake! It can help you gain energy, lower junk and sugar cravings, boost your immune system and digention and loose weight...just to name a few!

    Please can you support these claims. kkthx.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have Been cutting calories and moving more! Its frustrating that people say that like its just that simple. What happens when you do all the right things and the weight still doesn't come off? Also I am considered obese on the bmi scale. If I want to get technical I should be aiming to lose 50 pounds but I decided to start at 35 to make a more reachable goal instead of putting to much pressure on myself.

    Well, if the weight doesn't come off then you have an underlying medical issue or you are unintentionally eating more than you realize. This happens when you overestimate calories in and underestimate calories out.

    Do you weigh your food and log everything you eat?

    Do you ensure you are using correct food entries by reading packages and doing your own research?

    If you exercise and eat your exercise calories back, where do you get your estimates from?

    Open your diary and we can give more concrete advice.

    You only have 35 pounds to lose, it's not that much. Please do not take a diet pill for this.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Jessica, have you ever heard of Shakeology? It is an all natural, nutrient dense meal replacement shake! It can help you gain energy, lower junk and sugar cravings, boost your immune system and digention and loose weight...just to name a few!

    Shakeology is not all natural, it's processed. Also, there is need to replace meals either to lose weight. The only requirement to lose weight is to eat less calories than you burn. The benefits you name come from food as well.