What motivates you the most to lose the weight?



  • nicolet944
    for me it is so i will feel more confident in myself. Also so i can chase after my godson and not run out of breath.
  • SmellyHippy
    SmellyHippy Posts: 47 Member
    Losing weight motivates me to lose more weight. The way I feel, the way I look, the things I can do now.
    This. So much this. At first I had very little motivation and it took me several "i'm gonna start dieting next monday" moments to really begin. Now that I've begun, its very self-reinforcing. The better I look and feel the more I desire to look better and feel better (and ofcourse healthier).
  • LovingMychelle
    LovingMychelle Posts: 5 Member
    My main motivation is son I want to be here to take care of him and not the other way around!!! Both patents are diabetic and I don't want to have that issue!!! I want the healthy girl that's been in me forever to come out and live life!!! I want to shop with no worry of size!!!
  • LovingMychelle
    LovingMychelle Posts: 5 Member
    My main motivation is son I want to be here to take care of him and not the other way around!!! Both patents are diabetic and I don't want to have that issue!!! I want the healthy girl that's been in me forever to come out and live life!!! I want to shop with no worry of size!!!