APRIL 2015 - MOVE Challenge



  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,815 Member
    Great News Jessian.... <3

    EVERYONE is doing GREAT! :)

    THIS LOG is for APRIL 16th.....Walked early morn (before the rain) with girls 1.5 Miles..
    Then off on a shopping trip and movies... Shops walking 2.25 Miles....

    58.25 WALKING miles as of April 16th
    STILL only 19.2 Exercise Bike Miles...

  • ASN2615
    ASN2615 Posts: 50 Member
    Yesterdays Total: 7.71 Miles
    April Total: 117.38
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,502 Member
    edited April 2015
    Machka9 wrote: »
    12 Sun - 11.7 km walking

    We were going to go canoeing now that we have our canoe out of storage, but the wind kicked up and there must have been a storm in the Southern Ocean because there was quite a bit of swell. Instead, we opted to go for a hike.

    On the hike. We walked from home to the beach in the second photo (not far) and then up the cliff and more or less along the cliff top ... and back.

    That's me at a lookout.



    And now ... a new weekend is upon us. :)

  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Guys!! Guess what?? Somebody already told you, didn't they? It's Friday! One moment while I perform my happy dance...

    Ok I'm good. :D

    QueenE, you're really doing a great job. Don't get down on yourself for sure, but if lowering your goal helps, go for it. Just keep moving, girl!

    Santiago, fyi... You are putting a good ole fashioned whooping on some of us! :p

    Machka, once again I'm just a teeeeny bit envious of your locale.

    56.17 total miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,815 Member
    jesiann you are a burst of cheer! :)

    machka you have made me SMILE! I LOVE YOUR PHOTOS! Yes I'm a bit envious too.... >:)

    Dreary, cloudy BUT NO RAIN. I got out and walked. I then worked in the yard. Even planted a Grape Tomato plant and an Eggplant... :)

    Total miles TODAY ....3.75....

    TOTAL MILES THUS FAR APRIL 17TH....................
    ..............62.0 WALKING miles as of April 16th....
    ..............STILL only 19.2 Exercise Bike Miles.......
  • _QueenE_
    _QueenE_ Posts: 459 Member
    Thank you. :)
  • Dred_855
    Dred_855 Posts: 31 Member
    So, 11 days of flu later and I'm back in the saddle. Didn't log, didn't exercise, gained a couple pounds (probably water from increased salt intake).

    4-17-15 = Biked 42 miles :)

    April total = 62 miles
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    Hello again oh super-active ones. Haven't been able to log as much as I would like to because of very active travelling arrangements, but after having been chased (very persistently) by @ddmom0811 this is my logging since the 5th of Apr (I think)
    • Date Run (K) Cycle (K)
      07-Apr 6.2
      09-Apr 22
      10-Apr 6.4
      11-Apr 9.6
      12-Apr 6.4 16.8
      13-Apr 3.2
      15-Apr 5
      17-Apr 4
      19-Apr 9.7
    Total mileage for the month: 111.1

  • ASN2615
    ASN2615 Posts: 50 Member
    Yesterdays Total: 8.44 Miles
    April Total: 118.11

    It's going to be a beautiful weekend in Chicago and I plan to take full advantage!! Have a great weekend, everyone ☺
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,815 Member
    Dred...FLU this far up into Spring? I do not envy you BUT HAPPY YOU'RE ON THE MEND!

    Today extremely busy day. did doggie walk, shopping walk, gardening walk....
    Total miles today 6.0

    TOTAL MILES THUS FAR APRIL 18TH....................

    ................................68.0 WALKING miles .......
    ..............STILL only 19.2 Exercise Bike Miles.......
  • jahmanrv
    jahmanrv Posts: 102 Member
    Have not been doing my cardio. Just have not been feeling great. Did get walking in today though, just not as much as I would have liked.

    4/18 3.8 walking
    Total: 37.70
  • _QueenE_
    _QueenE_ Posts: 459 Member
    edited April 2015
    2 miles yesterday, 6 miles today of walking (that was fun!!!)

    43 miles done, 57 to go.
  • sculptcha
    sculptcha Posts: 163 Member
    kinda got lazy on checking in the last week or so. a little behind, but still on track to meet my goals. biked 14 miles today, and have been walking and running at least 3 miles most days since the beginning of the month.


  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    19-Apr: 4K run - 20K cycle - 3.2K stumble
    Total miles for April: 128

  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,815 Member
    Wowwwwwwwwwww.....doing great...everyone doing GREAT! you know I Miss the little Star signs they use too have under the smilies...:(

    Sunday and RAIN...MUCH RAIN. It may end up being a 'rest day.'
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    Need to complete most of my challenge next week before I am off to Las Vegas for a couple of days, where I will already lose 2 days by just being on a plane ... But the hotel does have a gym (or two) at least
  • ASN2615
    ASN2615 Posts: 50 Member
    Yesterdays Total: 6.32 Miles
    April Total: 123.70

    Happy Sunday!!
  • jahmanrv
    jahmanrv Posts: 102 Member
    I have got to snap out of this lazy mood I'm in. Totally am not pushing myself like I know I can.
    4/19 2.45 walking
    Total: 40.15
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,502 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    jeanniewes wrote: »
    Would love everyone too reach at least 100 miles in at least ONE particular exercise BUT it is not necessary. You can still combine them ....


    01 Wed - 3.7 km walking
    02 Thurs - 1.8 km walking
    03 Fri - 8.5 km walking + 40.52 km cycling
    04 Sat - 3.8 km walking + 35.23 km cycling
    05 Sun - 0 km walking + 40.11 km cycling
    06 Mon - 2.4 km walking
    07 Tues - 1.5 km walking
    08 Wed -

    Sub-total: 21.7 km walking (13.5 miles) + 115.86 km cycling (72 miles)

    Our long, long Easter holiday gave my husband and me the chance to cycle in old familiar territory ... where we used to live. :) Miss that place!! And down here, the leaves are turned colour but there is still a lingering warmth. It's autumn. :)

    08 Wed - 7.14 km walking
    09 Thurs - 5.4 km walking
    10 Fri -

    Sub-total: 34.24 km walking (21.3 miles) + 115.86 km cycling (72 miles)

    Back to chilly Tasmania. Seems like winter has already started here.

    10 Fri - 5 km walking
    11 Sat - 82.67 km cycling :grin:

    Sub-total: 39.24 km walking (24.4 miles) + 198.53 km cycling (123 miles)

    Overcast, a bit windy with a high today reaching a chilly 15C (that's 60F or somewhere around there I think).

    On my ride yesterday ... :)


    12 Sun - 11.7 km walking

    Sub-total: 50.94 km walking (31.6 miles) + 198.53 km cycling (123 miles)

    We were going to go canoeing now that we have our canoe out of storage, but the wind kicked up and there must have been a storm in the Southern Ocean because there was quite a bit of swell. Instead, we opted to go for a hike.

    13 Mon - 4.2 km walking
    14 Tues - 4 km walking

    Sub-total: 59.14 km walking (36.7 miles) + 198.53 km cycling (123 miles)

    15 Wed - 3.1 km walking
    16 Thurs - 4.4 km walking
    17 Fri - 3.2 km walking
    18 Sat - 92.32 km cycling
    19 Sun - 19.05 km cycling

    Sub-total: 69.84 km walking (43.4 miles) + 309.9 km (192.56 miles)

    Saturday's ride was a tough one that included hills, wind, more wind, continued wind, a sudden weather change from reasonably warm to freezing cold and rainy ... the wind swung around to be a full-on headwind just then ... and because I had twisted my ankle shortly before the ride, it was giving me some trouble the hill/wind combos where I was really pushing.

    Sunday's ride was a walk-in-the-park by comparison.

    Great scenery both days.

  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    20-Apr: 8K "Recovery" run, which again proved I am rubbish at pacing myself
    Total miles for April: 133 miles
  • Rigi8
    Rigi8 Posts: 128 Member
    Wow I love reading these posts - such a varied amount of lifestyles and locations, it makes mine seem quite dull in comparison. But I did go for a lovely walk on Saturday, completely tiring out our 11 year old Labrador. Pretty happy with my total so far, looks like target will definitely be within reach.


  • ASN2615
    ASN2615 Posts: 50 Member
    Yesterdays Total: 5.24 Miles
    April Total: 128.94

    My goal was 150 miles, but now I'm going to try for 200 miles!

    Happy Monday, everyone!!
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Hey Hey HEY! Indeed it is a Happy Monday, Satiago! Dred, the flu??? ugh... That seriously bites, but glad to hear you are getting back into the swing of things. Rigi, you may be boring but sister, but just imagine if you were SQUARE! Like me. :D HA! Iofred, I wondered where you had gone off to. A little bit of everywhere, huh? Good to see you're back. Your sense of humor cracks me up. :#

    Jeannie! Girl, we need to catch up. We too have gotten SO MUCH RAIN... Geez, my yard is a lake! But even so, I managed to do quite well this weekend. Well... Not compared to some of the other guys but... Pretty groovy for me.

    67.72 total miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,815 Member
    edited April 2015
    I love reading all the posts as well... :)

    iofred be careful, have fun and do not forget too get some sort of EXERCISE!

    You guys are doing GREAT and NO ONE is BORING!

    no walk for us yesterday. Yes, jesiann more rain. I hope it stops. As you know we will be going Turkey Hunting/camping soon. I don't like doing that in WET WEATHER!

    a BIT cooler here but still nice. Girls and I walked today. I also have done some around the yard walking, planting, yard work etc. total miles for me today 4.25 Miles....

    ................................72.25 WALKING miles .......
    ..............STILL only 19.2 Exercise Bike Miles.......

  • _QueenE_
    _QueenE_ Posts: 459 Member
    I haven't done much the last two days. Still at 35 miles down with 65 to go.
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    Not much happening, Rain Sunday, cold and misty rain yesterday, same ole crap today with gusts to 45 mph. Hopefully it will clear up soon!!
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,815 Member
    I love your Avatar Steve! :)
    Hope the weather clears for you soon. Seems we've all had our share of RAIN... Guess I will not complain as California is in a bad drought... I DO LOVE THE SUNSHINE though... :)

  • ASN2615
    ASN2615 Posts: 50 Member
    Yesterdays Total: 5.71 Miles
    April Total: 134.66 Miles
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    My goodness, guys! What a beautiful Spring morning here in south central Louisiana! A lovely 55 degrees promised to warm up into the low 80's. I mean seriously, what more could a girl possibly ask for??
    Oh oh, how about this?

    Yes, this was my cup of joy that started my day.

    72.43 total miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,815 Member
    WOW does that look ever so YUMMY! :)

    Such a busy busy day. Managed 1.75 Mile walk with my girls. I then had too mow the lawn with a push mower. That gave me another 2.5 Miles and yes I walked very fast...great work out! Total miles 4.25 miles today...
    My poor exercise bike is not getting any work out. Just too tired by days end with all the outside goings on. I LOVE warmer weather. :)

    ...........................76.50 WALKING miles .......
    ..........STILL only 19.2 Exercise Bike Miles.......

    Not gonna have computer access for awhile. jesiann WILL START A NEW MAY MOVE CHALLENGE on April 30th so follow the link..... EVERYONE BE BLESSED!