Been Trying Alone--Now Looking for Support!

Hey all! I've been trying to lose about 15-20 pounds in the last couple of years, but I've only managed to gain more weight (though I'm hoping some has been muscle). I understand what I need to do to be successful at losing weight and my gym and grocery store are literally across the street from my apartment, yet I'm not consistent and after about 1-2 weeks of being great at logging everything and sticking to my stats, I give in (because I haven't magically lost 5 pounds in a week :s ) and eat whatever I want and don't log it. Then because I did it one day, the whole week is a wash. Then the whole month. Eventually I'm not even trying anymore until I'm suddenly motivated again to lose weight and the whole cycle starts over. What I've realized is that I've been trying to do everything on my own and haven't been successful.

What I'm looking for is someone to talk to daily about my progress and also to help support if you're looking for that too. I'm great at supporting other people, just not myself for long periods of time.

If your interested, here's a little bit about me:

-26 (almost 27)
-Current weight: 157ish
-Goal weight: 130/whatever weight makes my tummy go away
-Career: Software developer (i.e. I sit at a desk 8-10 hours a day)
-Married as of last September :love:
-Gym habit: I only go to the gym when I have my personal training sessions which is twice a week; mostly weight training
-Home habit: Generally lying down on a couch watching TV

Please let me know if you're interested in helping to support me!


  • arymisjay12
    arymisjay12 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello....omg its somewhat amazing we have the same story!!! I have gone throught that cycle so many times. To the point i was scared to start again. But I am and i also am looking for support. Our body types i could imagine is different I am
    - Age:19 years old
    - Height: 5'0 tall
    - weight:147 ish
    - Im a part time server and full time student
    Thinking about joining a gym but ive always done wrkout dvds.and am not currently starting T25
    - And when im home all i want to do is lay in bed and relax
    - my goal weight is about 125
    Hope we can support eachother
  • slamirault
    slamirault Posts: 12 Member
    I hope so too! :smile:
  • egwake13
    egwake13 Posts: 33 Member
    Hey all! I'd be happy to help support you. I'm also looking for fellow MFP users to help support and motivate me. I've been a member for YEARS and I've only gained weight. I would lose some and then fall off the wagon and then gain it all back and then some. Just this past year I've gained almost 20 pounds!

    I'm 28 years old, 5'4, weight: 205 (would like to weigh 140ish). I just started working out, which I do about 2-3 days a week (mostly a zumba-type class). I got married about 1.5 years ago. My job is mostly sedentary, and I love to lay around and watch netflix (and eat!).

    My downfall is my lack of will power. I love baking and cooking and junk food and I just can't stop myself. Or I make excuses to justify my poor eating (my friends/coworkers are eating this, I worked out today, I've had a bad day so I deserve this treat, etc). I'm hoping if I can find friends who will read my diary, that will help keep me on track!

    Let's do this!
  • slamirault
    slamirault Posts: 12 Member
    That definitely sounds like my situation. I love baking (though I'm no expert), especially mini-cupcakes! I love making mini ones since they're adorable and you can actually have 2 or 3 since that pretty much equals a whole regular cupcake with even less frosting. When I do make them, I always make them for my co-workers (and only keep a couple) so that I can have my fun making them and eat a small amount, but in the end, the majority get eaten by other people. And since they're mini, they also don't feel guilty about grabbing one!
  • P90xMandy
    P90xMandy Posts: 22 Member
    Hi all, found this thread and can so relate- there are two things I really wanna do: lose weight and stop smoking and with both, I have started full of good intentions countless times, only to fall off the wagon.

    I am not promising myself that I will be a supermodel in 3 months, or whatever other unrealistic goals I usually set, just wanna decide commit and succeed.

    I am 5'5", weight around 205 pounds ( haven't weighed myself for 3 months or so) I work a very busy job as an accountant and have two lovely children and I am a single parent, please add me lets motivate each other...
  • Same store hope to be motivated
  • drmarmareka
    drmarmareka Posts: 14 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi everyone,
    I've been struggling too with loosing weight with everyday stress, but I've been lectured by a physician specialized in Therapeutic Nutrition and she focused on some points:
    1.unstable life style( gaining and loosing weight) may leads to irritable release of Leptin and Ghrelin Hormones which control hunger and satiety, this leads to increase in weight .
    2. gaining weights enlarge fat cells at the beginning, then these fat cells undergo cell division, this means they increased in numbers and become endocrine glands which release substances leads to increase in blood pressure and blood sugar,so when you loosing weight the divided fat cells loose their content but they are Still There, and are ready to be filled quickly if you screw your diet!
    3. Motivation internally and externally is very important to keep you on track.
    4. You have to differentiate between Real Hunger / Emotional Hunger (due to lack of something in your life) .
    5. Dig inside yourself to find the missing part in your life and try to complete it or keep your mind busy with something you like rather than food.
    6. Try to exceed your exercise time more than 20 mins. so as to start burning stored fat.
    7. Don't weight yourself everyday so as to avoid being stressed which leads to sodium/water retention--- increase in weight again .
    Thank you.
  • sharmindastoor
    sharmindastoor Posts: 6 Member
    Hi...I am new here and don't have any friends... My goal is to lose 40 pounds... I am a female 22yrs old... Would love to have friends to motivate me..
  • tapo04
    tapo04 Posts: 2 Member
    I am Not new to MFP but I new to community. I have no "friends" on the ap to encourage me or vice versa. Last year Jan 2014- Dec 14, I lost 49 pounds. This year so far nothing, I bounce back and fourth between gaining and losing the same ten pounds and making no progress. I am very discouraged and I find that makes it very hard to keep up with my meal planning and tracking. I feel alone and I would really like to make friends with some people in the weight loss community.

  • uniquechic
    uniquechic Posts: 19 Member
    Hey, Id love some support also. Ive been trying to lose weight for years but keep getting bigger. Im 5'3 and currently 148 lbs, I wanna get down to 126 by october but time seems to slip by and I make no progress!