Losing weight with Hashimotos thyroiditis?



  • lenica
    lenica Posts: 14 Member
    Icoza87 wrote: »
    This is not weight loss related... I'm very newly diagnosed hypo (2 months ago)... and I just got another test back .. Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody at 234 (range <35) which my googling tells me is an indicator of Hashis... So far I've only seen my regular doc... do you guys suggest I look at seeing an endocrinologist? She never mentioned anything about it, but so far she's only talked about getting my TSH into the "normal" range (.4 - 4) I'm down to 6.04 from 10.81 and not feeling much different. She just bumped me from 100mcg of levo to 112mcg.

    The Dr will take you down slowly. You will not begin to feel well until you get to .4 _ 2 range. Also, I found in my case that if I take generic recognitions I still feel terrible. When I switched to Synthroid I became a different person. I had more energy, no depression, no anxiety/panic attacks.

    Every person reacts differently. Talk to your Dr about your plan. Make a list of notes so that you are prepared for your next visit.

    It will get better. But it does not happen over night.
  • lenica
    lenica Posts: 14 Member
    My name is Lenica. I have hypothyroidism. I have had it for years but only in the last year have I began to feel better. I have put on approx 85 lbs. However, I felt so bad and had no energy that I ate crap you get in a drive thru and never did any exercise. I existed.

    It wasn't till the last year that I went back to my Dr and said my levels say normal but I still feel terrible. Levothyroxine is not working. My mom used to say the same. My Dr advised me that some women do not respond to generic forms. He changed me to Synthroid. My life has changed. I am feeling better. My T4 needs to be at 1 range. Now I feel better and have began to try and lose weight and get my life back.

    I go back for new check next week. I get checked every 3 months.

    The one thing I have noticed is that it may take 2 weeks for the scale to move. I am trying to lose 2 lbs a week. However, it seems like one week I lose 4 lb and the next week nothing. Then I repeat and lose 4. Does that happen to anyone else?
  • europeanfitgirl
    europeanfitgirl Posts: 5 Member
    I have this as well and i have the same issue and I track all my food and do 30 min of cardio and 30 min of weights a day. I eat clean and try eating gluten free if that doesnt help talk to your doctor and go on facebook and like thyroid sexy it had so much stuff that has helped me. Idk if im the only one but it gives me anxiety as well. Im glad you put up this post. Add me if you want. Support the thyroid struggle lol.
  • sharmindastoor
    sharmindastoor Posts: 6 Member
    Hi...I am new here and don't have any friends... My goal is to lose 40 pounds... I am a female 22yrs old with hypothyroid... Would love to have friends to motivate me..
  • Lynz_Bruce
    Lynz_Bruce Posts: 7 Member
    lenica wrote: »

    The one thing I have noticed is that it may take 2 weeks for the scale to move. I am trying to lose 2 lbs a week. However, it seems like one week I lose 4 lb and the next week nothing. Then I repeat and lose 4. Does that happen to anyone else?

    Yes, I deal with the same thing.

  • Does anyone use Naturethroid AND cytomel? I know it has the T4 and T3 but is anyone adding a little more T3 with cytomel?
  • RobynP1976
    RobynP1976 Posts: 7 Member
    Lynz_Bruce wrote: »
    Does anyone on here have hashimotos diease?

    " Hashimotos is an autoimmune disease in which the thyroid gland is attacked by a variety of cell- and antibody-mediated immune processes, causing primary hypothyroidism"

    I find it very difficult to loose weight because of this, even with a healthy diet and lots of exercise. I take medication (synthroid) but it doesn't seem to help with my metabolism. I guess my question is- if anyone has this, what are you doing to loose weight? What's your advice?

  • RobynP1976
    RobynP1976 Posts: 7 Member
    I have a lot of friends that are using a Health and Wellness program called Plexus and there are numerous testimonies about how the Plexus products have help with their Hashimoto's thyroid issues. I used the weight loss products they have for a while and it is a good program I would probably still be on it if my doctor didn't decide I need gastric bypass surgery. Just Google Plexus and then search on the page for Hasimoto's testimonies.