Since thick is in, should I stay at 145 on my 5'2 frame



  • vividii
    vividii Posts: 29 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I'm not really offended. But I guess she didn't really ask for opinions on her body. I don't know.

    I don't think she asked for an opinion either. She replied to someone's request to see what she looked like. She looks fine to me and she said she likes where she's at. But, I guess anything you post is subject to comments.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    vividii wrote: »
    Daiako wrote: »
    angellll12 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    angellll12 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    angellll12 wrote: »
    MissKriss3 wrote: »
    angellll12 wrote: »
    MissKriss3 wrote: »
    I'm extremely confident weighing 174# at 5'1". Thanks to strength training. #thickchick

    Do you have pictures? I'd like to see how that looks .

    See, I like the way your waist is small and your hips and butt pop. You don't even look 175, esp being only 5'1. Good work.

    I'm going to waist train, this belly ruins everything.

    Waist train???

    Yeah apparently it works I was skeptical but a lot of girls are getting results.
    I want a belly gone, and just tone up my arms. I like everything else.

    You can't spot reduce, just a heads up. I don't think the girls are getting results in the way you think. You're talking about corsets, right? That's a temporary thing and if done excessively, can lead to a lot of problems.

    So it's either I have a fat belly or no boobs. Dang.

    There's always implants.

    That's my plan anyway.

    I've seen this advice in other places but I don't understand: why lose weight to get 'healthier' to then risk your health through surgery to get implants, when you had breasts to begin with?

    for the original poster; you could try to lose the extra 10lbs, If you don't like how that looks, it won't be hard to gain 10lbs back.

    People do not lose weight only for health reasons, otherwise there would be no-one trying to lose those last '10 vanity pounds'. The risks of breast augmentation surgery on health are minimal. The risks of being significantly overweight are not.

    You may have had breasts to begin with, but you may also prefer them larger/differently shaped. When you get lean, your breasts often decrease in size significantly.

    Mental health is important also.
  • Childfree1991
    Childfree1991 Posts: 145 Member
    edited April 2015
    Please someone show me a person with a BMI of 24 who looks anorexic.

    My BMI was 24.9 here. Clearly I look nowhere near anorexic, but I don't look approaching overweight either. Imagine what I'd look like at a BMI of 20?

    image hosting over 10mb

    You would look fine at a BMI of 20 too. My BMI is 20 and I'm lean (profile pic). It also depends on body fat.
  • scb515
    scb515 Posts: 133 Member
    Personally, I'm maintaining at a BMI of 25 rather than 20 because I don't think I could lose any more weight and have it look good without either a) surgery or b) lifting weights. And I don't fancy doing a) or b).

    As long as you're a healthy weight for your height and build, maintain at what feels right for you. Healthy is quite a wide range.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    angellll12 wrote: »
    I rather have some fat then be skinny with small breast, it's not womanly since we're being honest. I don't mind a little stomach, I'll probably go down to 130 and stop there and just workout to maintain and be healthy, I can look hot still without looking like I try so hard at the gym.
    Lexicpt wrote: »
    At least my 38A's won't be down to my knees in 20 years. I'll take that over being "womanly" anyday.

    Both of your statements make me sick. What is wrong with people who think like you and who do this to other women?? Don't we already have it bad enough that guys are constantly objectifying us and telling us our boobs have to be this way, our butts have to be that way, and so on? Do we really have to do it to each other as well??

    There isn't a quota of sexiness, that different body types need to fight each other for the rights to.

    Like... 80% of this thread is women trying to tell other women they are "doing it wrong". Please stop throwing shade all around.

    THANK YOU! Who the F is anyone to tell someone else that her smaller/bigger breasts are better than the other woman's bigger/smaller breasts? GTFO of here, please, for the love of Zeus.

    Yes! I couldn't agree more with this. I am a curvy build which I base on my waist/hip ratio....BUT I don't have large breasts by any means (34C...34B after weight loss not that it matters.) I have actually been told that I am not curvy because my breasts aren't large even.

    There is too much judgment out there...and unfortunately I find that much of it DOES come from other women. We should be building each other up (especially in a fitness and weight loss community) rather then telling one another that our boobs or butts are better then theirs. We're all built differently...that's what makes it interesting :smile:

    Men MAY objectify at times due to their acute visual senses...but I find that men (especially with a woman they care about) are much more forgiving in thinking that a woman's body (perceived flaws and all) is beautiful.

    Hear hear... I mostly have male friends because I find them to be less catty and pointlessly critical than most women, but I still try to take care of my fellow women because I believe that much of inter-woman shaming is a product of patriarchal culture pitting us against each other, whether we realize it or not... but that's a topic for another day, lol...

    I'm disappointed, again. This time because of seeing stuff like the bolded (because of the bolded/italics). I know a lot of awesome women. In fact, very few of the women I am friends with are pointlessly critical or catty. I think if people know people like that, they should make new friends.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I think a person's weight is highly personal and it's just a number. The "correct" weight is one that results in a sense of well-being, stamina, and personal satisfaction. I'm 5'1" and my current 105 is that weight for me.
  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    people said I looked my best when I was 145pds. I'm 5'3 and a friend of mine visiting from Costa Rica said he was gonna take me back with him so I could make money being a prostitute! I didn't know how to take that, so it has to be a compliment. Guys love a little meat on the bones!
  • angellll12
    angellll12 Posts: 296 Member
    scb515 wrote: »
    Personally, I'm maintaining at a BMI of 25 rather than 20 because I don't think I could lose any more weight and have it look good without either a) surgery or b) lifting weights. And I don't fancy doing a) or b).

    As long as you're a healthy weight for your height and build, maintain at what feels right for you. Healthy is quite a wide range.

    Exactly how I'm feeling. I think I'll need surgery if I go smaller then 130. I'll see as I go. I also hate lifting weights omg, I hate it, I do them but I'm so miserable in the process I'm like a crazy lady lol. And to think I'll have to do this for the rest of my life, lord. And what's even more frustrating, I'm going to lose all this weight and then in a couple years very soon I'm gonna need to push out kids. I should've started earlier # regrets. Rant done.

  • angellll12
    angellll12 Posts: 296 Member
    edited April 2015
    people said I looked my best when I was 145pds. I'm 5'3 and a friend of mine visiting from Costa Rica said he was gonna take me back with him so I could make money being a prostitute! I didn't know how to take that, so it has to be a compliment. Guys love a little meat on the bones!

    I thought my face looked better at 150, when I look at pictures. Looked more youthful even tho I'm still in my 20s. Now My nose looks larger LOL. Oh and my feel got smaller too, didn't even know that was possible.
  • Ninjatio
    Ninjatio Posts: 19 Member
    MissKriss3 wrote: »
    I'm extremely confident weighing 174# at 5'1". Thanks to strength training. #thickchick

  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Please someone show me a person with a BMI of 24 who looks anorexic.

    My BMI was 24.9 here. Clearly I look nowhere near anorexic, but I don't look approaching overweight either. Imagine what I'd look like at a BMI of 20?

    image hosting over 10mb

    You would look fine at a BMI of 20 too. My BMI is 20 and I'm lean (profile pic). It also depends on body fat.

    My face starts to look gaunt if I drop below this weight. I think I lost a little bit more after this photo and people were commenting how thin my face was. I'm 37 now and I don't want to look older :(
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    angellll12 wrote: »
    scb515 wrote: »
    Personally, I'm maintaining at a BMI of 25 rather than 20 because I don't think I could lose any more weight and have it look good without either a) surgery or b) lifting weights. And I don't fancy doing a) or b).

    As long as you're a healthy weight for your height and build, maintain at what feels right for you. Healthy is quite a wide range.

    Exactly how I'm feeling. I think I'll need surgery if I go smaller then 130. I'll see as I go. I also hate lifting weights omg, I hate it, I do them but I'm so miserable in the process I'm like a crazy lady lol. And to think I'll have to do this for the rest of my life, lord. And what's even more frustrating, I'm going to lose all this weight and then in a couple years very soon I'm gonna need to push out kids. I should've started earlier # regrets. Rant done.

    There is nothing that says you are going to 'need' to push out kids. I don't have kids and I don't plan on having kids(of course what you plan and what takes place isn't always similar).

    After reading all that I have read, I hope it is more than a 'couple years' before you 'push out kids'. Get your head on straight. Become like those women you admire and become proud of your body and stop giving so much thought to what other people think about how you look.
    Realize that you can still lift weights/exercise while pregnant and you shouldn't use being pregnant as an excuse to 'let yourself go' and eat whatever.
  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited April 2015
    Please someone show me a person with a BMI of 24 who looks anorexic.

    My BMI was 24.9 here. Clearly I look nowhere near anorexic, but I don't look approaching overweight either. Imagine what I'd look like at a BMI of 20?

    image hosting over 10mb

    You would look fine at a BMI of 20 too. My BMI is 20 and I'm lean (profile pic). It also depends on body fat.

    My face starts to look gaunt if I drop below this weight. I think I lost a little bit more after this photo and people were commenting how thin my face was. I'm 37 now and I don't want to look older :(

    It does also take time for people to adjust to your new, lower weight. I got a lot of criticism masked as compliments when I started transitioning into maintenance. It's part of the process though so you take the good with the bad. For me personally, when my bmi got down to 18.9, that's when I began to feel uncomfortable/knew I was too low. I gained a few pounds back and found my perfect spot at a bmi of around 19.4 (what I am today/in my profile picture). Everyone will have a different comfort level/preference on how they look and as long as they're a healthy weight it's all good (and I'll be 37 yrs old this year, also a mom of three kiddos :) ).
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    angellll12 wrote: »
    I rather have some fat then be skinny with small breast, it's not womanly since we're being honest. I don't mind a little stomach, I'll probably go down to 130 and stop there and just workout to maintain and be healthy, I can look hot still without looking like I try so hard at the gym.
    Lexicpt wrote: »
    At least my 38A's won't be down to my knees in 20 years. I'll take that over being "womanly" anyday.

    Both of your statements make me sick. What is wrong with people who think like you and who do this to other women?? Don't we already have it bad enough that guys are constantly objectifying us and telling us our boobs have to be this way, our butts have to be that way, and so on? Do we really have to do it to each other as well??

    There isn't a quota of sexiness, that different body types need to fight each other for the rights to.

    Like... 80% of this thread is women trying to tell other women they are "doing it wrong". Please stop throwing shade all around.

    THANK YOU! Who the F is anyone to tell someone else that her smaller/bigger breasts are better than the other woman's bigger/smaller breasts? GTFO of here, please, for the love of Zeus.

    Yes! I couldn't agree more with this. I am a curvy build which I base on my waist/hip ratio....BUT I don't have large breasts by any means (34C...34B after weight loss not that it matters.) I have actually been told that I am not curvy because my breasts aren't large even.

    There is too much judgment out there...and unfortunately I find that much of it DOES come from other women. We should be building each other up (especially in a fitness and weight loss community) rather then telling one another that our boobs or butts are better then theirs. We're all built differently...that's what makes it interesting :smile:

    Men MAY objectify at times due to their acute visual senses...but I find that men (especially with a woman they care about) are much more forgiving in thinking that a woman's body (perceived flaws and all) is beautiful.

    Hear hear... I mostly have male friends because I find them to be less catty and pointlessly critical than most women, but I still try to take care of my fellow women because I believe that much of inter-woman shaming is a product of patriarchal culture pitting us against each other, whether we realize it or not... but that's a topic for another day, lol...

    I'm disappointed, again. This time because of seeing stuff like the bolded (because of the bolded/italics). I know a lot of awesome women. In fact, very few of the women I am friends with are pointlessly critical or catty. I think if people know people like that, they should make new friends.

    I agree. I hate the "I don't have female friends, they are so catty!" BS. Guys never say they don't have male friends because they've met so many *kitten*, and you know you cant throw a rock without hitting one of those.
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    angellll12 wrote: »
    I rather have some fat then be skinny with small breast, it's not womanly since we're being honest. I don't mind a little stomach, I'll probably go down to 130 and stop there and just workout to maintain and be healthy, I can look hot still without looking like I try so hard at the gym.
    Lexicpt wrote: »
    At least my 38A's won't be down to my knees in 20 years. I'll take that over being "womanly" anyday.

    Both of your statements make me sick. What is wrong with people who think like you and who do this to other women?? Don't we already have it bad enough that guys are constantly objectifying us and telling us our boobs have to be this way, our butts have to be that way, and so on? Do we really have to do it to each other as well??

    There isn't a quota of sexiness, that different body types need to fight each other for the rights to.

    Like... 80% of this thread is women trying to tell other women they are "doing it wrong". Please stop throwing shade all around.

    THANK YOU! Who the F is anyone to tell someone else that her smaller/bigger breasts are better than the other woman's bigger/smaller breasts? GTFO of here, please, for the love of Zeus.

    Yes! I couldn't agree more with this. I am a curvy build which I base on my waist/hip ratio....BUT I don't have large breasts by any means (34C...34B after weight loss not that it matters.) I have actually been told that I am not curvy because my breasts aren't large even.

    There is too much judgment out there...and unfortunately I find that much of it DOES come from other women. We should be building each other up (especially in a fitness and weight loss community) rather then telling one another that our boobs or butts are better then theirs. We're all built differently...that's what makes it interesting :smile:

    Men MAY objectify at times due to their acute visual senses...but I find that men (especially with a woman they care about) are much more forgiving in thinking that a woman's body (perceived flaws and all) is beautiful.

    Hear hear... I mostly have male friends because I find them to be less catty and pointlessly critical than most women, but I still try to take care of my fellow women because I believe that much of inter-woman shaming is a product of patriarchal culture pitting us against each other, whether we realize it or not... but that's a topic for another day, lol...

    I'm disappointed, again. This time because of seeing stuff like the bolded (because of the bolded/italics). I know a lot of awesome women. In fact, very few of the women I am friends with are pointlessly critical or catty. I think if people know people like that, they should make new friends.

    I agree. I hate the "I don't have female friends, they are so catty!" BS. Guys never say they don't have male friends because they've met so many *kitten*, and you know you cant throw a rock without hitting one of those.

    I also agree. I don't have any female friends who make critical/catty remarks. I wouldn't stay friends with someone like that.
  • angellll12
    angellll12 Posts: 296 Member
    edited April 2015
    You people stay on negativity

    Move on.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Lexicpt wrote: »
    angellll12 wrote: »
    I rather have some fat then be skinny with small breast, it's not womanly since we're being honest. I don't mind a little stomach, I'll probably go down to 130 and stop there and just workout to maintain and be healthy, I can look hot still without looking like I try so hard at the gym.

    At least my 38A's won't be down to my knees in 20 years. I'll take that over being "womanly" anyday.

    Oh, honeychild, that was completely uncalled for.

    GROW UP.

    My large tatas might sag after nursing two kids for extended lengths of time but at least I've never resorted to body shaming other women to make me feel better about them.

  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
  • McChelle
    McChelle Posts: 4 Member
    If you feel like your health and joints want a few less lbs. then try strength training. Squats and deadlifts can sculpt a nice thick booty.