Paleo 'Diet' Your experiences and reviews



  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    I'm more primal than paleo, but I can tell you this - every time I "slip up" (like yesterday!), I feel TERRIBLE! And I don't mean guilty, terrible. I mean, bloated, uncomfortable, headachy - I had no idea that sugar/processed junk was doing all this to me, until I got it out of my diet.

    Now that I eat pretty cleanly, as soon as I eat a cookie (and I mean, right afterwards), I feel the sugar RUSH. And I don't like that feeling. And then an hr. later, I'm hungry again, staring into the pantry at more cookies!

    When I eat like I am eating today, I feel good all day long. I don't get hungry, cranky, tired, and my body doesn't feel so bloated. I think it will be a long time before I eat any more grains or sugar. It's just not worth it. If I want something sweet, I've got some Georgia peaches here!
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Not against anyone on the diet, but I love my kidneys too much.

    And you are basing that comment on what? Much of the discussion centered around this issue is based on a (since) ridiculed experiment that involved force feeding rabbits (a herbivore) quantities of protein--which resulted in rabbit kidney failure. Humans are omnivores, not herbivores, and thus have a kidney function to accommodate protein. In fact:

    The Institute of Medicine DRI report concluded that there was "insufficient scientific evidence for recommendations of an upper limit of protein intake" ... citation: Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine: Macronutrient and Healthful Diets. In Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids (Macronutrients). Washington, D.C. , The National Academies Press; 2002:609-696.

    There is too much research to cite here about the widely disseminated fallacy of protein impairing or stressing kidney function. I'd recommend anyone making a claim about the implications of consuming fat or protein or carbohydrates, first learn the facts about human physiology.

    Not intending to flame anyone or picking on you in particular ... just irks me that claims are made that we MUST or MUST NOT eat one thing or another based on Common Belief.

    don't worry about there are lots of people on here that like to spout statements without and facts to back up. They heard it some random place so it must be right

    aka the parrot effect
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    Not against anyone on the diet, but I love my kidneys too much.

    Funny thing, your kidneys will be totally fine on just about any diet.

    Unless you're in advanced stage renal failure.

    Then I doubt you'd be looking on MFP for dietary advice...

    I admit it, I laughed :D
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I will be 4 months Paleo/Primal as of this Saturday's weigh in. I should be down around 35 lbs, 5 pant sizes and a load of bodyfat.

    Not everyones "cup of tea" but I enjoy it, along with intermittent fasting, and it's worked very well for me. I don't "do" carbs very well.
  • plcarpenter
    plcarpenter Posts: 83 Member
    Seriously, that's awesome...I'm in that rut, and I can't seem to lose this extra weight, I keep thinking it's age thing but I just can't accept it! I'm going to give the Paleo diet a try for a month and see how it goes...but it's so hard for me to stick with a diet, my sugar cravings take over and I unconciously have a candy bar or some other sweet.
    I will be 4 months Paleo/Primal as of this Saturday's weigh in. I should be down around 35 lbs, 5 pant sizes and a load of bodyfat.

    Not everyones "cup of tea" but I enjoy it, along with intermittent fasting, and it's worked very well for me. I don't "do" carbs very well.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Seriously, that's awesome...I'm in that rut, and I can't seem to lose this extra weight, I keep thinking it's age thing but I just can't accept it! I'm going to give the Paleo diet a try for a month and see how it goes...but it's so hard for me to stick with a diet, my sugar cravings take over and I unconciously have a candy bar or some other sweet.
    I will be 4 months Paleo/Primal as of this Saturday's weigh in. I should be down around 35 lbs, 5 pant sizes and a load of bodyfat.

    Not everyones "cup of tea" but I enjoy it, along with intermittent fasting, and it's worked very well for me. I don't "do" carbs very well.

    The cravings will subside pretty quickly with this way of eating. If you like dark chocolate you can have 70%+ dark chocolate every so often.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    WHY EAT PALEO - it's a long read but full of great info and links to supported scientific data:
  • What are your favorite Paleo recipes? And are there very many that don't include meat of fish?
  • Adiptee
    Adiptee Posts: 3
    Hi Everyone,

    I have only just learnt about the Paleo way of eating. I'm intrigued. I would like to give myself the 30 day challenge. I've done some research on this, but still trying to get a handle of the do's & don't's. Let me know if I'm on track:

    1) No legumes & grains
    2) No Diary
    3) Limited Fruit & Nuts
    4) Generous amounts of Fat & Protein ...

    Am I getting that right? Also, what's the rule on alcohol ...?

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Cheers, Audra.
  • WomanofWorth
    WomanofWorth Posts: 395 Member
    What about lipids? I have been reading a lot of conflicting information on about whether the plan helps or hurts in terms of heart disease risk. It is not entirely clear to me either what the carbs/ldl tie-in is. I'm working to get rid of all starchy carbs so I'm by no means saying grains are necessary, I'm merely trying to understand the science as it relates to ldl.

    I love the fitbomb link above. Very helpful, but I still don't understand entirely the higher # s.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I don't think that any diet that doesn't include whole grains could possibly be good for you...

    For a lot of people an eating plan that includes grains is not good for you..............

    To the Original Poster: Yes, I eat this way and I am so energetic that I am up at 3:30 am and going strong until 10 pm at night.

    My routine is something like this:

    Up at 3:30 am, cleaned living room, cooked breakfast for me and hubby, packed our snacks for the work day, made iced green tea, took dogs for a walk (about 1 1/2 miles in the morining chill) and now at work have walked almost 2 miles already!!!

    When I get off work at 3:30 pm, I have a 1/2 mile walk to my car, then drive home, change clothes, let the dogs out, feed them and take them for another walk.........go to the gym, come home, do a load or 2 of laundry and cook supper. Do the dishes and get things ready for the next work day.

    I get plenty of "me" time on the weekends and I am feeling fine and fantastic!!!!!!!

    A typical days menu looks something like this:


    Coffee with coconut milk and coconut oil


    4 eggs and 2 strips of uncured bacon


    Here lately I have been eating salads, salads and more salads.


    Meat and green vegetables. More salad

    Drink lots of water every day and have a cup of chamomile tea before bed every night.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    from those i have talked i sure sounds like a good diet, could go that way except one thing.... I aint given up my cheese.
    though technically i should not eat cheese lactose intolerant, but see that wont even make me give up cheese
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    from those i have talked i sure sounds like a good diet, could go that way except one thing.... I aint given up my cheese.
    though technically i should not eat cheese lactose intolerant, but see that wont even make me give up cheese

    I still eat dairy and will NOT give it up.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    WHY EAT PALEO - it's a long read but full of great info and links to supported scientific data:

    Thanks for posting this--this guy and his wife (fantastic recipes on her blog!) do a good job of explaining. Easy to point to friends and family who think you've lost your mind :-)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    If anyone is interested in books for Kindle (you can read it on your PC or smart phone too).............the free kindle application can be downloaded and installed from

    I recently got 2 free e-books that might interest some or all of you..........

    Biological Aging Theory (based on evolution) -- This one is Free right now...........
    Rx Garden: 101 Food Cures You Can Easily Grow
  • cupotee
    cupotee Posts: 181 Member
    Again I don't want to attack anyone for their diet choice. I'm just saying be careful, and drink tons of water because metabolism of proteins produces uric acid, which is carried in the blood to your kidneys.

    Hydrostatic pressure forces solutes + water across a nonselective membrane into the tubule system. Water + essential solutes necessary to maintain homeostasis are drawn out through a combination of selective membranes, active transport, and a solute gradient on the inside of your kidneys (in the afferent tubules + loop of Henle).

    The one solute that is always excreted is uric acid- nitrogen waste. When you consume a lot of protein, and your water intake does not increase proportionally, the mechanisms for purifying urine in your renal system are not sufficient. Uric acid can precipitate into a solid. Because the urea raises the molarity of ur urine, it'll promote calcium binding to oxalate which can form kidney stones also.

    We watched a kidney operation (due to insolvable stones) in Physio last week, and those rocks were not pretty. Just make sure you're drinking plenty of water to dissolve the excess urea, if you do choose to do paleo. Good luck.
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    Drink more water? Heaven's no!


    You don't need "tons" of water. Most people likely do need more than they typically consume (your avg American drinks what, 2 glasses a day, if that, because they're usually downing soda, diet soda, beer, or something else). Most males should drink a gallon of water a day, most females half a gallon. Pretty straightforward and just common sense for all.
  • cel1664
    cel1664 Posts: 1 Member
    I am currently undergoing medically supervised weight loss through a hospital and all of the M.D.'s and nutritionists tell their patients the same thing - "there are no essential carbohydrates" - period. I was actually surprised to find this out.

    The eating plan that I am following is quite similar to a paleo diet - though with dairy if one chooses (though I guess that would make it more South Beach rather than tru Paleo.) I have a long way to go to get to a healthy BMI and I have just begun but my daily recommendations are 120g of protein, 50-100g carbs, and 50-60g of fat spread out over 5-7 meals, eating every 2-3 hours. So far so good - If I adhere to the nutritionists guidelines, I am rarely hungry...though I do have moments, I am still trying to break the carb habit and that can be rough some days.
  • seansquared
    seansquared Posts: 328 Member
    I am rarely hungry...though I do have moments, I am still trying to break the carb habit and that can be rough some days.

    After the first 30 days, you probably won't have any rough days.

    After the second 30 days, you probably won't even have any cravings for carbs.

    Just takes time for your body to realize it's not getting any more free, empty calories.
  • Thinking about starting a paleo lifestyle, with "cheat" days one or two days out of the month (I live near a really good Mexican restaurant, and their homemade tortilla chips are great!). What were some of your struggles when you started? And is almond milk an okay drink?
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