Over 200 pounds - Yo-yo weight- only if you can relate...

munekaoo26 Posts: 19 Member
Hi everyone! I have been having struggles on my weight, every since I had my first child. I went from weight 150 to 180. Then, had my second child and went from 180 to about 240. Then start to work-out and eat healthy. I was able to go down to 160. But then, started having a hard time loosing. So, got on some pills, that helped me loose 10 more pounds. But as soon as I stop them, I gained more. Went back to 180lbs. Years later, had my third child and gained 242lbs. I lost 6lbs but I am not only looking in loosing more weight but getting healthy along with my beautiful family. Let me know if you can relate... :)


  • crawfishgirl333
    crawfishgirl333 Posts: 69 Member
    I was 170 in October of 14 then had to take some asthma crap with steroids now I'm 186 !!! Yikes but I eat wrong foods lately and don't drink a lot of water so I must get back here and start again ! I'm not letting myself get any higher I need motivation too it's hard and the bad thing food is good. Guess we have to eat more healthy foods to catch up
  • Can totally relate. I started to gain weight, as the pounds piled on I told myself I didn't look too bad. Besides who was I trying to impress? Then my weight climbed to 235 lbs. Yikes!! I got started eating better, joined Curves, and got moving. Did great, got down to 180 lbs. Then became bored with the eating and I am back to 198 lbs. I would really like to be able to walk-run a 5K. Need support and encouragement. :|
  • Mantrana
    Mantrana Posts: 3
    I can relate! Went from 160 prior to the birth of my son 6 years ago to 224 immediately after he was born. About a year later back down to 160 then the weight crept back slowly 10-15 per year then I shattered my clavicle... Went from 185 to 220. Last year I started a new job and lost twenty pounds... Then through a move and school change for my son gained 40! I am now the heaviest I have ever been at 240 and am not as involved in my sons life as I would like to be.
  • jessicayamaguchi
    jessicayamaguchi Posts: 8 Member
    I can relate too. I just gained each time I had a baby till I was at 200. Finally decided to do something about it, went on a starvation diet, HCG, lost 50 lbs in 2 months, then spent 6 months gaining all but 10 lbs back. Then I spent another 5 years trying, trying, trying to lose it with this or that diet. Now, I want to maintain the proper headspace because I know that`s all I need to keep myself consistent with food choices. I always ate too much! That seems like such an easy problem to fix doesn`t it?
  • olivia_june
    olivia_june Posts: 111 Member
    I can definitely relate! I've been dieting since I was 14. Gained 40lbs when I got pregnant with my son at 19, went from 190 pre-preg to 230 post. Lost 20lbs in the first two months PP, gained it all back and then some. Constantly yo-yo'd for 2 years and then quit trying to lose weight and focused on my mental health and body acceptance for a year. Started 2014 at my highest weight, 251. Refocused on weight loss and this time it's stuck. Lots of ups and downs, and a 6 month-long 210 plateau.

    Finally broke my plateau a few weeks ago, and down to 204.4 as of today. Ultimately want to be 168.
  • tdillabo
    tdillabo Posts: 40 Member
    I can relate too....I have battled with my weight all my life, now that I'm older I realise I wasn't so bad when I was young but of course you compare yourself to all your friends and if you are the biggest one there you think you are massive....now I'm the biggest I've ever been (315lbs) and it's time to get a grip...

    I hated going to diet groups because I don't need support once a week between 7pm and 8pm at a meeting, I need to be able to go online, to a forum like this at any time and read other people's experiences and advice so I don't feel like it's a battle I'm fighting alone. I've only been using MFP a week and I love it....logging everything really does make a difference, this time I actually feel like I can make this a lifestyle change

    Ultimately I want to be 140lbs but not in a rush to get there, slow and steady.... Feel free to add me as I don't have many MFP friends yet :smiley:
  • Every time I start a plan it's bevause I am completely fed up with myself. I'm permanently thinking about my weight and my double chin! So, it's a cycle...I'm fed up, I eat, I feel better for a moment, then get fed up. I'm a naturally happy person and this is just depressing! I really want to run a 5k too.....anyone fancy online team motivation to achieve this together?
  • bhiwale7
    bhiwale7 Posts: 1
    When I feel like losing the weight and actually feel self conscience about my body I then turn to weight loss programs to help me out. But then I get discouraged and lose the will power to work out and stick to the diets. I don't know what to do because summer is almost here and I am losing hope slowly =/
  • SarahJL3
    SarahJL3 Posts: 1 Member
    Every time I start a plan it's bevause I am completely fed up with myself. I'm permanently thinking about my weight and my double chin! So, it's a cycle...I'm fed up, I eat, I feel better for a moment, then get fed up. I'm a naturally happy person and this is just depressing! I really want to run a 5k too.....anyone fancy online team motivation to achieve this together?

    Hi, I feel exactly the same way! I'm trying to get started feeling positive, and to remain so. I'm so fed up of feeling negative about myself, it's time to put some work into getting my confidence back.
  • miche173
    miche173 Posts: 50 Member
    I started at 222.5 pounds, which wasn't even my heaviest:(. I am so tired of being embarrassed, and worrying about being able to participate in my daughter's life. Would love to have more friends, so feel free to add me.
    So far, I am down 25 pounds, and determined not to see 200 on my scale again. I need more motivation to make time for exercise, I work full time and feel guilty spending not work time away from my family.
  • louisegibbs85
    louisegibbs85 Posts: 304 Member
    I can relate , I put in 5stone with my first child and weighed 15+ stone ... I got down to 154 lb ... My lowest weight, I got into a relationship and went up to 13 stone, then came my second child were I went upto 17+ stone. I did really well on mfp this time last year and got down to 11.5 stone .... Was soooooo close to my goal. But now I weigh 226lb
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 721 Member
    I can relate as well. I did not start gaining weight until about 5 years ago. the first time I hit 200 I was floored. My heaviest has been 205, my struggle now is to get below 190. I want to lost 30 pounds but i am not consistent and I am an emotional eater so that does not help. Trying to get back on track, just want to wear a bathing suit this summer without looking like a beached whale!!! Good luck to you and I know you can do it!
  • Hricovsky
    Hricovsky Posts: 1
    edited April 2015
  • JesiDM
    JesiDM Posts: 268 Member
    I can relate! I lost 70 lbs and had gotten down to 203 when I got pregnant with m second child, then I gained it all back! Now in the process of relosing that plus more. Hoping to get to 150.
  • myeclipse81
    myeclipse81 Posts: 18 Member
    I can relate. I have battled with my weight most of my adult life. I get really motivated and start loosing weight but then for whatever reason I start letting myself have more cheat days than I should and before I know it I am completely thrown off my weight loss plan and not working out and then I start gaining it back and then get fustrated so it takes a while before I start getting that motivated again and then the cycle starts all over again. I've done this so much now that I don't even think my family and friends believe me when I say that I am getting serious about trying to loose weight anymore but rather have an "I'll believe it when I see it" mindset (or so it seems to me anyway LOL) But I've done this so much in the past that I've really been discouraged with myself. That's why I signed up on here though to be able to really track my progress and have others to keep me motivated and help each other. WE CAN DO THIS!
  • divya008
    divya008 Posts: 3 Member
    hey don't get depressed try to increase your metabolism by taking quick splashes of cold showers and eating lots of spicy foods and fidgeting a lot it'll surly help you in the weight loss without trying so much harder try being vegan basically most of the fruit and vegs are low in calories so it'll keep you full for a long time
    whereas me i am idiot i started my diet 5 months ago and i ate about 1200 cals per day and exercised i was 132 and slowly i ate fewer calories as much as 300 or 200 and till now i eat it due to this diet i am super depressed and had thoughts of anorexic i still do have but i don't have any other option i need to lose weight as fast as i can but now my metabolic rate has literally slowed down i could eat only 800 cals to maintain my cellular processes
    i am an idiot
  • mrsdcsmithiv
    mrsdcsmithiv Posts: 16 Member
    I've recently gone from 180 to 235 no kids yet and my husband tells me I look sexy. I love him and appreciate his words, but it doesn't help me!!!
  • Soaringrose
    Soaringrose Posts: 52 Member
    Hi! I had 4 kids & added 100 extra pounds in doing so. I've lost about 50 & have at least 50 to go.... I got side tracked around the holidays & have struggled but FINAlly I'm in the mindset again!!!! Yesterday I finally just simply got started again. Wasnt gonna eat continually bad another day. Please feel free to add me (Ive having trouble sending requests) I'm looking for female pals (like myself) that have open diaries & log regularly ;) good luck to u!!!!
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    went on a starvation diet, HCG, lost 50 lbs in 2 months, then spent 6 months gaining all but 10 lbs back.
    HCG is not proven nor approved for weight loss.
    Complete bunk.

    HCG means human chorionic gonadotropin... which is not something I'd like to eat or shoot myself with!
    It's a hormone produced by the placenta (and some cancerous tumors).
    Some guy in the 1950s claimed that HCG (with an ultra-low-calorie diet) made people lose fat & retain muscle.
    He was thoroughly debunked, over & over... which of course has no effect on the seekers of woo.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I can relate. I was in the military when I got pregnant with my son....I gained up to 180lbs with him...he is now 21.

    I would attempt to lose it and go down to 165 then back up to 185 and I yo yo'd like that for 18 years...at my lowest I was 163 at my highest I was about 205.

    Then on June 27, 2013 I joined MFP and all that changed.

    I am now 150lbs looking to lose the weight I gained over the holidays and vacation (I allowed it to happen) and get down to 140 to see how I feel.

    So after 18 years of yo yoing, feeling like I would never get below 165 here I am...at my lowest last summer I was 143 so I know it can be done and I hope you all reach your goals too.