Just starting... Wish me luck...



  • ChristopherHoward686
    ChristopherHoward686 Posts: 107 Member
    Mine is set at around 1800... I'm notmally satisfied with around 1100... I'm going to try and eat more and workout more I guess... I'll ask around.
  • cajun_belle
    cajun_belle Posts: 29 Member
    Good luck to you! I too am just getting started. Started on Nutrisystem a week ago. Daily caloric intake of 1200... So far, so good. I get to weigh in first time tomorrow morning.
  • ChristopherHoward686
    ChristopherHoward686 Posts: 107 Member
    Let me know how you do!
  • lgmorgansb
    lgmorgansb Posts: 27 Member
    That is a pretty big deficit but as long as your eating enough of the right calories (minimum of 1,200) you should be fine. To low and your metabolism will slow down too. You can do this my friend
  • ChristopherHoward686
    ChristopherHoward686 Posts: 107 Member
    Thanks man! I'm gonna get my 1200 in from now on. I am only around 100 calories away from that anyway... I need to work on running more. It's been tough... Also, weight training is difficult for me as I feel like I am really weak for some reason...maybe it's because I sit behind a desk all day and haven't been active in years...
  • usernameenvy
    usernameenvy Posts: 140 Member
    Strength training builds strength ! start off as light as you need to and increase it week to week
  • amygould
    amygould Posts: 29 Member
    For men I've heard that you should keep it above 1500 calories per day, but that depends entirely on your height/weight. I'm looking for an article that I have on that.
  • ChristopherHoward686
    ChristopherHoward686 Posts: 107 Member
    True that @usernameenvy !
    I used 25lbs Dumbbells this past week and will increase slightly this week.
  • ChristopherHoward686
    ChristopherHoward686 Posts: 107 Member
    If you find that article send it over please.

    I feel like those are a lot of calories to be eating while trying to lose weight though.

    Maybe I was just SUPER over eating before, and 1200-1500 is what I should be taking in... Along with exercise.
  • lholmes1985
    lholmes1985 Posts: 77 Member
    The first week is always the hardest, and you did it! Yay! You've got this!!!!
  • ChristopherHoward686
    ChristopherHoward686 Posts: 107 Member
    I think I got this also! I'm not a quitter and I need to get healthy!

    Can anyone tell me about cheat days? Are you taking cheat days, if so, how often and what do you splurge on?
  • usernameenvy
    usernameenvy Posts: 140 Member
    I havent had a cheat day, i wouldnt go a whole cheat day as that could easily undo a whole week of hard work! yesterday i went out at lunch and had an iced coffee and GF cookie which totaled around 600 calories, this to me was a cheat meal as it had no good nutritional value and went over what id normally allow for a meal, but i worked the rest of my daily allowance around it and worked out hard so it was ok.
    JLDRKSJ Posts: 39 Member
    Hey, Good Luck on your journey!!! You got this :)
  • I'm on Day 5 with this app. I've already lost 20 lbs in 2.5 months by homecooking only, whole foods, plant-based, no meat. I do have sushi occasionally for the wild salmon benefits. I haven't lost anything for two weeks so I've added exercise and this app to get off my plateau. I am under my calories but still not losing again yet. My nutrition is a bit low on protein. I have powder. Do you think I should add that?
  • This app is fantastic, btw!
  • Doctor has me at 1800 a day which I have been under so far this is my 3rd day of this so hopefully I can stick to it. I downloaded a cardio workout app which I been doing every day for bout 30 mins plus my walk s ..good luck with your journey.. I'll be as much help as I can if u like
  • amygould
    amygould Posts: 29 Member
    I agree rather than take a cheat day, I would just work occasional cheat foods into your calorie allowance for the day. You can really undermine all of your hard work if you have a whole cheat day.
  • CockneyLady2014
    CockneyLady2014 Posts: 199 Member
    I don't have cheat days. I try to live each day within my calorie allowance. If I fancy something I try to build it in. Over the weekend I have eaten ice-cream and a flake. Was I cheating? No! because it was within my daily allowance.
  • brieaunnaw
    brieaunnaw Posts: 2 Member
    you dont need luck you need:forgiveness when you cheat and feel bad, determination when you dont want to go exercise, willpower to say no thank you, stamina for the journey ahead, hugs for when you want to cry and throw in the towel, and love most of all. Love yourself and know that each step each good choice brings you closer to a healthier you.

    I love this!!!!!
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    Luck has nothing to do with it! Straight up determination is what matters. Therefore, I wish you determination! Just be determined not to fail or let anything get in your way and you will succeed.