1200 calories



  • Lending
    Lending Posts: 16
    I'm on the same caloric intake diet. Been on it since late April when I was 194lbs. It's passed midway May and I have lost 8lbs in 22 days. (Less than a month!) It was hard the first two weeks, but it gets so much easier! Just space your 6 meals every 2 hours, which kicks your metabolism up slightly, and count your calories and you're good! I incorporate exercise every day too.
    Also, I was honest with myself... If I was going to cheat and eat over the 1200 limit, I chose healthier foods to munch on like fruit such as an apple, banana, orange, or grapefruit.

    At this point, now I can actually stick to it, but I'll say this, keep going and don't give up. Even if you should have some set back, just keep going. Every day is a day closer to your weight goal!
  • megabux
    megabux Posts: 179 Member
    I am on 1200 calories as well. When I first got that number I freaked a little but it makes you realize what you are doing wrong. Is a 20oz soda that has no nutriotional value really be worth eating up 250 of my days calories? I think no, so it also got me drinking more water! It is defnitely hard to adjust at first but pretty soon your body adapts and you dont even notice it anymore. Good Luck!
  • tbrillard
    tbrillard Posts: 13
    I am also on 1200 calories a day and try to burn at least 200 a day exercising. I don't eat my exercise calories, but on Saturday (my weigh day) I will typically allow myself 1500 calories. I have lost ten pounds in five weeks so far and really don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. I think it becomes a state of mind.
  • anitajean
    anitajean Posts: 8
    I've been sticking with the 1200 calories, but sometimes I get really hungry! Hate to say it, but when I'm feeling deprived, I don't want to exercise...:angry:
  • anitajean
    anitajean Posts: 8
    I know...it was shocking to realize how much overeating I was doing on a regular basis.
  • aliciagrace89
    aliciagrace89 Posts: 31 Member
    I have 1200 cals too :) Its a great start. and i plan on keeping it this way for awhile.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I've been sticking with the 1200 calories, but sometimes I get really hungry! Hate to say it, but when I'm feeling deprived, I don't want to exercise...:angry:

    But... if you exercise, you get to eat more! WIN! WIN! Why is everyone so darn afraid to eat their exercise calories?

    ** Bottom line - this needs to be something that you can maintain FOREVER. If you are depriving yourself, you'll just end up quitting. What good does that do? Are you on a diet, or are you making a lifestyle change? You can lose weight without depriving yourself! Try to get out of the diet mindset and into the "healthy living" mindset!

    Think of it this way.

    Diet = 1200 calories (there's your built in deficit)
    Exercise = toning + you can eat calories up to the number you burned without guilt (you already have your deficit from dieting)

    Diet + exercise = food + toning = YAY!

    If you don't exercise on a certain day, stay at 1200 calories. If you do exercise, stay at 1200 NET calories.

    ** If you don't believe me, go read through all the "why am I not losing posts?" 99.99% of the time, people are not following MFP instructions and are eating too little.
  • nursedeb23
    I've been sticking with the 1200 calories, but sometimes I get really hungry! Hate to say it, but when I'm feeling deprived, I don't want to exercise...:angry:

    But... if you exercise, you get to eat more! WIN! WIN! Why is everyone so darn afraid to eat their exercise calories?

    ** Bottom line - this needs to be something that you can maintain FOREVER. If you are depriving yourself, you'll just end up quitting. What good does that do? Are you on a diet, or are you making a lifestyle change? You can lose weight without depriving yourself! Try to get out of the diet mindset and into the "healthy living" mindset!

    Think of it this way.

    Diet = 1200 calories (there's your built in deficit)
    Exercise = toning + you can eat calories up to the number you burned without guilt (you already have your deficit from dieting)

    Diet + exercise = food + toning = YAY!

    If you don't exercise on a certain day, stay at 1200 calories. If you do exercise, stay at 1200 NET calories.

    ** If you don't believe me, go read through all the "why am I not losing posts?" 99.99% of the time, people are not following MFP instructions and are eating too little.
  • nursedeb23
    I couldn't agree more TS65. Your body needs a certain amount of food for energy and metabolism and if it doesn't get it you'll feel crappy and see LESS results. I'm just starting back on MFP and I've been overeating, so the adjustment back to 1200 is difficult. But if I start getting a headache or feeling like I actually need more food, I just exercise enough to make up for an extra snack and I feel better. I'm not sure why, because my net calories remain the same, but it makes for an easier adjustment.
  • Cheryl1609
    This is also my first week. I am stuggling to get under the 1200 calories, but I have not logged my food intake for years. So my goal this week is to get back into the habit and trying to lower my daily calorie intake which is way too high.:drinker: