What is the deal with Slimming World weight loss??



  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    Interesting to hear from people it hasn't worked for. A lot of people do seem to spend time trying to not eat their syns too which seems to defeat the object.

    I think for me it was too carb heavy. I respond better to protein and fat. :)
  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member
    edited April 2015
    I think "the theory" (if there is any) is that it is very, very loosely inspired by the "Hay" method of eating, where you don't combine starches and proteins at the same meal. (Hence you can choose 'green' days where you get all the pasta you want, but no meat.) Apart from that it is just very low fat. I did it around 15 years ago for three months and lost two stone (from 13st to 11st) and then went onto the Hay diet and lost a further stone.
  • syedumairtelecom
    syedumairtelecom Posts: 101 Member
    I don't need any i'm all good , just maintaining myself or may be little gain . "No Pain No Gain "
  • 1mumrevolution
    1mumrevolution Posts: 269 Member
    I did terribly on Slimming World, until I started secretly counting calories... then I realised I was paying for counting calories, and quit x)
    Me too. Gave it five weeks. Lost a couple of pounds. Joined MFP lost over 2 stone. I hated the whole cult of SW. Shudder.
  • RobynKinnaird
    RobynKinnaird Posts: 10 Member
    edited April 2015
    If you actually read the book or on the website it explains the 'science' behind it. By choosing free food you are automatically lowering your calorie count also there is no more green or red days so every day it is a well balanced diet with carbs, protein, fruit veg, fibre & calcium. The free foods in particular the Speed are low in energy density so low in calories but slow in energy release. Don't know if someone has already said it.
    Also it's all about moderation & fits with any appetite & preferences. If you don't like starchy carbs don't eat them, if your not a meat person get your protein from other sources
  • Charliecatesq
    Charliecatesq Posts: 100 Member
    If you actually read the book or on the website it explains the 'science' behind it. By choosing free food you are automatically lowering your calorie count also there is no more green or red days so every day it is a well balanced diet with carbs, protein, fruit veg, fibre & calcium. The free foods in particular the Speed are low in energy density so low in calories but slow in energy release. Don't know if someone has already said it.
    Also it's all about moderation & fits with any appetite & preferences. If you don't like starchy carbs don't eat them, if your not a meat person get your protein from other sources

    They still do Green and Red days.

    Just seems the "moderation" part isn't really pushed, a friend of mine was in a group with a woman that was eating 6/7 Muller Lights a day and not understanding why she wasn't losing.
  • pinkteapot3
    pinkteapot3 Posts: 157 Member
    Slimming World is some sort of crazy sorcery. My mum has lost 20lbs so far with Slimming World. She can eat unlimited pasta and potato. Just WTF?! She phoned her leader to double check that point in her first week. She's not doing green/red days - the latest version doesn't have those, though you can choose to follow a plan that still has them.

    She's always failed with calorie-counting because she likes her big portions and hates feeling constrained.

    I'm happy it's working for her, but I'm totally confused. :neutral:
  • googie4066
    googie4066 Posts: 2 Member
    Iv lost 5stone on SW but there it stopped so changed to SW based eating but with calorie counting and weight loss started again. Turned out calories on just SW was eating about 1800 a day, now keeping it to 1550 per day to get off that last stone
  • Charliecatesq
    Charliecatesq Posts: 100 Member
    googie4066 wrote: »
    Iv lost 5stone on SW but there it stopped so changed to SW based eating but with calorie counting and weight loss started again. Turned out calories on just SW was eating about 1800 a day, now keeping it to 1550 per day to get off that last stone

    Glad someone is here doing the same thing i am, congrats on you weightloss.
  • JoRumbles
    JoRumbles Posts: 262 Member
    Pinkteapot- it is because it is all super-low fat. Sure you can have as many baked potatoes as you want, but really, what is the point without the butter and cheese?
  • pinkteapot3
    pinkteapot3 Posts: 157 Member
    edited April 2015
    JoRumbles wrote: »
    Pinkteapot- it is because it is all super-low fat. Sure you can have as many baked potatoes as you want, but really, what is the point without the butter and cheese?

    True... My mum has always eaten really healthily - she loves fruit and veg, lean meat and fish... Her problem was just primarily portion size.

    I'm still upset that she can eat a pasta mountain. My 75g dried portion-size for pasta looks so stingy in comparison!

    I know that all the different diet plans actually just boil down to CICO - they just get you to hit your net cal target in different ways... But some of the free foods on SW amazed me!
  • Charliecatesq
    Charliecatesq Posts: 100 Member
    Its the people losing between 3 and 10 lbs a week that gets me...i shouldn't compare, slow and steady is better etc etc but...seriously
  • JoRumbles
    JoRumbles Posts: 262 Member
    But think of the CHEESE Charlie.

    Today for lunch I had smoked mackerel, that is probably banned too!
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    Calorie deficit presented with added whoo and whaa to make you part with your hard earned money.
  • Charliecatesq
    Charliecatesq Posts: 100 Member
    cityruss wrote: »
    Calorie deficit presented with added whoo and whaa to make you part with your hard earned money.
    Yes i know that but my point is i am working to a cal deficit and lucky to see 2lbs come off after planning my meals, these people just start eating pasta and mince and they lose 7lbs. IT'S NOT FAIRRRRRR
    JoRumbles wrote: »
    But think of the CHEESE Charlie.

    Today for lunch I had smoked mackerel, that is probably banned too!

  • Charliecatesq
    Charliecatesq Posts: 100 Member
    JoRumbles wrote: »
    But think of the CHEESE Charlie.

    Today for lunch I had smoked mackerel, that is probably banned too!

    I think that's "free". Though i love smoked mackerel
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    It's just a calorie conscious program just like the thousands of others out there. No secret, no magic. People who are losing "tons" of weight are more than likely eating way less than they should. Unless you're tracking their calorie intake with actual measuring, you don't really know how much they are taking in.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Charliecatesq
    Charliecatesq Posts: 100 Member
    Alright fine, i'll stop bitching
  • RobynKinnaird
    RobynKinnaird Posts: 10 Member
    Actually you can still choose to do them if you want but they do not promote it it's extra easy only now & SP which is more restrictive. Well the consultant obviously wasn't putting it across right - it's ment to fit in with anyone's style of eating. Those saying those losing big amounts are obviously eating less is totally wrong also you need to eat to lose & you lose more. The woman eating 6/7 mullers - she is obviously using them as her snacks instead of reaching for speed which should be a 1st choice x
  • Charliecatesq
    Charliecatesq Posts: 100 Member
    Surely weightloss is calorie in and calorie out, it doesn't matter what you are eating as long as you are in deficit Eating more doesn't really explain anything