Eating at Night?

Well, look here. I don't eat during the day very much because I'm at work, and I haven't got a chance yet to bring my own lunch to work. Is this a problem that I eat everything at night? :3333 ... Should I start preparing my lunch the day before? I have been gaining weight for the past 4 weeks, and it's really bothering me.


  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    ... Should I start preparing my lunch the day before?


    I do this and it's remarkably helpful.

  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    ... Should I start preparing my lunch the day before?


    I do this and it's remarkably helpful.


    Teehee :3 Do you have any tips for exercising during the day? :D I get off work at 4, so I have a lot of free time until 7 00. :)
  • geraintf
    geraintf Posts: 15
    Try to avoid carbs around 2hrs before you go to bed. If you are serious about loosing weight then you should spread your calorie intake out throughout the day so ye you should prepare some lunch :)

    In terms of exercise you could just do for a run round the block for 20 - 40 min 3/4 nights a week.
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    I agree that you totally should pack a lunch to bring to work. That way you can really choose what you're eating. Also, if you're keeping track of calories, it's MUCH easier and more accurate if you prepare your own food. As for excercise, the options are endless.....what do you like to do? Or maybe the question should be this: What activity doesn't seem TOO much like torture?
    Good luck!
  • katekrise
    katekrise Posts: 178 Member
    Making sure to eat breakfast and not eat after 7:30pm has been a big help for me! Buy or make portable snacks for throughout the day. You shouldn't have it all at night!
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    Just walk, build up to 30 mins every evening.
    Not even Fast, just get out an mosey along and enjoy it
    Once you are in the Habit, then you can decide if you want to try something different.
    Another "plan" is to go walk for 15 minutes, turn around, come home.
    Do that every night after work.

    another PLAN ---
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    prepare meals the day before.
    you don't have to eat throughout the day, but i find its a lot easier and more comfortable for me if i do.

    I prefer several small meals as opposed to one or two large ones.
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    Awwww, you guys.... thanks! :heart: In fact though, I do walk a lot. My job, I have to run to the mail room a lot, and I try to get out and work as much as possible. Now that I have finished moving into my other dorm on campus for summer living, I wanted to go to the school gym to run after work, ... they are open until 5 00 and I get off work at 4 ;) So, see...

    BUT - I need more motivation. My boyfriend is the most motivation I have, but for myself, I just don't like making myself go to the gym to run for 45 min (usually just walking on the treadmill cuz running is still too hard for me to keep up for more than 10 min) .... I feel bad sometimes cuz I don't like to do my work. :( Could this be my problem?

    I gotta get back into routine... summer is always the hardest on me because there is basically nothing to do. ;-;
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Not sure if it'll help you, but I put audiobooks on my ipod and only let myself listen to them while I'm working out. It works quite well to motivate me. Same deal for any podcast or even if there's a new album I want to hear, I save it for the gym.

    Oh, and the fact that I get to eat more if I work out more doesn't hurt either!
