Weights or cardio??



  • clehman71
    clehman71 Posts: 139 Member
    I am 43 yrs old and I know what you mean about things changing. When I decided to "get in shape" I was doing cardio. About a year ago I hit a plateau and nothing was changing. I started weight training about 6 months ago. I train 3 days a week with weight and cardio 3x a week, alternating. I have since put on 10 lbs and yet everyone thinks I am still losing weight. It doesn't happen overnight or even a week, but it happens and it is AMAZING! I am going to continue because I have seen the results and I want more of it.
  • cotewalter
    cotewalter Posts: 111 Member
    For me I put cardio first to keep the ticker working better.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    First - stop looking to exercise to cause weight loss.
    Second - stop expecting results in a week.
    Third - don't expect "results" every week.

    Settle in for the long haul doing something sustainable (food & exercise) and enjoyable - or if not enjoyable at least not miserable!
  • GrannyCrayCray
    GrannyCrayCray Posts: 71 Member
    BOTH. No expert, but here is my real life experience: Started strength training 2 days/wk for 40 minutes with weights, mix of machines and free weights, with a trainer June 2014 to lose weight before my daughter's wedding. No planned cardio, just tried to walk more and drink more water/watch my nutrition. Started C25K at home on treadmill around Thanksgiving, now I try to walk or run about 3 miles on 3 days/week. I don't think I would've ever started or kept up with the cardio if I had not gained strength and endurance from the weight sessions.

    About 10 months later = 30 lbs lighter and 4 sizes smaller. I'm 50. Gave birth to eight kids (no C-sections, no multiple births). Sit at a desk 7-10 hrs/day. This weekend, I wore a bikini (curr profile pic) for the first time in my life! Ultimate compliment was the fact that my kids were actually impressed vs. embarrassed :)