Just starting... Wish me luck...



  • ChristopherHoward686
    ChristopherHoward686 Posts: 107 Member
    Thanks for all the encouraging words everyone! Today will end my week one... Why give up now!?

    Just gotta keep on keepin' on... We can do this!!
  • gonnasnap
    gonnasnap Posts: 146 Member
    You don't need luck. Just deadlift heavy and squat deep.
  • bigJ2025
    bigJ2025 Posts: 3 Member
    you dont need luck you need:forgiveness when you cheat and feel bad, determination when you dont want to go exercise, willpower to say no thank you, stamina for the journey ahead, hugs for when you want to cry and throw in the towel, and love most of all. Love yourself and know that each step each good choice brings you closer to a healthier you.
    This is the key! Learning to keep moving forward! Don't stop and don't go back. Even if it's just a little step forward it is still a step in the right direction.
  • ChristopherHoward686
    ChristopherHoward686 Posts: 107 Member
    Thanks big J!!

    Thanks one thing I keep telling myself.. Even if I can't do a ton everyday... A small step in the right direction is still better than nothing at all!
  • ThatCountryGal
    ThatCountryGal Posts: 24 Member
    Please feel free to add me :)
  • amygould
    amygould Posts: 29 Member
    Love that Big J! I tell people the same thing. It's not a failure if you keep getting back up and taking steps in the right direction. It doesn't have to be perfect.
  • terrilynn1982
    terrilynn1982 Posts: 38 Member
    Good luck! :)
  • beastmodeforlife
    beastmodeforlife Posts: 10 Member
    You don't need luck, because luck doesn't last forever. Being focused and determine will get you to your goals. Happy training to a better stronger you.