21 Day Fix??

Do any of you have any experience with it?
I've done a lot of research so I know exactly what it is, I just want to hear if any of you guys have tried it, and if so, what do you think?
Better yet, what were your results?

Thanks!! Feel free to send me a friend request. :smiley:


  • Leana088
    Leana088 Posts: 581 Member
    I didn't try it. I find pre-scribed diets too boring to stick to...and this coming from someone who enjoys routine...as long as it's the food I want to eat and not food that's being prescribed to me. ;)

    A friendly tip : If you choose to do this method (or any other diet method for that matter), you better make sure it's something you can do for the rest of your life, because that's the only way you will be able to keep the weight off long term.

    If you do not change your eating habits for good, success will be short lived. :) good luck!
  • I was also looking into the 21 day fix, moreso for the workouts than the "diet". It seems to be a well rounded choice though, containers to fit the different types of food, but again, if you aren't able to make this your new normal, it won't work. That's what I struggle with....short term goals are great for me...but I need to keep making short term goals to trick my mind (ultimately a lifetime of short term goals = a long term goal)!
  • misswillpower
    misswillpower Posts: 15 Member
    I did the work outs last month, tho I did not follow their eating plan. I loved the work outs. They were different every day of the week. I will continue the work outs in a couple of months. I like to switch up my work outs. I did loose a few pounds.
  • rbfl86
    rbfl86 Posts: 4 Member
    I just started yesterday, so I have no results to share really. But I can say that I slept very well last night! The food plan is easy to follow and it allows for a lot of flexibility, it's really more about eating a balanced and well portioned diet than it is about eating this or that in particular. The exercises are fun and there's a modifier for beginners or people with injuries to help make it easier to get going. I am definitely a beginner in the healthy choices world but i'm excited about the potential with this program.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Leana088 wrote: »
    I didn't try it. I find pre-scribed diets too boring to stick to...and this coming from someone who enjoys routine...as long as it's the food I want to eat and not food that's being prescribed to me. ;)

    That's how I am. It also seems like you are paying for something pretty simple to do on your own? I mean, deciding that you want to eat a certain proportion of different kinds of food. It seems easier (and free) to just decide to fill half your plate with veggies and then eat a serving size (or whatever is right for you--I usually eat a bit more) of a protein and whatever else you like to add (starchy, dairy, fruit, etc.). Plus, you can make up your own rules based on your own preferences.

    If it comes with a fun workout that you will do, though, perhaps it's worth it. I haven't gotten into any of the Beachbody stuff yet and am not really a DVD person, but I know my sister has enjoyed some of the DVD workouts.
  • ajsmommy824
    ajsmommy824 Posts: 29 Member
    I have tried 21 Day Fix and am currently doing a portion of it now. I used to do Weight Watchers, but in order to save some money, I cancelled my WW membership. I had seen a friend on FB post a before and after picture with using the 21 Day Fix and I was intrigued. She has defined lines down her mid section after the 21 days, I was shocked! I had to try it! So I ordered the program, along with the Shakeology that comes along with it, I figured it would be a one time fee, I would order, get the containers, get the Shakeology, get the DVD's, etc, once I had them, I could continue to use the program and measure my food with the containers.

    I did my 1st round of 21 Day Fix in March, my goal was to lose 7 pounds and 7 inches in that 21 days! Not to shabby, I lost exactly 7 pounds, and 6.5 inches. It was great, I got used to measuring my food, and used to eating the healthy foods with NO chocolate or soda during this time frame! Whao! That was huge!

    I also got up before work in the morning to do the workouts, since they are only a half hour it was nice and easy to get done and be on with my day. I shouldn't say the workouts are easy, but I did feel more accomplished and ready for the day with doing it. I lasted for 4 weeks getting up early and working out 6 days a week. I skipped the Sunday Yoga day, b/c I wasn't a huge fan of it.

    All in all, I liked the program, and as I said, I am giving another go around now, started yesterday!
    Give it a try!
  • RavenNevermore15
    RavenNevermore15 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm currently doing my second round of it and am amazed at how much stronger I have gotten. I did 1 round of 21 day fix, then one round of 21 day fix extreme and loved my results so much, I joined up to be a coach. If you have any more questions, please feel free to add me as a friend on here and we can talk more. This program has helped me so much with my nutrition!!