Bodybuilding hampering my weight loss?

I began dieting 2 months ago and have since lost 16 kgs. My calory intake is currently 1460 and things have been pretty smooth. But since last week i have decided to start hitting the gym and building up my body by weight lifting. Now i check my weight and ive gained a kg since last week. So i was wondering whether this is due to me weight lifting and whether or not i should continue with the bodybuilding if i wanna lose weight again


  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    When you start a new exercise routine, and especially weight lifting, your body will retain water. This is completely normal and should subside in a couple weeks up to maybe a month. No need to panic, keep lifting. You won't regret it if you can stay consistent.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    edited April 2015
    DOMS or maybe slight newbie gains.

    But weight also fluctuates normally regardless of what you do. You can't expect weight loss to be linear.
  • Araganz
    Araganz Posts: 32 Member
    Thnx alot mate. i'll stick to it then
  • Araganz
    Araganz Posts: 32 Member
    One more thing. I have been taking BCAA though. I do know that some Bcaa contain calories but that isnt an issue because i always have 100-200 calories leftover each day and i'm waaay below my maintenance.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    You're a 19 year old male eating 1400 calories? That's not nearly enough to support you and your growing body. It's a great way to screw up your hormones, which will cause problems as you get older. I realize your goal is to lose 55 more pounds, but seriously under eating is not the answer.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I have been maintaining at 165 for about a year, with not much exercise due to an injury and then I let life keep me away. I started back to lifting and running about a month ago and have been hovering around 170 ever since.

    At first that is difficult to see and manage, and even knowing how things work, I struggle with the "gain" from time to time.


    I feel stronger, and I look better than I did 5 pounds ago, my waist line is not increasing, and I know that it's likely water retention due to muscle repair.

    It's all good. Keep going and focus more on your measurements than your weight. You may find that your weight doesn't change much, but your body can become dramatically different, in all the good ways.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    You're a 19 year old male eating 1400 calories? That's not nearly enough to support you and your growing body. It's a great way to screw up your hormones, which will cause problems as you get older. I realize your goal is to lose 55 more pounds, but seriously under eating is not the answer.

    ^ Good advice.

    If you're bodybuilding, you need to fuel that workout, too. Set your MFP goal to 1lb/week with your accurate height, weight and age input, and eat the calories that it gives you.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    You're a 19 year old male eating 1400 calories? That's not nearly enough to support you and your growing body. It's a great way to screw up your hormones, which will cause problems as you get older. I realize your goal is to lose 55 more pounds, but seriously under eating is not the answer.

    OH lord, I didn't even check that! WOW. Good catch and great advice as always, @usmcmp!!!
  • Araganz
    Araganz Posts: 32 Member
    I dont feel hungry throughout the day though. I eat 4 meals a day a day and and manage to keep myself full. A ton of water as well. But i do realize that it is pretty low for someone of my age. Also, bodybuilding must burn a bit of calories as well. SO guess i up my calories a bit and see how it goes. Awesome advice from everyone!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    When you start a new exercise routine, and especially weight lifting, your body will retain water. This is completely normal and should subside in a couple weeks up to maybe a month. No need to panic, keep lifting. You won't regret it if you can stay consistent.


    Weight lifting rocks. It simply rocks!
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    edited April 2015
    Araganz wrote: »
    I dont feel hungry throughout the day though. I eat 4 meals a day a day and and manage to keep myself full. A ton of water as well. But i do realize that it is pretty low for someone of my age. Also, bodybuilding must burn a bit of calories as well. SO guess i up my calories a bit and see how it goes. Awesome advice from everyone!

    If you are feeling full, focus on getting in some calorie-dense foods like nuts, butters, oils, etc. It's an easy way to add a few hundred calories to your meals.
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Araganz wrote: »
    I dont feel hungry throughout the day though. I eat 4 meals a day a day and and manage to keep myself full. A ton of water as well. But i do realize that it is pretty low for someone of my age. Also, bodybuilding must burn a bit of calories as well. SO guess i up my calories a bit and see how it goes. Awesome advice from everyone!

    It may be helpful to know what your current height and weight stats are. What is your main goal?
    There are some pretty awesome and knowledgeable people here who would be able to guide you as it relates to calories and even nutrition. :)
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Araganz wrote: »
    I dont feel hungry throughout the day though. I eat 4 meals a day a day and and manage to keep myself full. A ton of water as well. But i do realize that it is pretty low for someone of my age. Also, bodybuilding must burn a bit of calories as well. SO guess i up my calories a bit and see how it goes. Awesome advice from everyone!

    If you don't feel hungry at 1400 calories, it's possible you're not really eating 1400 calories. How accurate is your logging? Are you weighing all the solid food you eat on a food scale?
  • Araganz
    Araganz Posts: 32 Member
    MireyGal76 wrote: »
    Araganz wrote: »
    I dont feel hungry throughout the day though. I eat 4 meals a day a day and and manage to keep myself full. A ton of water as well. But i do realize that it is pretty low for someone of my age. Also, bodybuilding must burn a bit of calories as well. SO guess i up my calories a bit and see how it goes. Awesome advice from everyone!

    It may be helpful to know what your current height and weight stats are. What is your main goal?
    There are some pretty awesome and knowledgeable people here who would be able to guide you as it relates to calories and even nutrition. :)

    Currently my height is 6 feet and my weight 95 kgs (dropped from 110). My main goal is to go down to 75-80 by August of this year. The help is appreciated :)
  • Araganz
    Araganz Posts: 32 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    Araganz wrote: »
    I dont feel hungry throughout the day though. I eat 4 meals a day a day and and manage to keep myself full. A ton of water as well. But i do realize that it is pretty low for someone of my age. Also, bodybuilding must burn a bit of calories as well. SO guess i up my calories a bit and see how it goes. Awesome advice from everyone!

    If you don't feel hungry at 1400 calories, it's possible you're not really eating 1400 calories. How accurate is your logging? Are you weighing all the solid food you eat on a food scale?

    I take my logging very seriously. I even record the amount of onions i used to make the omelet.
  • Frequently_Fabulous
    Frequently_Fabulous Posts: 132 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    When you start a new exercise routine, and especially weight lifting, your body will retain water. This is completely normal and should subside in a couple weeks up to maybe a month. No need to panic, keep lifting. You won't regret it if you can stay consistent.

    This. It is suuuuuuper frustrating, but will pay off. :)
  • terar21
    terar21 Posts: 523 Member
    I agree with the others. Look for more calorie dense foods. You have a lot of room to be able to increase calories to a level more appropriate for your size/gender and still lose at a good rate. Better for the long run.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Araganz wrote: »
    Currently my height is 6 feet and my weight 95 kgs (dropped from 110). My main goal is to go down to 75-80 by August of this year. The help is appreciated :)

    That's all fine except for the "by August of this year" part. Why set yourself such an arbitrary and quick deadline? There's no end point to losing weight; it's a lifestyle change for life. Pace yourself. A 15-20kg loss will likely take a year or so, maybe longer, and even after that, you're not "finished" because you'll have maintenance goals, weight training or strength goals, exercise goals...

    Eat enough food, lose weight slowly, minimize the muscle loss that goes along with losing the fat. Be happier and healthier for life.

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Araganz wrote: »
    segacs wrote: »
    Araganz wrote: »
    I dont feel hungry throughout the day though. I eat 4 meals a day a day and and manage to keep myself full. A ton of water as well. But i do realize that it is pretty low for someone of my age. Also, bodybuilding must burn a bit of calories as well. SO guess i up my calories a bit and see how it goes. Awesome advice from everyone!

    If you don't feel hungry at 1400 calories, it's possible you're not really eating 1400 calories. How accurate is your logging? Are you weighing all the solid food you eat on a food scale?

    I take my logging very seriously. I even record the amount of onions i used to make the omelet.

    Logging and weighing are two different things.
  • Araganz
    Araganz Posts: 32 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    Araganz wrote: »
    Currently my height is 6 feet and my weight 95 kgs (dropped from 110). My main goal is to go down to 75-80 by August of this year. The help is appreciated :)

    That's all fine except for the "by August of this year" part. Why set yourself such an arbitrary and quick deadline? There's no end point to losing weight; it's a lifestyle change for life. Pace yourself. A 15-20kg loss will likely take a year or so, maybe longer, and even after that, you're not "finished" because you'll have maintenance goals, weight training or strength goals, exercise goals...

    Eat enough food, lose weight slowly, minimize the muscle loss that goes along with losing the fat. Be happier and healthier for life.

    Well to be honest its because i'll be attending university from fall so would like to start on a good note. Also prom is around july so wanted to be fit for that as well. But yes i do understand what you mean. Its not healthy for me and should slow down. I do take Bcaa to prevent muscle loss though. I really appreciate all the advice and will be sure to put it into action. Thnx again :smile: