What is your motivation to loose weight

What is your motivation to loose weight. Personally I like to set mini goals such as getting my hair done to boost my enthusiasm. I also recently met a guy I like and noticed that it drove my workouts into 5th gear, and the intensity has increased immensely. What about you?


  • choconuts
    choconuts Posts: 208 Member
    Mine is pretty simple. I want to lose weight, so that my clothes fit looser. :p
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I am planning a shopping trip to Grove City PA at the end of May and I'd love to buy clothes in a smaller size. I also might go away somewhere tropical in the fall and would love to feel comfortable in my own skin on the beach (it's been a long time). But I'm also getting older and I know I should be eating healthy and working out, so that's a main reason.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Haha ya I would love for my clothes to be looser to so I could shop in cute stores like Rue 21
  • choconuts
    choconuts Posts: 208 Member
    Haha ya I would love for my clothes to be looser to so I could shop in cute stores like Rue 21

    I want to feel better about myself also. I'm tired of avoiding the mirror, and being uncomfortable in anything but yoga pants. :-/ I'm purposely going VERY slow (5 pounds in 65 days so far), and I've mentally prepared myself for 1 year of counting before maintenance. I have about 30 pounds to lose.

  • es513
    es513 Posts: 51 Member
    edited April 2015
    CHEST PAINS. I've been having them and have seen multiple cardiologists who have done so many tests and apparently it's not my heart.. but it will be if I don't get this weight off. I do not want to have a heart attack :( I just had a sweet baby girl 4 weeks ago and have a 4 yr old. The thought of not seeing my kiddos grow up because of something I can prevent hurts a lot!

    Also, anyone feel free to add!
  • lillyrose2020
    lillyrose2020 Posts: 178 Member
    Hmm gotta be honest... one of my fellow curvy pals announced that she'd lost 30lbs on FaceBook, I was super happy and pleased for her... but ALSO panicked that she would be thinner than me and that I'd be the fat one of the group. That gave me the initial push but now I'm seeing results I'm doing it for myself and because I love clothes. Ah, the vanity of my motivation :blush:
  • dryden30us
    dryden30us Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. My motivation is not just to look good in a bikini, but to be proud of how I look in it.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Im glad your medical issues cleared up, I dont care about spelling or grammar on these sites
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    So many things motivate me! (List not necessarily in priority order)

    #1 - To feel good, to feel strong, and maintain my health
    #2 - To look good in (and out) of clothes
    #3 - To have my husband compliment me
    #4 - To play disc golf on tough courses
    #5 - To play with my grandson
    #6 - To be an inspiration to others
    #7 - To be proud of myself!
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Es513 its awesome that you want to get in shape for your kids that is probably the best motivation. Lillyrose, I had a friend lose weight and post it on Facebook and the same thought ran through my head to give me the initial nudge lol
  • to not look like a fat *kitten*
  • hwestley
    hwestley Posts: 1 Member
    I really beed to loose 50lbs. Im over forty now. My kids are nearly grown and im on the precipice of my forward life. What sucks is im a good cook and its hard to say no to naughty things.
  • msuspaul
    msuspaul Posts: 1 Member
    My motivations are to live a healthy lifestyle, healthy life, to be comfortable in my clothes, and did I mention a trip to Florida
  • mrsdcsmithiv
    mrsdcsmithiv Posts: 16 Member
    I'm trying to get pregnant and I'm 50 lbs overweight (gained in 4 months). Doctors are running tests but I still keep gaining, so I'm just trying to change my lifestyle completely.
  • dondon1965
    dondon1965 Posts: 2 Member
    Doing it for me cause i deserve it lol trying to take a different approach this time like when u buy that something because u feel u deserve it well i think i deserve to be thinner i have raised my babies into wonderful a
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    MrsDc I know u can do it. I feel you I gained 50lbs in 4 months after loosing fourty pounds to begin with. I got complacent and gained more back than I originally lost :(
  • gonnasnap
    gonnasnap Posts: 146 Member
    I don't really wanna lose weight per se. I train to just push my body's limits. Some days I train harder just to have a couple extra slices of pizza. Discovering powerlifting was a life changing event for me.
  • Mycophilia
    Mycophilia Posts: 1,225 Member
    Well I got fat. So now I want to unfat myself.
  • sunshine4040
    sunshine4040 Posts: 29 Member
    I want to lose so I am healthier and have more energy. I don't feel comfortable with how I look any more, and I want to be able to play with my kids, and do the things I used to do before being chunky became a problem. I want to wear the cute tops, and the jeans, and look good doing it, for my own self image...lol.
  • cbrownmlc
    cbrownmlc Posts: 1 Member
    My motivation comes from walking through Walmart. Summer is coming, and they have all their best and cutest clothes on the racks! Nothing that I like is in my size (4x or 5x), which is why I am motivated to lose weight: I want to wear good clothes!