Refeeds/cheat days : what is best

hey everyone!

Curious about 'cheat days'...I am trying not to call it that as t plays with my head, but basically I have them and want to know what's reasonable so I'm not sabotaging all of my hard work!

It's the weekends where I tend to be less rigid. I'll go out to dinner with friends, get a coke or something to drink, and eat a reasonable portion but not necessarily a good choice for a meal.
Sometimes I could go over my calories by only 100 or less and other times it could be close to 500.
How does this effect my progress? In order to lose one pound I understand I have to burn 3500 calories per week. I'm eating 1470 daily currently.
So I guess I just need to do the math, but any suggestions about how to best manage weekends /cheat days/refeeds???

Thanks in advance :)


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I myself don't care for the word "cheat" either, as I'm doing nothing wrong. To me, this is about living life. 100-500 calories on occasion, is not going to hurt you in the scheme of things. Try to remember, that life happens. You will have occasions when you're out with family or friends or even have special events. Be conscientious, use moderation and have a good time.
  • girlviernes
    girlviernes Posts: 2,402 Member
    edited April 2015
    Flexibility is good if it helps you stick with this long-term. Kinda like a flexible house is more likely to withstand an earthquake.

    I prefer different terminology, such as flex-day, treat meal, etc. For me, I usually let myself be flexible any day (so I don't even really use any particular terminology). It is OK to be a little over sometimes. It just means that it will take me slightly longer to get to my goal. Which is my choice. I'd rather be happy and get to my goal in due time than rush it and fall off the wagon immediately. You can do the math to see how much it will slow you down, usually it's not much. Keep in mind the scale might shoot up with extra water retention, but that will come down fairly quickly.
  • loveliftlaughxo
    loveliftlaughxo Posts: 72 Member
    I'm anti cheat meals because I feel they played a big role in my B.E.D that I've battled for two years. I think occasional indulgences are nessary, but I don't feel like you need to plan them out to have. Live life and if you go over occasionally no big deal.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    stefng33 wrote: »
    hey everyone!

    Curious about 'cheat days'...I am trying not to call it that as t plays with my head, but basically I have them and want to know what's reasonable so I'm not sabotaging all of my hard work!

    It's the weekends where I tend to be less rigid. I'll go out to dinner with friends, get a coke or something to drink, and eat a reasonable portion but not necessarily a good choice for a meal.
    Sometimes I could go over my calories by only 100 or less and other times it could be close to 500.
    How does this effect my progress? In order to lose one pound I understand I have to burn 3500 calories per week. I'm eating 1470 daily currently.
    So I guess I just need to do the math, but any suggestions about how to best manage weekends /cheat days/refeeds???

    Thanks in advance :)

    If you want to go ahead and call it a cheat day then go ahead but don't call it a refeed because that's not what you're doing. Many people will have a day or days where they eat more or whatever they want then decide to call it a refeed when in reality what that are doing is justifying their actions by giving it a label that can carry less guilt. A refeed is a properly structured way of eating that has guidelines and is usually requiring more attention to detail to what you will rat that day to achieve the objective of what a real refeeds purpose will be
    Was just coming in here to say this.

  • stefng33
    stefng33 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm anti cheat meals because I feel they played a big role in my B.E.D that I've battled for two years. I think occasional indulgences are nessary, but I don't feel like you need to plan them out to have. Live life and if you go over occasionally no big deal.

    Yes and since starting this whole monitoring thing I'm 100% connected to my mind and how easy it is to develop an eating disorder.
    That's the thing, I don't want to binge and binge because I feel I'm depriving myself. I'd rather do what some of you are saying and allow myself treats whenever the heck I feel like it ;) So long as I'm prepared to progress a bit slower.
    I just want to be healthy AND happy.
  • stefng33
    stefng33 Posts: 49 Member
    AliceDark wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    stefng33 wrote: »
    hey everyone!

    Curious about 'cheat days'...I am trying not to call it that as t plays with my head, but basically I have them and want to know what's reasonable so I'm not sabotaging all of my hard work!

    It's the weekends where I tend to be less rigid. I'll go out to dinner with friends, get a coke or something to drink, and eat a reasonable portion but not necessarily a good choice for a meal.
    Sometimes I could go over my calories by only 100 or less and other times it could be close to 500.
    How does this effect my progress? In order to lose one pound I understand I have to burn 3500 calories per week. I'm eating 1470 daily currently.
    So I guess I just need to do the math, but any suggestions about how to best manage weekends /cheat days/refeeds???

    Thanks in advance :)

    If you want to go ahead and call it a cheat day then go ahead but don't call it a refeed because that's not what you're doing. Many people will have a day or days where they eat more or whatever they want then decide to call it a refeed when in reality what that are doing is justifying their actions by giving it a label that can carry less guilt. A refeed is a properly structured way of eating that has guidelines and is usually requiring more attention to detail to what you will rat that day to achieve the objective of what a real refeeds purpose will be
    Was just coming in here to say this.
    I assume this is more geared towards bodybuilding and stuff??
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Just do the math, maybe look at a weekly total. Dont fret too much just keep a handle on say your weekly calories if need be. Exercise if you need more.
  • bluworld
    bluworld Posts: 135 Member
    Refeeds are also what you do after someone has been through a period of food deprivation due to ED.
  • IvanOcampo
    IvanOcampo Posts: 226 Member
    Refeed days aren't necessary if you've set your macros correctly. They're generally used when you're going through carb cycling while cutting ..
    Cheat days are also unnecessary - particularly cheat DAYS.
    You can have a cheat meal once in a while if you're not cutting (depending always on what your goals are, how strict you are with your diet, goals and progression).
    cheat days can set you back about a week or two..
    cheat meals are just an excuse to eat lots .. If you track macros and really feel like a burger or a pizza or ice cream, just eat less earlier in the day and make sure it fits in to your diet.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,239 Member
    stefng33 wrote: »
    So I guess I just need to do the math, but any suggestions about how to best manage weekends /cheat days/refeeds???

    Thanks in advance :)

    Exercise. Before you go out, go for a long bicycle ride, hike, run, or workout at the gym ... bank some extra calories. Then when you have your dinner, you won't be over.

  • stefng33
    stefng33 Posts: 49 Member
    IvanOcampo wrote: »
    Refeed days aren't necessary if you've set your macros correctly. They're generally used when you're going through carb cycling while cutting ..
    Cheat days are also unnecessary - particularly cheat DAYS.
    You can have a cheat meal once in a while if you're not cutting (depending always on what your goals are, how strict you are with your diet, goals and progression).
    cheat days can set you back about a week or two..
    cheat meals are just an excuse to eat lots .. If you track macros and really feel like a burger or a pizza or ice cream, just eat less earlier in the day and make sure it fits in to your diet.

    Ok this makes sense! I think I might just need to exercise on the weekends and take a break during the week when I'm already eating less or on par. That way, I'm always eating at my deficit. I think! ;)

    So much to learn; thanks to all
  • IvanOcampo
    IvanOcampo Posts: 226 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    IvanOcampo wrote: »
    Refeed days aren't necessary if you've set your macros correctly. They're generally used when you're going through carb cycling while cutting ..
    Cheat days are also unnecessary - particularly cheat DAYS.
    You can have a cheat meal once in a while if you're not cutting (depending always on what your goals are, how strict you are with your diet, goals and progression).
    cheat days can set you back about a week or two..
    cheat meals are just an excuse to eat lots .. If you track macros and really feel like a burger or a pizza or ice cream, just eat less earlier in the day and make sure it fits in to your diet.

    Refeeds can be beneficial to people that are lean trying to get very lean and athletes as well. It doesn't mean their macros aren't set properly.

    There are many times where refeed days could be beneficial; from experience however these are reserved to advanced athletes and not those trying to lose weight or just starting with their exercise routine.

    Having said that, if you're eating at a caloric deficit and not losing weight, it could very well be that your metabolism has slowed down drastically - at which time you'll need to up your calories accordingly.