I'm afraid to fall in love again.



  • determined_ella
    determined_ella Posts: 4,354 Member
    Oh, gotcha. haha. I did mean it. That is how I feel. Sometimes worse than other times.. but it's still there. It's still hard to breathe. It hurts. and when I think about trying to find someone new... my stomach turns. It isn't healthy. I have got hardcore abandonment issues... I can't give people up very easily, I really really wish I could. If somehow, they get in... and I love them.. or trust them... it's so hard to let go.

    You will find a man that will take all that away in an instant... it's just waiting until he comes along ;)
  • BrandiStarr87
    BrandiStarr87 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm trying. Thank you :)
  • LOSTandFOUND2014
    LOSTandFOUND2014 Posts: 190 Member
    Bad Things happen so we have Good Things to look forward to...

    And a Star cant shine without a little darkness.

    Youll be fine. A little more time maybe. Get out with some friends.
  • JeopardyRight
    JeopardyRight Posts: 331 Member
    Fear is a choice. So is pain.
  • 9mike
    9mike Posts: 839 Member
    don't give up on love there is some1 who likes you for you
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Title says it all. My last relationship ending, hurt SO bad... I didn't think I was going to make it through there for a while. I've just started to be open to finding... something else... but I'm so unbelievably scared.

    Eventually you will. No rush.

  • LiftingRiot
    LiftingRiot Posts: 6,946 Member
    Join a nunnery
  • daydreams_of_pretty
    daydreams_of_pretty Posts: 506 Member
    This world is full of liars and shady folks who just want to use you. Fortunately, there are some good people out there as well. It's not always easy to know the difference, but if you don't try then you'll miss out on all of those brights ones out there. <3

    Side note, don't rush yourself into anything. Trust me, it just makes everything way more complicated for everyone. Besides, love comes from all sorts of places, not just romantic relationships. Start with you, your friends, and your family if they're not terrible. All you can do is try. ;)
  • HumboldtFred
    HumboldtFred Posts: 159 Member
    You say in your profile that, "Not many guys like big girls." I would say that any guy worth having likes a big heart and anything that comes attached to it. It has already been said here, but it is worth saying again. You are a very attractive young woman.

    Don't doubt yourself. I ended an eighteen year marriage five years ago today. I has taken this long to feel normal. In fact, this post reminded me of the date. That is how many @3$%# were given about that today. Your post inadvertently made my day, and now I am going to celebrate with tacos. Tacos for everybody! B)
  • BrandiStarr87
    BrandiStarr87 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks you guys :) you're all so nice and supportive.

    I want tacos :( lol
  • doctorwho2x
    doctorwho2x Posts: 60 Member
    you will, but nothing beats a little bit of me time, Take up some hobbies, Find your zen ha ha
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    Im the opposite, I would like to be in a relationship but feel so unattractive that I dont look for one, im afraid they wouldnt like me :(
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    ...feel so unattractive that I dont look for one, im afraid they wouldnt like me :(

    Far from it. Yer feellerz must be broked.

  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    ha-ha thanks