Struggling to do this everyday. Tips anyone?

tried on and off to do this. Only worked when I was unemployed. Now back in a busy job, I don't seem to find time. How do you all manage?


  • clairele84
    clairele84 Posts: 29 Member
    I am having the same problem. I am drawing up a food diary and exercise rota for myself. I have also got a weighted hula hoop for when I can't get to the gym or go for a run.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Make it as easy as possible.... Make a meal plan for during the week, prep all your food and save time on cooking and thinking about food :)
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Make it easy as possible and only eat food you like!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    tried on and off to do this. Only worked when I was unemployed. Now back in a busy job, I don't seem to find time. How do you all manage?

    What's taking the time?

  • magneticreikipaul
    magneticreikipaul Posts: 61 Member
    fail to organise organise to fail!
    get your priorities sorted make the time
    if you have time to post you have time to exercise
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    You have a fully though out plan and realistic expectations. The plan needs to organise you but also fit in with your lifestyle. That means being realistic and patient.
  • jacklynlevi
    jacklynlevi Posts: 6 Member
    if you register all you eat, after two weeks allmost all your Food is registed, finaly you just have to copy and paste ;)
  • jellybeanhed313
    jellybeanhed313 Posts: 344 Member
    Use the app on your phone or just write down what you eat throughout the day on paper and log it when you get home. Or you can pre-log your food for the day and stick with your choices. I find that I do well if I plan my meals and log them before eating. Then I can see how it looks and make changes as needed. Good luck! You can do this!
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    Time Management, organisation, planning, planning, planning oh and if you want it enough you WILL do it... Get up earlier to work out, batch cook healthy meals for the week at the weekends and enlist help from the family to meet you goals. JUST DO IT!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I don't really find that the actual food logging takes much time at all now that I'm practiced at it. I spend about 10 minutes each evening pre-logging the next day, less if I already have the meals I'm planning to have saved. I meal-prep lunches for the week on Sunday but I haven't always done so.

    At the end of the day, if it's important to you you'll make time. If it isn't a priority right now that's okay too.
  • azza213
    azza213 Posts: 21 Member
    I like to watch youtube clips of known bodybuilders/fitness athletes that makes me want to get to the gym try looking up team gymshark they have a bunch of good great positive athletes male and female with good advice
  • toofatnomore
    toofatnomore Posts: 206 Member
    The longer you do it the easier it gets...managing your diet is a commitment. If its a priority in your life, you will do it.
  • toofatnomore
    toofatnomore Posts: 206 Member
    tried on and off to do this. Only worked when I was unemployed. Now back in a busy job, I don't seem to find time. How do you all manage?
    Are struggling to just log your food, OR struggling to excercise? Or struggling to eat the correct allotted food calories to maintain a deficit? Your question doesn't imply what part of MFP is giving you fits,
  • CockneyLady2014
    CockneyLady2014 Posts: 199 Member
    Have to agree with most of the comments. Planning is the key and it can be time consuming in the beginning. You will soon get to know portion sizes. Build up a few meals that you don't have to think about. Batch cook and freeze and on busier days you will already have a meal prepared. Oh and PLANNING! Good luck.
  • evivahealth
    evivahealth Posts: 571 Member
    Finding the little bits of time in my day that might otherwise slip by and giving yourself a week or two to get into a routine with it.

    Like the others say, prioritising it plus prep and planning are most important. Sunday afternoons for grocery shopping and food prep for my breakfast, lunch and snacks (takes about an hour and a half). I then save all my recipes and then copy all the meals for the week in advance. When I do my prep I know for sure that I have about 500 cals for dinner and then if I manage to get exercise in I know I have about 200 cals to spare for something else. I try to get outside in my lunch hour for a brisk 5km walk. That pretty much does it for me :)
  • reske
    reske Posts: 4 Member
    I love this web site it's helped me to loose over 55 lbs. I started with baby steps. I lost most by just substituting one bad eating habit at a time; example, full fat ice cream to weight watchers; reg. cheese to parmesan, spaghetti squash instead of pasta. Plus I realized I was a carb addict. I made a simple kind of rule "If God made it I can probably eat it, if Man made it & put in a box etc. probably not". I don't diet. I eat healthier now. I don't go to the gym, but my job keeps me moving so I used the "exercise' section & gauged how many calories I use a day. Little changes do add up in changing bad habits to good. I'm 64 I gained my weight during menopause so slowly before I knew it I was almost 200 lbs. It took me a year to loose it but This web site was the information I needed, seeing where the calories came from, which foods were loaded & which were better choices worked for me. Best of all at the end of the food log day when you get that little "If every day was like today you'd weigh --- in 5 weeks" that encouraged me to keep going. I now weigh 144 and look like a rev person. Better yet I'm healthier, & I don't crave the bad stuff, I'm not addicted to the wrong crabs any more. Figure out what are your "trigger" foods that set you off & substitute it with something better for you.
  • reske
    reske Posts: 4 Member
    Never bring any food into the house that you can't resist. If my husband wants desert I buy what I don't care for. He eats cheesecake I don't care for it, he eats chips I eat pistachios.
  • lbedilion
    lbedilion Posts: 2 Member
    Nobody is finding time, you have to MAKE time. If you're serious about getting in shape, then you will MAKE time to eat better, exercise, and log into MFP if that helps. It's not easy, but you have to stick with it and be dedicated in order to see results. Sounds cliche, but it's true. Good luck!
  • JenforHealth
    JenforHealth Posts: 95 Member
    I don't like to cook so dont even try except for simple things. I buy lots of my food at trader joes like salads, sandwiches, frozen meals, nuts etc. they have reasonable prices otherwise I would just throw away ingredients and not use.
    That's my way of keeping it simple and manageable.
  • gpstreet
    gpstreet Posts: 184 Member
    I make sure all the exercise I do is part of my day. For example I cycle to work and back (800 calories burnt) and I pop down the allotment whenever I can (200 calories). The exercise I do has a purpose. I am convinced the way to lose weight is to control your calorie intake. MFP has helped me by monitoring everything I eat.