Not new, but I could use some new buddies!

Hey everyone. I'm not really new to mfp but I could use some friends! I'm a mom of 4, my last was born Nov 2014 so I'm currently trying to kick the last 10-15 of the 50 I gained during pregnancy. Right now I'm doing insanity.. Typically I do primarily weight lifting but I'm always up for something new. I've completed multiple round of 30 day shred, Chilean extreme, and various other challenges. Working out if a major stress reliever for me! Anyway if anyone wants to exchange support or looking for a new friend on their journey, add me :)


  • Jem163
    Jem163 Posts: 7 Member
    I just finished day 3 of insanity! I finished up the 21 day fix last week (lost 9 lbs-it's an AMAZING program!) but I leave for Jamaica in a month and wanted to try something that might give me some faster results and tone me up more quickly, and I also wanted to change things up to confuse my body! I have to say I love Shaun T and I love hip hop abs, but this program is kicking my booty! I'm hoping I adapt and get better at it as I go. I thought I was in pretty good cardiovascular shape, I just felt like I had to lose some lbs but Insanity has REALLY opened my eyes! I can't wait to see results!