Jillian Michaels BodyShred DVD



  • Alanabanana84
    Alanabanana84 Posts: 13 Member
    I thought that about the first time I did it. But after doing it the second time I thought this isn't so bad. Same with workout 4. Maybe because I felt a little more familiar with the moves. Legs are on fire at the end of workout 3, which I only realised I've done for the last time today :smile: two more workouts and I'm half way through. Still loving it, excited about the next week with some new workouts but also a bit worried about what she has in store! On one hand I want to know what is next (especially with new cardio) but on the other hand I don't want to scare myself off lol.

    Keep going and do my best is all I can ask for. I'm excited to see what I can actually do if I work at it :smiley:
  • KCMission
    KCMission Posts: 43 Member
    Today was my start day for this program - I've got all her DVD's and have been cycling through them for the last year or so. The only thing I have to modify are the pushups - I do them from my knees - due to a chronic shoulder injury, they hurt when I do them from my toes, but hopefully that will all change. I'm looking for a 25 lb weight loss, but then again, I don't much care what the scale says compared to how I feel in a bikini :)
  • Alanabanana84
    Alanabanana84 Posts: 13 Member
    That's great KCMission. I hope you enjoy the program as much as I am :smiley: I started week 5 this week so moved to workouts 5 & 6 as well as the change from Cardio 1 to Cardio 2. I'm loving the workouts, best ones so far, Cardio 2 intensity is obviously ramped up a bit from cardio 1 but doable and she does give you "rest" sort of exercises once or twice. I am seeing more changes in my body and what I can do in the workouts too.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    edited February 2015
    I ordered this new 60 shred program a few minutes ago. I was doing Insanity Max 30 and completed one full month. I am going to do the 60 day Shred program first before doing the second month of Max 30.... Hopefully 60 day shred will arrive soon. I can't wait to get started!
  • Alanabanana84
    Alanabanana84 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi all, just wondering how everyone is going with the program?
  • kelmar8
    kelmar8 Posts: 1 Member
    So happy to find other people who are doing it! I'm starting week 2 tomorrow! It's pretty tough, but I can already notice small changes every day- like my endurance and strength improving. :)
  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    i'm starting W2 today and love it!
  • LionessWhispers
    LionessWhispers Posts: 69 Member
    Hey everyone! Looks like some of you are probably finished with this program already.

    Any way you could share your results?

    I'm only in week 3 of Body Revolution but I'm thinking of getting this program next if people are seeing good results from it. Thanks to anyone willing to share!!
  • bogden78
    bogden78 Posts: 172 Member
    I absolutely love this program and the workouts are definitely part of my rotation!
  • amyannie
    amyannie Posts: 139 Member
    I'm definitely going to get this program! Did you guys just buy it through the Bodyshred site or is it cheaper somewhere else?
  • sarahharas5
    sarahharas5 Posts: 256 Member
    I bought it off the Bodyshred site. It's so new I wasn't able to find it anywhere else.
  • Candicem99
    Candicem99 Posts: 71 Member
    edited April 2015
    What kind of results have you seen from this program. I'm starting tomorrow.
  • hi im new to fitness pal and I like it and I too am interested in the jillan michaels 60 day shred I need a total change and could use some support
  • theatp
    theatp Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, this is the latest thread I found about JM's Bodyshred. I started a few weeks ago and I love it. Can totally feel myself getting stronger every day. I am actually not losing any major weight on the scale, but I can tell that I am gaining muscle definition.
  • jennickerson82
    jennickerson82 Posts: 1 Member
    I Just bought the 60 Bodyshred program and will be getting in about 5 days! I wanted to see what everyone's results were! I see lots of posts about asking for results but not seeing any responses. I hope there are some of you with good results! Am getting really excited and seeing peoples progress will help keep us ALL motivated I think! Ive really taken time off and let all my progress go and am super mad at myself. This next 60 days is going to suck! well to start then I hope it all comes back to me and I remember that doing this is something that is good for me, my health, and my family! Good Luck everyone!
  • jennypeachtree
    jennypeachtree Posts: 6 Member
    I'm about to be on week 4 of this program. I modify some, then try a few the right way, then modify. If you give it your all its an awesome workout. I've not really seen much of a change on the scale, but I've gained a lot of tone and I just feel better overall. I feel for someone like me who's goal is more weight loss maybe adding some more cardio in after the workouts might help. Anyways, it's a fun workout with a lot of variety and I highly recommend it :)
  • dnny13
    dnny13 Posts: 1 Member
    hey everyone hows it going? i hope everyone is doing great! my name is dennis i am a 28 yr. old male 6ft. tall 209lbs. and 23% body fat. i am going to be starting bodyshred week 3 this coming mon. i really enjoy the program so far! to be honest, i downloaded her program, i am a broke college student right now. so i just downloaded it, but i didn't get the meal plan, does it tell you how many calories a person like me should eat to get shredded. thanks and i hope everyone gets amazing results. take care and have a blessed weekend. :)
  • kaeld26
    kaeld26 Posts: 1 Member
    I have started this 2 days ago. Jillian says that you should see results in the first 7 days. I will take photos and re-measure my body. The workouts have been very hard but I do feel better about myself when I am finished. I have been doing T25 for a yr, then went to PiYo and just finished 21 extreme fit challenge.
  • JBKB3
    JBKB3 Posts: 1 Member
    I started the 60 day Body Shred on June 1 2015. I probably modified the whole time but I still progressed and hung in there. After my last week, I lost 10 lbs and 10 inches! I started a 2nd round on Monday Aug 3 and have lost 4 lbs since MONDAY! I'm stronger and able to perform each exercise better so I guess the weight is moving more quickly. I have JM to thank for my complete transformation. Now my husband, my sister and my cousin have all started! The flapping wings under my arm, the love handles, the back fat, and the oblique flub are all gone! Keep it up everyone. IT WORKS IF YOU WORK!
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    Just did the first work out of my last week so almost done. I have not lost much over last two months (don't have much left to go) but I am wicked strong now compared to EVER in my lifetime. Can't do all the moves all the time, but get in a crazy sweat all the time=pushing hard. I also now grab 5 lbs when she says grab light weights, instead of reaching for my kids' 1lbs like I used to