fell off the wagon, trying to pull myself back on...

I fell off the healthy eating and weight loss wagon in November. The weight is obviously coming back on, i am not happy with myself. I am struggling.


  • Kojie75
    Kojie75 Posts: 17 Member
    Fret not. Today is a new day. I can't even count the number of restarts I've had. I have fallen so far off the wagon at times, I can't even find the damn wagon anymore.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I fell off several times between November and January. It is a tough time of year but you dust yourself off and keep on going. I like finding a new fitness app for my phone or a challenge to join to push me back on track.
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 491 Member
    Have you tried looking at the success stories? I know for myself I have to remind myself how good it will feel when I get the results that I want and this meal or food and temporary happiness won't last. After I had my son, I felt so good about myself. Then I put on quite a bit of weight. I am holding onto the happiness I had with myself at that weight, and I know that once I hit it, I'll be even happier once I go past that.
  • 2Lotusblossom2
    2Lotusblossom2 Posts: 2 Member
    Fell under the wagon but I'm holding on to the wheel. Let's keep a tighter grip this time.
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    YOU are back!!! that is all that matters.. this is NOT a fresh start.. this is the ONLY start... SO... lets get busy... YOU are further ahead than you were in November... YOU know you want this... YOU know it's about making a lifestyle change and creating GOOD habits to rep[lace the bad habits that got you where you were... YOU have stepped up... NOW show yourself what YOU got.
  • 1975prue
    1975prue Posts: 21 Member