Need to work on my control

so I am a college student and a HUGE procrastinator. It is almost the end of the semester and I am hitting that time when I do all of my work.

This semester is no worse than any other but now that I am being conscious about what I eat I realized how bad I binge when I'm stressed. Last night I ate half a medium pizza and two large pepporoni rolls on top of my three meals I normally eat.

I need to work on not stress eating and get back on track!

Anyone else experience this?


  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    edited April 2015
    You hit the nail on the head. You need to work on control. I've had the exact same problem. It's one thing to decide to do something; quite another to actually DO it. You need to DO it! Most of your stress is probably coming from being out of control. Take a deep breath, make a "to-do" list, and tackle one project at a time in order of importance. It works; you just have to decide to do it. Best of luck to you, and friend me if you'd like.
  • ferneyjayde
    ferneyjayde Posts: 151 Member
    You hit the nail on the head. You need to work on control. I've had the exact same problem. It's one thing to decide to do something; quite another to actually DO it. You need to DO it! Most of your stress is probably coming from being out of control. Take a deep breath, make a "to-do" list, and tackle one project at a time in order of importance. It works; you just have to decide to do it. Best of luck to you, and friend me if you'd like.

    Yeah I am workin on that I am also working on not procrastinating as much! Lol currently I have a to-do list and it read something like

    15 page paper
    12 page paper
    3 projects
    2 power points

    I know it's my fault I just never realized the impact it had on my eating effort so that along with my control needs to be fixed! Haha

  • Got2beme7
    Got2beme7 Posts: 23 Member
    Good luck! It is hard as a student, I've been there too. I think "atypicalsmith" is right - make a list; maybe keep lots of tea and water nearby? If I had my life to do over - I would do what you are doing - control it NOW before you turn 40 and regret the control you didn't take!
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    You hit the nail on the head. You need to work on control. I've had the exact same problem. It's one thing to decide to do something; quite another to actually DO it. You need to DO it! Most of your stress is probably coming from being out of control. Take a deep breath, make a "to-do" list, and tackle one project at a time in order of importance. It works; you just have to decide to do it. Best of luck to you, and friend me if you'd like.

    Yeah I am workin on that I am also working on not procrastinating as much! Lol currently I have a to-do list and it read something like

    15 page paper
    12 page paper
    3 projects
    2 power points

    I know it's my fault I just never realized the impact it had on my eating effort so that along with my control needs to be fixed! Haha

    As long as you eat healthfully, you'll be surprised at how much more stamina you have to write papers and do projects! My niece, when in college, avoided the hard part of school by eating and sleeping. She was kicked out after a year. I used to pick her up on weekends to stay with me and her cousins and she totally disrupted everything. She IM'd on the computer until 5:00 am, then looked like a whale sleeping on the sofa until 2:00 pm or so, getting up a few times to eat. Then she quit going to classes but didn't tell anyone until she was kicked out.

    I AM NOT SAYING YOU WILL DO THIS!!! I'm just saying this is what happened to a perfectly bright person who happens to be my niece because she didn't like college. She got married to a nice guy, and after several years, went on a crash diet and lost nearly 200 pounds, and now she is morbidly obese.

    Decide what your goals are, then do them. DO them. Don't go to school because you feel you have to. You can learn a lot more by getting out in the real world.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I keep pre-weighed snack bags of fruits and veggies in my fridge. the crunchier the veggie, the more of the "edge" it takes off when eaten. ;) but I'm more likely to grab a pre-made bag than pull out something fresh and prepare it (and more likely to just grab the oreos). my sundays are spent portioning out food for the week.
  • cheekydeeky
    cheekydeeky Posts: 146 Member
    i suffer from the how come it's never enough thing. I grew up being told i wasn't finished eating until my plate was clean and now as an adult hate to waste anything. full or not. i also can't be satisfied with a serving of something. it's like i have to eat it all and get rid of it. i'm working on a diary for personal reasons to help me with my self esteem etc so that maybe i can get to the point where it's enough.
  • ferneyjayde
    ferneyjayde Posts: 151 Member
    edited April 2015
    Haha i understand what you re saying! The thing is I love school but I tend to get sidetracked by things that interest me and put off those things that don't! I just need to work on putting on my big girl pants and doing stuff that interests me less ahead of time as well.

    Btw thanks everyone for your comments and support!
  • ferneyjayde
    ferneyjayde Posts: 151 Member
    i suffer from the how come it's never enough thing. I grew up being told i wasn't finished eating until my plate was clean and now as an adult hate to waste anything. full or not. i also can't be satisfied with a serving of something. it's like i have to eat it all and get rid of it. i'm working on a diary for personal reasons to help me with my self esteem etc so that maybe i can get to the point where it's enough.

    I really hope that works for you! If you want you can add me as a friend and maybe we can support each other.

  • poet_clerk
    poet_clerk Posts: 2 Member
    Most of all (despite the "all or nothing" responses you'll get on this site) you must not beat yourself up. Losing weight is hard. If it were easy everyone would be able to do it. Two steps forward, one step back. You'll never be more than human.
  • activgrl
    activgrl Posts: 13 Member
    edited April 2015
    College was the hardest time for me with balance. And usually you either just don't eat, or you binge. But I promise it's so much easier to control now than to lose the pounds later. Plan ahead with timing and meals, eat healthy snacks often, and drink water. I also like to keep some notes to myself about how I feel. How it feels to regret, how you want to look, etc. When I feel myself losing the control, step aside for a minute, read a note or fitness tip, have a glass of water, and see if you still want to indulge. It will get easier!
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    I've been noticing lately that stressful situations (some of it brought on by my own stupid procrastination :s ) make me eat things I would never turn to usually. Before losing weight, I just ate all the time and didn't pay attention to what I'd eat. Now I can see where I do really well except when the stress gets cranked up. So as I'm learning even at this late age, procrastination is a trigger for stress which is a trigger for bad, bad eating! Sounds so simple but to us procrastinators, it's easy to forget.

    To-do lists are a must, if you're like me and have multiple projects and people requesting your help. It's hard to keep it all straight, so you have to find systems to organize it. For some people it's a daily list, others it's having a monthly calendar in front of them on the desk or computer. If it's time management, there are lots of good systems you can Google. Find one that works for you. The sooner, the better my fellow procrastinator!