Mirena Removal - Eliminating a possible cause of not being able to lose weight



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    esasse wrote: »
    Yeah I just had mine done Monday and I felt great the next day. I went back to work yesterday and felt great, and I feel even better today. I have already noticed my appetite has decreased. I feel like my head is clearer and I am able to keep my temper. My skin even feels softer. I am excited to get back to working out soon!

    Fabulous news!
  • galooshka28
    galooshka28 Posts: 31 Member
    Since having my mirena removed in February 2014 I was unable to lose weight which had gained with the device. Also i still have the lactating breasts and my periods are all in a mess( one period every 3 month). Went to the doctor twice and my bloods are normal.I am completely clueless what is causing all of this when the coil is no longer present.
  • esasse
    esasse Posts: 17 Member
    So now that my body has reset and everything is doing what it's supposed to I feel amazing!! I am not snacking as often, I have more energy, I don't feel sedated all the time. I was given the go ahead to start working out again and I've lost 6 lbs in 10 days. I have had some bad days in there and the weight hasnt come rushing back like it did when I had the Mirena. I am so excited that my body is finally doing what it is supposed to!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    esasse wrote: »
    So now that my body has reset and everything is doing what it's supposed to I feel amazing!! I am not snacking as often, I have more energy, I don't feel sedated all the time. I was given the go ahead to start working out again and I've lost 6 lbs in 10 days. I have had some bad days in there and the weight hasnt come rushing back like it did when I had the Mirena. I am so excited that my body is finally doing what it is supposed to!

  • wahoostampingirl
    wahoostampingirl Posts: 11 Member
    I got a Mirena IUD in Nov. 2013. However, it wasn't for BC. I was experiencing horrible periods that basically confined me to my house for 3 or 4 days every cycle. I became severely anemic from the heavy blood loss and it was making me miserable. So the Mirena has been great because I got my life back. I will say that I have a very hard time losing weight with it in, but that's always been the case for me, so I just have to accept that.
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    Goodness, I didn’t realize it made such a big difference. I went with a copper IUD and have had no problems whatsoever. Happy to hear everyone identified this as an issue and found solutions!
  • cosmo_momo
    cosmo_momo Posts: 173 Member
    LOVE my Mirena! I was on Depo before and switched because you are only supposed to use Depo for 2 years and I had been on it for 5...I've lost significant weight with both though. Just gained weight because I ate too much!
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    It's amazing how each woman responds differently to birth control! For me, the mirena was a godsend! I have PCOS so I don't get periods often but when I do they are killers! I bleed for 10+ weeks at a time and the bleeding is extremely heavy. After getting the mirena I spotted constantly for 3 months but nothing after that...no periods, no spotting! It did cause a huge decrease in libido but I'll take that over the side effects I've had from other birth control! I had my mirena removed back in January because my husband and I are ttc and I did not experience any crash at all. All other birth controls I have tried have been terrible for me....the depo was the very first I tried...I gained 60 pounds in about 5 months, had terrible mood swings and had suicidal thoughts/urges and I bled heavy the whole time I was on it. All the pills I tried continued to make me gain weight and I threw up constantly. I got pregnant while using the Nuva Ring. I liked the paraguard a lot but my periods were unbearable and I ended up anemic. When we are done having kids my husband WILL have a vasectomy!
  • esasse
    esasse Posts: 17 Member
    I agree. I think each woman has something different that works for them. I just thought back to what worked best for me before I gained weight and didn't struggle to lose it and the only thing that was different was when I wasn't on ANY birth control at all. That is why I chose to have my mirena removed and have my tubes removed. I will even admit there might be a "it's all in my head" element too since everyone is different. This is just what has worked for me. :)
  • LittleNell107
    LittleNell107 Posts: 71 Member
    esasse wrote: »
    So now that my body has reset and everything is doing what it's supposed to I feel amazing!! I am not snacking as often, I have more energy, I don't feel sedated all the time. I was given the go ahead to start working out again and I've lost 6 lbs in 10 days. I have had some bad days in there and the weight hasnt come rushing back like it did when I had the Mirena. I am so excited that my body is finally doing what it is supposed to!

    It's so great to hear your excellent progress and fantastic weight loss! Sounds like the removal was well worth it :)
  • dbienz
    dbienz Posts: 188 Member
    It's amazing how each woman responds differently to birth control! For me, the mirena was a godsend! I have PCOS so I don't get periods often but when I do they are killers! I bleed for 10+ weeks at a time and the bleeding is extremely heavy. After getting the mirena I spotted constantly for 3 months but nothing after that...no periods, no spotting! It did cause a huge decrease in libido but I'll take that over the side effects I've had from other birth control!

    I was on the pill for years but wanted something more long-term. I was newly out of a long-term relationship, young, and having some fun but wanted to be safe. I ended up getting a Mirena IUD and love it. After a couple months I stopped having a period. I have similar, light symptoms like tender breasts and food cravings but NO bleeding which is great! My periods came with horrific cramps, to the point of puking, so this has been awesome. I also was really bad at remembering to take the pill every day and I don't have to worry about that anymore.

    The downside for me is two-fold... weight gain and decreased libido. I was someone who gained weight after insertion. Now with more focus I've been losing it but its a daily struggle. As for the decreased libido, this is the worst side effect for me. I don't want to sound "easy" but I really enjoy sex and having that taken away has been hard. Sometimes my body doesn't even respond like it knows what's going on. Its made things difficult, embarrassing, and even painful at times. However, if it means avoiding an unplanned pregnancy I guess I'll have to accept it...
  • AwesomeSauceTN
    AwesomeSauceTN Posts: 27 Member
    I can't use any hormones so I use the copper IUD and I love it. It hurt like hell going in (I haven't had any kids) and I had horrible cramps for the 3 hours after insertion but since then.... no side effects, no weight gain, doesn't change my mood, no maintenance and it lasts 10 years!
  • LittleNell107
    LittleNell107 Posts: 71 Member
    Since having my mirena removed in February 2014 I was unable to lose weight which had gained with the device. Also i still have the lactating breasts and my periods are all in a mess( one period every 3 month). Went to the doctor twice and my bloods are normal.I am completely clueless what is causing all of this when the coil is no longer present.

    @galooshka28 - I'm sorry you're still experiencing post-Mirena problems... I'm still in the same boat a bit too! You're the first other person who has ever mentioned the lactating breasts - I had that too, but more so the left side. I think that has almost all gone now (I've only seen it once since removal, about a month ago). I still have on-going hair loss and complete absence of periods though... but overall I feel way better since removal.

    From my reading around, I think using artificial hormones, such as those found in BC like Mirena, can cause our endocrine systems to struggle to perform correctly and naturally regulate our hormones - so there can be a long gap before our natural hormone generation and balance recovers fully.

    So - fingers crossed for your full recovery :)
  • galooshka28
    galooshka28 Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you for mentioning the lactating breasts.I have both breasts lactating but more stuff comes out from the right one.I think mirena is to blame for messing up with the reproductive system and I am hoping that the body will sort itself out.At the moment I am awaiting on the ultrasound scan to check if I have developed any cysts.Fingers crossed nothing Is there just worried because of the absent periods.
  • Tweakfish
    Tweakfish Posts: 93 Member
    I have had Mirena for 5 years. I have never noticed it effecting my weight loss. I absolutely love it.
  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    Got a Mirena even though my tubes were tied because of incredibly heavy periods and anemia. All it did for me was lighten them slightly but make them last for 21 days out of 28 :(. So out that came after 9 months and I had an ablation. Unfortunately I wasn't one of the lucky ones and still had regular periods but at least they only lasted 11 days. These days I am doing the happy dance as I have gone through menopause and come out the other side and I feel great (other than the weight coming off at a glacial pace now).
  • belindagreenberg
    belindagreenberg Posts: 8 Member
    Had it for nine months and was dieting and exercising but gaining weight and extremely bloated - been able to lose over 2st since it was removed, still lots to go but moving the right way
  • theston412
    theston412 Posts: 47 Member
    I am on my 2nd Mirena device. I had the first one put in 6 weeks after my daughter was born, and had it for 5 years. I had my current one put in 3 weeks after the 1st one being taken out and still have it.

    I love that I don't have any periods. I love that I won't get pregnant.

    I never even thought to make a connection between losing weight and the Mirena, and the acne along the jaw line... I honestly didn't do much research. I just wanted something I didn't have to remember to take every day.

    The OP mentioned having to have surgery to have her IUD removed. When I had mine removed, my OB/GYN just ripped it out. Is this not normal? lol
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    I removed my own Mirena because I had all the symptoms of ASIA (auto-immune response to silicone - definitely worth looking up, if you don't think your symptoms are due to the hormones) and just ditching my silicone contact lenses wasn't enough. The hormone delivery of Mirena depends on a silicone oil - which exacerbates the problem of having a silicone implant if your body doesn't like the silicone. I was sleeping 15 hours a day, had dry eye, persistent gut problems, and weight gain. All of it ended within a week of taking out the Mirena. (I have also switched to plastic contact lenses, and found that I like contacts much better when they don't make my eyeballs so irritated.) I have lost about 12 lbs without much effort beyond my usual lifestyle since January.

    After all that, condoms seem down right convenient.
  • harpsdesire
    harpsdesire Posts: 190 Member
    Good Luck with the surgery!

    Adding my two cents, I gained a lot of weight with 'the pill', and my doctor told me Mirena wouldn't have the same effects. So far it seems like I can lose weight more easily since on the IUD vs the pill.