

  • jimmyabbot02
    jimmyabbot02 Posts: 13 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Hey I have just received an answer from a fitness trainer in Fit Site Plus Community. The answer is "The only way to fight a perceived imbalance, is to fight it with balance.

    Make sure you are not including any trouble foods. You need to eat well to create more muscle mass, so your body can obtain balance and not accumulate fat in stomach and hips, and to correct and perfect any digestive issues that could be preceding this.

    Just like they told you you could not reduce fat in a spot specific manner, you cannot continue to battle this issue in an issue specific manner. "

    Lol, that's a garbage response.
    Trouble foods. As if.
    Eating well doesn't create muscle mass by itself.
    And it makes no mention of strength training. Oops.

    Please give me the working solution for this.

    rabbitjb wrote: »
    You can't

    I am only responding to the title, I didn't read your OP .. it's long sorry .. but the answer is the same for everybody

    You can't spot reduce

    Weight will come off where it comes off - if you have no excess fat left anywhere else then it will come off stomach fat reserves

    You need to eat at a calorie defecit and lift heavy things

    read the sticky at the top of the General board "So you want a nice stomach"

    and here's the link:

    now what's the problem with that advice?

    Thank you for the useful Suggestion.
  • bigd66218
    bigd66218 Posts: 376 Member
    Impossible to spot reduce, the only way to reduce the midsection is core exercises/diet and if your physiology generally stores weight in that area there's not much you can do.
  • jimmyabbot02
    jimmyabbot02 Posts: 13 Member
    Boogage wrote: »
    Are you sure its not mainly lose skin at your size? I got sickly thin in an effort to get rid of my huge tummy but even after the fat was gone it still looked huge due to excess skin from having children. I re gained 20lbs and I felt much better about myself as I didn't look sick anymore and my tum fitted me better with a bit of fat all over. This time round I have more fat on my tum but I'm eating more and exercising to build muscle and my stomach seems to be pulling up and in a bit after just a couple of weeks.

    Can u please share your plan with me which you did?
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    To regain the weight I basically just gave up on the calorie counting as it put me in a bad place mentally and I didn't eat and I gave up the exercise too but ideally I would have just increased my intake by 50 to 100 calories a week until I'd gotten up to a reasonable amount whilst exercising to build strength. Currently I'm eating 1400-1600 a day (which is causing me to lose weight so I'd have to eat more if I still wanted to gain) and doing short sessions (15-30 minutes depending how I feel) of upper body strength training 2x week and lower body 2x a week. I don't have a specific plan but its easy to find upper/lower split workouts online. I just pick the moves that will hit all the muscles and that I have the equipment for and try to do 3 circuits of them during my workout. I don't really do any ab isolation exercises as I find they make my stomach protrude more and lifting weights will engage your core muscles and strengthen them enough anyway.
  • jimmyabbot02
    jimmyabbot02 Posts: 13 Member
    Boogage wrote: »
    To regain the weight I basically just gave up on the calorie counting as it put me in a bad place mentally and I didn't eat and I gave up the exercise too but ideally I would have just increased my intake by 50 to 100 calories a week until I'd gotten up to a reasonable amount whilst exercising to build strength. Currently I'm eating 1400-1600 a day (which is causing me to lose weight so I'd have to eat more if I still wanted to gain) and doing short sessions (15-30 minutes depending how I feel) of upper body strength training 2x week and lower body 2x a week. I don't have a specific plan but its easy to find upper/lower split workouts online. I just pick the moves that will hit all the muscles and that I have the equipment for and try to do 3 circuits of them during my workout. I don't really do any ab isolation exercises as I find they make my stomach protrude more and lifting weights will engage your core muscles and strengthen them enough anyway.

    @Boogage thank u very much for your valuable tips. I must follow them and get back to you.
  • kikichewie
    kikichewie Posts: 276 Member
    Okay, I hate your mom. The real issue here is she gave you a complex with a stupid comment when you were a kid. Now you can't let it go. Your stomach is probably just fine and completely normal. I'll bet it's all in your head. The work you need to do is mental, not physical.