Ladies...lets talk period calorie intake



  • ladieofthebees
    ladieofthebees Posts: 51 Member
    After several months of moderation and healthier eating, I don't necessarily crave the bad stuff around my TOM anymore, but in the few days right before my period, I feel like I could eat the world. Literally, I have stood at the fridge with a big bag of spinach wondering if it would fill me up if I ate the whole thing.

    But like a lot of ladies on the thread, I stick to my calorie goals, wait for it to pass, and once my period starts I feel normal again. If I really want something to scratch the chocolate itch, I make a piece of dark chocolate with a dab of peanut butter work inside my calorie goals. NOM.
  • hsmith0930
    hsmith0930 Posts: 160 Member
    Sometimes I get stronger cravings before and during. Today I NEEDED an ice cream sandwich, which was as amazing as I wanted it to be. The difference between what happened today and what would've happened two months ago is that I had one, then I went for a nice long walk with my dog and burned almost 500 calories. Two months ago I would have eaten half the box and the only extra calories I would have burned would have been opening the wrappers...
  • shayshayskidmore
    shayshayskidmore Posts: 2 Member
    Yes. I crave more during that time. I tend to want junk that I norm don't. My problem isn't the calories as much as the sugar intake.
  • I go nuts the week before my period. I eat EVERYTHING in sight especially high carb foods and chocolate. I also get weird cravings. It's insane and usually means I weigh 2-3 pounds heavier during that time of the month...
  • jenniferinfl
    jenniferinfl Posts: 456 Member
    I also get really angry at the scale. It's hovering at 2 lbs above and the dang thing hasn't even started up yet. It's holding out so that it can be at its worst for my first day at my new job and my ten mile walk day.. Grrrrrrrrrrrr...
  • cici8912
    cici8912 Posts: 20 Member
    I go nuts the week before my period. I eat EVERYTHING in sight especially high carb foods and chocolate. I also get weird cravings. It's insane and usually means I weigh 2-3 pounds heavier during that time of the month...

    Same here it's so frustrating!!
  • Dancetherapist
    Dancetherapist Posts: 33 Member
    I definitely end up eating more unhealthy foods during the first few days of my period and just see it as giving myself a break. I'm also in way too much pain to be able to exercise for the first two or three days so I typically end up gaining a tiny bit...then around the 4th day I just get back on track with exercising and eating well enough that I lose that tiny bit. It all ends up evening out. I have definitely found, however, that not eating a lot of sugar or fried foods helps my cramps to be not so bad so that has been motivation to eat better during that time of the month.
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    I feel that I crave a bit more during that time but I am usually able to stay within my calorie limit
  • frameloss
    frameloss Posts: 92 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    For me it's one week before. I typically have a couple days when I'm ravenous and can easily eat over 3000 calories... No issue at all once my period actually starts.

    I'm the same way!!

    Same here!
  • golfgirl99
    golfgirl99 Posts: 25 Member
    I am a bottomless pit for about 5 does not get it..... I keep my macros in check but calories I don't worry about too much.....crest white strips, walks, baths, pretty much anything I can use to distract myself and remove food is helpful!
  • darcelchoy
    darcelchoy Posts: 89 Member
    Before I started exercising I would eat a lot of junk food before my period. This is my fourth week exercising and that time of the month is approaching so I'll see how things go.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I have huge cravings the week before my period. I eat more than normal, maybe 400-700 calories, so right at maintenance or just above. I eat like that for a 2-3 days then I am fine again. Usually on those days I try to do a little bit more cardio to balance things out, but I don't really mind either way, as I haven't gained anything. I've always had 2-3 days a month when I'm starved usually followed by 2-3 without much appetite the week after my period so it balances out.

    In fairness, I am sure most of the people who stick to their calories are losing faster than I am.
  • kickassbarbie
    kickassbarbie Posts: 286 Member
    I usually give in on the worst couple of days and go a few hundred over my calorie goal, I'd go crazy without! End of week it's still a calorie deficit just a little smaller than the other three weeks.

    I get the weirdest food cravings on pms lately (no period though!) yesterday I had cravings for salt on dark chocolate. has this happened to anyone else? Weird weird food cravings every month? My doctor just blames everything on stress as usual.
    5 months of crazy pms cravings is driving me mad all I think about is food one week a month and not normal food, Jerky mashed with banana, salt sprinkled choc, brown sauce on sweet foods.....
  • TheRobotsAreComing
    TheRobotsAreComing Posts: 26 Member
    Honestly, I don't, and idgaf. It's a russian roulette whether it's a week of pure hell or just extremely difficult and I never know which is coming. If I eat too many chocolate or sweets quite frankly it's the least of my concerns at that point in time. I am aware I'm outside of the average experience though.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Nope not at all.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Never. I do remember that "must eat ___ or I'll die" feeling from pregnancy. Sometimes I feel like I want to eat less because I feel so bloated.
  • hmck123
    hmck123 Posts: 23 Member
    I get really horrible pains that make me feel like I'm going to pass out so I let myself have treats on days where it's awful, like a bag of malteasers - only 187 cals and they really hit the spot for me :) but then so does guiness...
  • cindyangotti
    cindyangotti Posts: 294 Member
    For me it's the week before. I find that increasing my cardio workout helps a lot with cramps and cravings/hunger.
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    my emotions, cramps, fatigue, and breast pain are on an all time high that week so i just say *kitten* it and do whatever makes me happy. I have a hard time staying sane/happy that week so worrying about calories is something i cannot handle. I DO get insane cravings for salt, sweets, and red meat.
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    I go nuts the week before my period. I eat EVERYTHING in sight especially high carb foods and chocolate. I also get weird cravings. It's insane and usually means I weigh 2-3 pounds heavier during that time of the month...

    yup! the week before its like I'm preparing for hibernation. carbs carbs carbs.