Response: Heba Needs a push up bra

Now, normally things on this site don't make me mad... but after reading your guys' responses, i was almost ashamed to be a part of this group.

I'm sure Heba knows that her breast are saggy (she WAS wearing a bra... they were saggy even when she wore a sports bra), and i'm sure that's just one of the many personal body image issues that she's going to have to deal with now that she's smaller.

i watch the show faithfully, and i am by no mean a Heba-supporter, but seriously, all the blantant attacks on her looks are shameful. How would you like it if you knew people were saying that about you? how confident would you be with your own personal self-image knowing that people like you were so harsh and quick to make judgements about YOUR appearance. i dont think it would feel too good.

i'm on my way to losing weight, and i'm terrified. now i have to add having a saggy tummy and breast to my long list of things i will undoubtedly be self conscious about, especially knowing that saggy breasts are not tolerated by some members of MFP. How disappointing.:explode:


  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    Now, normally things on this site don't make me mad... but after reading your guys' responses, i was almost ashamed to be a part of this group.

    I'm sure Heba knows that her breast are saggy (she WAS wearing a bra... they were saggy even when she wore a sports bra), and i'm sure that's just one of the many personal body image issues that she's going to have to deal with now that she's smaller.

    i watch the show faithfully, and i am by no mean a Heba-supporter, but seriously, all the blantant attacks on her looks are shameful. How would you like it if you knew people were saying that about you? how confident would you be with your own personal self-image knowing that people like you were so harsh and quick to make judgements about YOUR appearance. i dont think it would feel too good.

    i'm on my way to losing weight, and i'm terrified. now i have to add having a saggy tummy and breast to my long list of things i will undoubtedly be self conscious about, especially knowing that saggy breasts are not tolerated by some members of MFP. How disappointing.:explode:
  • isadoraworkman
    isadoraworkman Posts: 205 Member
    Thank you for saying that ellelit.
  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Now, normally things on this site don't make me mad... but after reading your guys' responses, i was almost ashamed to be a part of this group.

    I'm sure Heba knows that her breast are saggy (she WAS wearing a bra... they were saggy even when she wore a sports bra), and i'm sure that's just one of the many personal body image issues that she's going to have to deal with now that she's smaller.

    i watch the show faithfully, and i am by no mean a Heba-supporter, but seriously, all the blantant attacks on her looks are shameful. How would you like it if you knew people were saying that about you? how confident would you be with your own personal self-image knowing that people like you were so harsh and quick to make judgements about YOUR appearance. i dont think it would feel too good.

    i'm on my way to losing weight, and i'm terrified. now i have to add having a saggy tummy and breast to my long list of things i will undoubtedly be self conscious about, especially knowing that saggy breasts are not tolerated by some members of MFP. How disappointing.:explode:

    Sorry, I must have missed this post, but I'm not sorry to have done - by the sounds of it!
    I have more saggy bits right now than I care to mention :blushing: but I am pleased to say I am losing them, I would love to say that I don't care what people say, but...people can be harsh - intentionally or otherwise :grumble:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I never saw the show...or read the other post...

    However, I do not thik even Wonder bra will be able to help me! :laugh:
    You just come sit right next to me Elle, you'll be fine.
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I never saw the show...or read the other post...

    However, I do not thik even Wonder bra will be able to help me! :laugh:
    You just come sit right next to me Elle, you'll be fine.

    I saw it listed but choose not to "go there", But I'm with ChubbyBunny, I would need a Supper Bra with magical powers to lift my girls and Wonder wear to lift my tummy.:bigsmile:
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I too have saggy bits :laugh: that I don't like but I'm not on TV either. I don't have someone dressing me for a TV show finally it wasn't hebas fault I don't think but the dressers should have given her a better bra. The episode were they got to pick out clothes with christian she should have picked something out were she could put on a good bra. People talk on the site because they need to joke around. Not for one second would ONE person on here ever say something INSULTING about another MFPer. I trully believe that. It's all in fun and games if it bothers you don't read it.:flowerforyou:
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    I noticed this previously as well. People get really worked up about their TV shows I guess.

    I think they see her as 'bad' so they feel comfortable saying nasty things about her.

    However, it's a TV show. 'Reality' or not it's not something to be used as an accurate gauge of someone's true personality.
  • schoonmp
    schoonmp Posts: 175
    I agree with ya. Vicky and Heba got a lot of grief. I really don't think they are like that in real life. I thought Heba looked awsome. I think everyone is just being mean because she looked so good.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Honestly, I thought Heba looked great. She's a pretty woman for sure and did a fantastic job. There is no denying that.

    I was just a little thrown that she didn't invest in a better bra, that's all. I mean, for crying out loud, all my parts aren't exactly where I want them to be but if I were going to be on national television, I would do whatever I can to "enhance" them!! LOL!

    I think if Heba hadn't been so "Iffy" throughout the show and if she hadn't aligned herself with Vicky, then nothing would have been said because people are just turned off by her as a person and as a result are picking her apart.

    And the amount of people that are turned off by Heba and especially Vicky's behavior seems to support the fact that they weren't very likeable.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    She needed a bra.

    Maybe she forgot to put it on in the hurry to get dressed, or maybe she had a wardrobe person who gave her wrong advice.

    BTW....any way you cut it she and her spouse did an awesome job of losing weight.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Heba did look great!!!!,

    She worked very hard at what she accopmlished, however, she was very mean to other people and she was very opinionated throughout the whole show. So, I feel that If she was watching the show she would express just about the same thing..

    Heba had I think she should have thought about what she was wearing under her dress. I too am very concerned about what I look like and if I was on national tevelision I think I would have bought a bra that made me look great.

    This is coming from a person that had been looked at funny most of her adult life. So I laugh if someone does not like what I look like. Life is to short.

    Did not mean to offend mfp friends.

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Now, normally things on this site don't make me mad... but after reading your guys' responses, i was almost ashamed to be a part of this group.

    I'm sure Heba knows that her breast are saggy (she WAS wearing a bra... they were saggy even when she wore a sports bra), and i'm sure that's just one of the many personal body image issues that she's going to have to deal with now that she's smaller.

    i watch the show faithfully, and i am by no mean a Heba-supporter, but seriously, all the blantant attacks on her looks are shameful. How would you like it if you knew people were saying that about you? how confident would you be with your own personal self-image knowing that people like you were so harsh and quick to make judgements about YOUR appearance. i dont think it would feel too good.

    i'm on my way to losing weight, and i'm terrified. now i have to add having a saggy tummy and breast to my long list of things i will undoubtedly be self conscious about, especially knowing that saggy breasts are not tolerated by some members of MFP. How disappointing.:explode:

    Please don't be disappointed. It was really all in fun, we all have gone through though times with weight.

    If I have offended you please don't let this stop you from getting to you goal

    sorry again
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    I SWEAR this is the advertisement blinking at the top of my page...It is for a seamless bra for dd-ff or something. :laugh: :laugh:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Can someone post a pic of Heba and what she looked like at the finale?

    I don't have input either way on this topic, but I want to see what all the hullabaloo was about.
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    I know that no one meant any harm here, we are a bunch of friendly, sweet, caring supporters of each other who have all dealt with or are still dealing with the same kinds of thing. I know that the ones who said things about Heba was only going with the flow of the show...and I think the producers purposely didnt want any of us to like Vicky or possibly even Heba for that matter. Why else would their attitudes have been so "ugly" throughout the show? Anyway, I just read over the thread in question and I really didnt see anything that was "mean" or awful...just friendly joking around JUST AS WE ALL DO with each other on here day to day about one thing or another. I hope you dont take the friendly fun that was done as MFP being full of shallow, nasty people. The members here are anything but that:heart: I sincerely dont think that any harm was meant, again I just think it was all in the fun of going with the flow of the show...
    P.S. One last thing...Im sure EVERYONE here agrees that no matter how much we wanted to "dislike" Heba and Vicky throughout the season, they both looked totally amazing and have alot to be proud of:heart:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    I know that no one meant any harm here, we are a bunch of friendly, sweet, caring supporters of each other who have all dealt with or are still dealing with the same kinds of thing. I know that the ones who said things about Heba was only going with the flow of the show...and I think the producers purposely didnt want any of us to like Vicky or possibly even Heba for that matter. Why else would their attitudes have been so "ugly" throughout the show? Anyway, I just read over the thread in question and I really didnt see anything that was "mean" or awful...just friendly joking around JUST AS WE ALL DO with each other on here day to day about one thing or another. I hope you dont take the friendly fun that was done as MFP being full of shallow, nasty people. The members here are anything but that:heart: I sincerely dont think that any harm was meant, again I just think it was all in the fun of going with the flow of the show...
    P.S. One last thing...Im sure EVERYONE here agrees that no matter how much we wanted to "dislike" Heba and Vicky throughout the season, they both looked totally amazing and have alot to be proud of:heart:

    I could not have said it any better.
  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    i understand it may have ben intended as "in good fun" but its the same thing i dealt with all through school. getting pulled into the principal's office with the bullies who would call me lard *kitten* and pork chop, when their retort would be, "come on Mr. Grandy... we were just having fun."

    i thought they looked great... it's just something to keep in mind that some people have deep-seeded issues with selfworth and self esteem,and even when something is not directed at you or said in "jest", it can still have a profound impact. that's all i was saying.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Ellielit I can understand your issues and know there are things that have been hurtful to you. I have had my own issues from childhood. The thing is, I bet anyone you meet had an issue in childhood. If it wasn't for their weight, it was for their height or wealth (or lack thereof) or pimples or hair color.

    My point is that this wasn't a personal attack. It's kind of like the gorilla in the room type of thing. You can't NOT see it. I remember when Drew Barrymore was on stage at some show and her boobs were hanging a little low. It was in the headlines for the next week. Or when Tara Reids boobs popped out. Or when someone else fell. Its just one of those things that we as humans notice and comment on. Unfortunately it is part of life and will continue to happen until the end of time.

    I imagine there are things YOU notice about someone and comment on that aren't always in a positive light. It doesn't mean you are a mean or petty person. It just means we all notice these things.

    Take care!
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    Ellielit I can understand your issues and know there are things that have been hurtful to you. I have had my own issues from childhood. The thing is, I bet anyone you meet had an issue in childhood. If it wasn't for their weight, it was for their height or wealth (or lack thereof) or pimples or hair color.

    My point is that this wasn't a personal attack. It's kind of like the gorilla in the room type of thing. You can't NOT see it. I remember when Drew Barrymore was on stage at some show and her boobs were hanging a little low. It was in the headlines for the next week. Or when Tara Reids boobs popped out. Or when someone else fell. Its just one of those things that we as humans notice and comment on. Unfortunately it is part of life and will continue to happen until the end of time.

    I imagine there are things YOU notice about someone and comment on that aren't always in a positive light. It doesn't mean you are a mean or petty person. It just means we all notice these things.

    Take care!

    well said.
  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    Thanks, i'll kepp your comments in mind!