did anyone else get super emotional



  • LovelyIvy466
    LovelyIvy466 Posts: 387 Member
    I had this reaction when I did a detox a few years back. In hindsight it's because I was eating WAY too little food for an expensive *kitten* detox and pissed at myself, lol.
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    It's a huge change, that's actually made up of a lot of changes, both physical and mental, so I do think it's common to have emotional reactions. Will depend on the individual what that actually looks like, how long it lasts, etc.

    Since it's been a few weeks, it's probably not the initial adaptation to the deficit. Do you notice any triggers? Certain kinds of hunger, certain times of the day, after certain meals or snacks, if you're low on fat (or carbs or protein) for the day, etc?

    Have you been moving more? That can sometimes help stabilize emotions.

    Is your target 1200? Do you always hit that, and also eat back exercise calories? If you look under reports, are you regularly netting below 1200? Make sure you NET 1200 as a minimum. If MFP has set you to 1200 and you hate going over, set a custom at 1300 and try to stay between 1200 and 1300 (net, though!).*

    *Start by eating back 50 or 75% of exercise cals. Sometimes the burns are inflated, so eating them all can be a problem.

    Have you noticed any fixes? A small snack, eating more regularly, eating breakfast later, certain meals and snacks that don't trigger it, etc.

    You may also have been unlucky enough to start your lifestyle change after your last period. So you had a couple weeks of adjusting to the deficit, and now you're starting your first PMS on a deficit. Yay!

    If it keeps happening and doesn't get better, and you've definitely gotten past at least one period (or you just can't take it anymore) then experiment with upping your calorie goal. Doesn't have to be much (maybe 100) or could be a whole 0.5 lb notch (aka 250).

    My dairy is open if you wanted to look, I exercise every day, eat just below my calories most days.

    but now that you mention it, its about that time of the month for my "shark week"


    good lord, I feel stupid.

    Your diary is closed for me. Do you have it open only to friends maybe? (Closed to all is the default, I think.)
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    I didn't at first but the longer it drags on the more bummed I seem to get on occasion. It's basically become this endless process that won't seem to just wrap up. I constantly feel like after 4 years I should be the stupid after photo already but it just ain't happening. It's a bit irritating to get constantly diminishing returns. Meanwhile all you see are other people having constant success because they're lucky enough to have started out with less to overcome. So yeah. There's that.

    Preach it.

  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    Unbridled glee has been my only reaction so far through 22 lbs of loss. Probably enough glee to annoy the heck out of my husband, but only glee.
  • courtneyallisonatx
    courtneyallisonatx Posts: 133 Member
    It's a huge change, that's actually made up of a lot of changes, both physical and mental, so I do think it's common to have emotional reactions. Will depend on the individual what that actually looks like, how long it lasts, etc.

    Since it's been a few weeks, it's probably not the initial adaptation to the deficit. Do you notice any triggers? Certain kinds of hunger, certain times of the day, after certain meals or snacks, if you're low on fat (or carbs or protein) for the day, etc?

    Have you been moving more? That can sometimes help stabilize emotions.

    Is your target 1200? Do you always hit that, and also eat back exercise calories? If you look under reports, are you regularly netting below 1200? Make sure you NET 1200 as a minimum. If MFP has set you to 1200 and you hate going over, set a custom at 1300 and try to stay between 1200 and 1300 (net, though!).*

    *Start by eating back 50 or 75% of exercise cals. Sometimes the burns are inflated, so eating them all can be a problem.

    Have you noticed any fixes? A small snack, eating more regularly, eating breakfast later, certain meals and snacks that don't trigger it, etc.

    You may also have been unlucky enough to start your lifestyle change after your last period. So you had a couple weeks of adjusting to the deficit, and now you're starting your first PMS on a deficit. Yay!

    If it keeps happening and doesn't get better, and you've definitely gotten past at least one period (or you just can't take it anymore) then experiment with upping your calorie goal. Doesn't have to be much (maybe 100) or could be a whole 0.5 lb notch (aka 250).

    My dairy is open if you wanted to look, I exercise every day, eat just below my calories most days.

    but now that you mention it, its about that time of the month for my "shark week"


    good lord, I feel stupid.

    Your diary is closed for me. Do you have it open only to friends maybe? (Closed to all is the default, I think.)

    It should be open now
  • fairy2b
    fairy2b Posts: 126 Member
    I am totally going through this!!! It's hard to explain, but I feel way more...SENSITIVE. I was at the gym reading an article about abused dogs being rescued and just started bawling in public! Then last week I was watching a documentary on reformed prisoners and cried through that! These are not things that would traditionally bring tears to my eyes. Don't get me wrong--I'm an empathetic person, but I have never been one to react to subjects like these with tears! There have been multiple times in the last few weeks where this reaction has just HAPPENED. It's like I'm feeling things WAY more deeply than the average person.

    I have a personal theory on this, (and most MFP folks will probably think I'm crazy for saying this,) but I think I am becoming more sensitive as I lose weight and getting back in touch with my emotions. Growing up, food and binge eating was always something I used to numb any emotional pain I was feeling. Instead of feeling or processing whatever I was going through, I stuffed my face until the only thing I felt was FULL. And THAT felt better than feeling anything at all.

    I think that as I'm losing weight, I'm releasing all those layers of "protection" too. I used food to guard and protect myself, and now that I'm not doing that anymore and rediscovering my relationship to food, my senses and feelings are feeling stronger than ever.

    Whether you resonate with my experience or not, the point is, you are not alone!! I'm going through this too. You are accomplishing great things! It's ok to feel whatever you are going through. I spent most of my life avoiding it, and I'm ready for it now <3 Keep at it, girl!

  • kbaus1010
    kbaus1010 Posts: 11 Member
    alyhuggan wrote: »
    Last time I cut I was eating McDonalds, Burger King etc about 3-4 days a week. To fit this into my macros left me VERY hungry most days. I would get angry easily, have mood swings and even on a few occasions get close to punching close friends just because they were annoying me.

    This time now I'm having foods that fill me up more. I've also decided to try less carbs and more fat, which my body seems to respond better to. My general mood now is all round calm and happy :)

    I definitely have this same experience. If I try to cut solely calories, I'm a crazy lady. However, if I start watching my carbs, and getting my calories from protein and veggies, I feel the effects much less. At first I'll have a "carb flu' but after I get over that hump, my moods stabilize, I have energy, and I feel great!!
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    while losing weight?

    I've been on my weight loss journey for a few weeks now and I CANT STOP CRYING! my face is breaking out and I'm super emotional.
    I assume its because I've been obese and ate bad so long that my body and hormones are adapting to the changes, but I hate it! haha

    Anyone else getting this?!

    A couple of years ago, I was doing Zumba in my living room and my husband made a smart-alecky comment about Zumba and I got sooo mad at him that I threw my Wii Remote at him... :smiley: - So yea, I'd say I've gotten a bit emotional!!! :smiley:

    lol! Exercising can get me emotional. I think it puts me in this really cool state where I'm more pliable -- if all goes well, I get a nice high, or at least an energy boost and a sense of accomplishment. If all goes not well, I get a nice mood swing into the low and start yelling at my video instructor that I hate her. I've also noticed that it happens if I don't get enough exercise -- like if I try to do a short workout, nope. I need no workout, or something like 25+ minutes, or I get bad feels.
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    This is new to me. I too would think pregnancy before a diet. The only time I was ever emotional was right after a breakup; I cried during a cool-down in both the aqua Zumba and dance class, and the once when I went to a yoga class and didn't realize it was a pregnancy yoga class (I was baby hungry). If you aren't pregnant you may want go see a doctor to get some lab work done. Other than that the only thing I can think is that your body is literally experiencing the 'sweat is fat crying' but it find it's way to your tear ducts. o.O
  • Tialuna18
    Tialuna18 Posts: 9,591 Member
    The possibility that you're denying your body particular nutrients can be attributed to excessive crying and emotional mood swings. Speaking from experience, when I was at my most hardcore time of dieting, I found I had a hard time concentrating and found I was far more irritable and generally sad. :(
  • courtneyallisonatx
    courtneyallisonatx Posts: 133 Member
    fairy2b wrote: »
    I am totally going through this!!! It's hard to explain, but I feel way more...SENSITIVE. I was at the gym reading an article about abused dogs being rescued and just started bawling in public! Then last week I was watching a documentary on reformed prisoners and cried through that! These are not things that would traditionally bring tears to my eyes. Don't get me wrong--I'm an empathetic person, but I have never been one to react to subjects like these with tears! There have been multiple times in the last few weeks where this reaction has just HAPPENED. It's like I'm feeling things WAY more deeply than the average person.

    I have a personal theory on this, (and most MFP folks will probably think I'm crazy for saying this,) but I think I am becoming more sensitive as I lose weight and getting back in touch with my emotions. Growing up, food and binge eating was always something I used to numb any emotional pain I was feeling. Instead of feeling or processing whatever I was going through, I stuffed my face until the only thing I felt was FULL. And THAT felt better than feeling anything at all.

    I think that as I'm losing weight, I'm releasing all those layers of "protection" too. I used food to guard and protect myself, and now that I'm not doing that anymore and rediscovering my relationship to food, my senses and feelings are feeling stronger than ever.

    Whether you resonate with my experience or not, the point is, you are not alone!! I'm going through this too. You are accomplishing great things! It's ok to feel whatever you are going through. I spent most of my life avoiding it, and I'm ready for it now <3 Keep at it, girl!


    I really think its because ive been stuffing my face for years as to not have to deal with my emotions. That's not an option anymore, this makes so much sense!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Deena_Bean wrote: »
    BFDeal wrote: »
    I didn't at first but the longer it drags on the more bummed I seem to get on occasion. It's basically become this endless process that won't seem to just wrap up. I constantly feel like after 4 years I should be the stupid after photo already but it just ain't happening. It's a bit irritating to get constantly diminishing returns. Meanwhile all you see are other people having constant success because they're lucky enough to have started out with less to overcome. So yeah. There's that.

    Preach it.


    For me, the strain of constantly being unable to fit certain things into my every day or every week eating builds up and I have a little freak out (aka overeating). It's worse with the extra bonus of keeping sodium in check due to my HBP.
  • chelsy0587
    chelsy0587 Posts: 441 Member
    lol! Exercising can get me emotional. I think it puts me in this really cool state where I'm more pliable -- if all goes well, I get a nice high, or at least an energy boost and a sense of accomplishment. If all goes not well, I get a nice mood swing into the low and start yelling at my video instructor that I hate her. I've also noticed that it happens if I don't get enough exercise -- like if I try to do a short workout, nope. I need no workout, or something like 25+ minutes, or I get bad feels.

    Agreed... I've been on the machine fighting back tears for whatever reason, sometimes I'm feeling overwhelmed with how much I've lost and worry that I can't keep it up... sometimes I'm thinking about something completely unrelated to working out...

    Emotional Roller-coaster for sure....
  • DistantJ
    DistantJ Posts: 155 Member
    I get MAD when I'm meeting all of my nutritional goals. I guess I would rather be emotional but it is what it is!

    I think for me it is sugar withdrawals. I NEED to cut sugar out altogether to fit the type of low-carb diet my doctor says I need due to boring medical stuff that I won't get into, but if I don't carefully put a small amount of refined sugar into my diet each day (usually a tablespoon of semisweet chocolate chips), I'm pretty sure I'll kill somebody.

    I can't help it. It's my crack.
  • nikkym08
    nikkym08 Posts: 6 Member
    I am very new on my journey but I have been very emotional. About a month in on my lifestyle change and I think it's because I'm not using my old coping mechanisms(overeating) I was also told from someone when you lose weight your fat cells release estrogen? Not so sure on that one, but maybe?
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    No, not at all, and I'm almost 8 months in and -52 pounds.
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    I didn't at first but the longer it drags on the more bummed I seem to get on occasion. It's basically become this endless process that won't seem to just wrap up. I constantly feel like after 4 years I should be the stupid after photo already but it just ain't happening. It's a bit irritating to get constantly diminishing returns. Meanwhile all you see are other people having constant success because they're lucky enough to have started out with less to overcome. So yeah. There's that.

    I feel ya on that... but at least you haven't given up!!! :smile:
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I got very emotional the second month because I was no longer using binge eating and compulsive eating as a coping mechanism. That definitely took some adjustment. I'm still struggling to learn to deal with my emotions in a more healthy manner, but I've definitely adjusted from the constant mood swings that plagued me for nearly a month straight. I'm not too sure if that's along the lines you meant!

    Oh yeah, same here! I've been horrible lately with my son graduating, worries about aging parents, all sorts of things. I am fat because food was my "medication" when the depression started years ago. This time, I refused to eat but then I became completely and utterly overwhelmed and had to seek actual medication. LOL Hopefully, you're not as bad off as me but for myself I know that's why I became more emotional during this process.

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    maidentl wrote: »
    for myself I know that's why I became more emotional during this process.

    Yeah, me too. I think it's normal for a certain subset of people (emotional eaters or whatever).
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    Not emotional exactly ... but a whole lot of grouchy. :smiley: