Putting yourself on the list



  • TinaMarie4793
    TinaMarie4793 Posts: 95 Member
    I too have found that I do not put myself on my list of priorities. I am on that list now! Good luck Amy!
  • amyoliverhoyles
    amyoliverhoyles Posts: 208 Member
    How is everyone doing, with the nicer weather I've been getting in a lot more exercise and involving my kids, bike riding, hiking and gardening. My husband is on board now and helping with the healthy cooking. He's down 10 lbs., and even getting the kids to eat better a lot my fruit and veges and trying to make homemade snacks for the kids so I know what's in it. A lot less processed food in this house, I can't wait to plant my garden, and get fresh veges. Hope everyone is doing well.
  • amyoliverhoyles
    amyoliverhoyles Posts: 208 Member
    Did a new workout today and I was sweating. Working on my bathing suit body, gonna rock it this summer. This putting my self on the list is awesome.
  • pattykiser7
    pattykiser7 Posts: 7 Member
    Good for you! I am doing the same since starting this empty nest thing. Keep up the great work!
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    Oh my - I just looked at your profile and saw that you're from St Mary's, Ontario. I'm in London, Ontario - what a small world!!!

    Good luck on your journey . . . you should always be at the top of your own list! You need to be your best self to take care of others :)
  • amyoliverhoyles
    amyoliverhoyles Posts: 208 Member
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    Oh my - I just looked at your profile and saw that you're from St Mary's, Ontario. I'm in London, Ontario - what a small world!!!

    Good luck on your journey . . . you should always be at the top of your own list! You need to be your best self to take care of others :)

    Thats awesome, I never meet anyone who lives close on here. It was hard for me to take time for myself, but now I'am enjoying it. My family is also benefiting, from me be way more active and feeling great.
  • shergettingfit
    shergettingfit Posts: 16 Member
    I know exactly what you mean! The past 15 years got away from me, having kids, being a wife, doing everything for everyone and then one day waking up and realizing wow I gained over 100 lbs...what happened to me?? So now I am taking me and putting me on the list...lol....I feel like this week I put myself from off the list to about the middle of the list, but at least I am on there! I would love to make friends on here and encourage each other, so feel free to add me as a friend anyone who would like. Amy, when I read your post that started this thread, I thought that is exactly how I felt, so glad you started it and looking forward to following you and others on their journey!
  • PeachesandCream2015
    PeachesandCream2015 Posts: 10 Member
    I know what your saying, I'm in school full-time. I'm very active with my church. I have my granddaughter every weekend and I do a lot of paper work for my husband. However, it's time for me to focus on my health, my weight especially when I couldn't get into my bridesmaid dress. Looking forward to following you and others on this journey. B)
  • amyoliverhoyles
    amyoliverhoyles Posts: 208 Member
    Thanks everyone for the positive feedback, I can't believe how many of us don't take the time for ourselves. We need to and not feel guilty about it. We can take better care of our family if we're are in a good place health wise and mentally. Welcome on board we can do this. Anyone can add me as a friend I'm in here everyday.
  • amyoliverhoyles
    amyoliverhoyles Posts: 208 Member
    Well one week until i start dragon boat, I'am nervous and excited. The weight is coming off and i'm feeling great. I'm down 27 lbs and have another 21 to go. I hope everyone else is doing great too
  • jorinya
    jorinya Posts: 933 Member
    Who am I? I'm a mum, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a niece, an aunt, a friend. No that is what I am! Who am I? I'm Joanne ,35, Irish. Married for 14 years to a wonderful Nigerian man and mum of four beautiful kids. There I go with the what I am again. I have been a wife and a mum for so long that I have lost myself and am trying to find myself again. I overate, overstressed, over worried and over did for others now it's time for me. If my kids don't understand then tough! Mummy needs to be Joanne for a while, Joanne the person, the woman and not anything else. I deserve to be me and God know I'm not wanting to hurt my husband or kids. I just want to be me!!!! Its my time to shine!!!! I want to make a difference in this world and help people, not sit at home and do nothing.
  • amyoliverhoyles
    amyoliverhoyles Posts: 208 Member
    what has everyone been up too? I started dragon boat a couple weeks ago and I'am loving it. I'am down 31 lbs and 17 more to go!!! Feeling very motivated.I got my hair done and i went dark, have always been dirty blonde.I also bought some new clothes and got rid of some stuff that is way to big. I actually had to by a small skirt because the medium was way to big. I never thought that would happen. I have had a lot of non scale victories. Let me know yours!!!
  • cajunkitty1972
    cajunkitty1972 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi yall, Louisiana cajun girl here . That's do true . US mom's and dad's , mostly mom's neglect ourselves cause we always taking care of everyone else. But if we don't take care of ourselves, we can't do our best for those we love . Being healthy and putting ourselves first has to be important and we should not feel bad about it!! So I have decided it's time to Do Me ! GO me ! .
  • amyoliverhoyles
    amyoliverhoyles Posts: 208 Member
    I have decided that over the course of this journey to putting my self on the list, Is that I need to love myself and my body at every stage of this transformation. I have stretch marks, and wrinkles and my stomach is not as flat as I would like, but I have earned all these from my life and wouldn't change them for the world. I am loving how I feel healthier and have more energy. I am on my way, and happy about my progress. I hope all of you are learning to love yourself as well. We are worth it.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I can relate. My kids are recently grown and I now have a five year old grandson. I finally lost my weight, after I raised my kids. Just remember though, exercise is great for your health but weight loss is all about the calorie deficit.
  • mollydolly021
    mollydolly021 Posts: 1 Member
    This is so refreshing to hear. I have a two year old son, a failing relationship, a miscarriage, and I am starting over in so many ways. I too, forgot to take care of myself and I have looked in the mirror and lost sight of who I am and the drive and determination I have always had. I'm the biggest now that I have ever been in my entire life and I refuse to just let myself go. Starting over and making me a priority again because I do matter and I am worth it. Feel free to add me! Would love to have some friends on here and create challenges and enforce accountability.
  • woodybush
    woodybush Posts: 55 Member
    what has everyone been up too? I started dragon boat a couple weeks ago and I'am loving it. I'am down 31 lbs and 17 more to go!!! Feeling very motivated.I got my hair done and i went dark, have always been dirty blonde.I also bought some new clothes and got rid of some stuff that is way to big. I actually had to by a small skirt because the medium was way to big. I never thought that would happen. I have had a lot of non scale victories. Let me know yours!!!

    Well done with the amazing loss!!

    What is dragon boat?

  • amyoliverhoyles
    amyoliverhoyles Posts: 208 Member
    It's a long boat with 22 people in it and we have to row in sync. It's pretty awesome. We go in races, it's a goo workout.
  • amyoliverhoyles
    amyoliverhoyles Posts: 208 Member
  • amyoliverhoyles
    amyoliverhoyles Posts: 208 Member
    It feels like I've forgotten about putting myself on the list again. the last month has been a real struggle to keep going. My daughter has had a baby and we have been on holidays. I haven't been watching my eating at all and have slipped back into all my old habits. I'am up 10 lbs. :( and feeling drained. I need to get back on track, but am struggling, what do people do to help keep up motivation to keep going.