Keep Getting "I am glad I don't have to do that"

GRRR.... You would think people would be more supportive. My husband and I measure out EVERYTHING we eat, even if we go to family functions we measure out our food. When we were at a family function recently one of our family members stated "I am glad I don't have to do that" Can't people see we are doing what is best for us? We haven't got the hang of what serving sizes are by sight yet so we measure! We also went to a store and were just curious about what the calories were for something in the Deli, my husband asked for the nutritional information and the people that were standing there looked at him like he was an alien because he didn't purchase what he was looking at because they couldn't produce the caloric value and other nutritional values. Just venting here!


  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    I get that sometimes too... SO irritating!!!
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Its ok, people look at me like im a nut job when my fiance grabs something from somewhere like macdonalds. And i have calories left, so i decide il treat myself. And i ask for the calorie contents for the mayo chicken burger, etc. lol. People just dont understand!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I would just respond cheerfully, saying that it's really not that much trouble and that you really enjoy all the healthy changes you are making in your life. Turn their put-down into something positive. I measure almost everything, and I don't find it bothersome at all!
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    so being the abrupt person I am with the ones i ove (tough love it call it) i would probably turn around the next time they have to change their lifestyle because of a weight-related disease and say "glad I dont have to do that"

    Karma comes around. Hold on to your beliefs.

    I asked a muffin store the other day for the nutritional information card. The girl blankly looked at me and said she they dont have them. I told her that the previous management had them so they had perhaps better go and get some printed. Needless to say I didnt buy a muffin ...
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I don't think I've ever gotten that. Instead, I kinda feel like "Psst! Trish is making a fist over that bowl of salad. Maybe I should do that too!" (fist = 4 oz, roughly)
  • Sweetcheeks278
    My Mother-In-Law means well, but everytime I see her she says to me, "If I had to eat that I would be in a bad mood all the time! I couldnt do that!" Well, if you want to be healthy and feel good about yourself then you do what it takes, right?! So don't worry about what anyone else thinks. Do what YOU need to do and forget the rest. :happy:
  • charmsangel13
    charmsangel13 Posts: 50 Member
    I find it really frustrating that most places don't have how many calories are in their food. I went to oportos (chicken shop in Australia) a few weeks ago for lunch and wanted to make a healthy choice. I guessed as I didnt have the info in front of me and when I looked it up later via google there is no way I would have eaten there! Now I take my own lunch as I know whats in it!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I would just respond cheerfully, saying that it's really not that much trouble and that you really enjoy all the healthy changes you are making in your life. Turn their put-down into something positive. I measure almost everything, and I don't find it bothersome at all!

    That is great advice! I vote for this suggestion! LOL

    Seriously, though you could say something like that and totally be super sickening cheery about it.

    On the part about the deli not having the nutritional info, I would call the store and talk to the manager and ask what is up with that?! LOL Its been my expereience when you contact the manager and let them know you are not happy or have questions about something - they'll really take the time to resolve whatever the issue is to make sure you keep coming back! It can't hurt! :)
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I was at Longhorn's Steakhouse a few weeks ago and I asked the waitress for nutritional info and she had to go ask the manager. They didn't have it on hand but she went online and printed it out for me. I would have done that before I left the house but I didn't know we were going there.
    The 2 things I was deciding between...1 was like 1400 cals and the other was like 400...yeah, that made my decision a lot easier!!!:laugh:
    (it was awesome too...if there's one near you, go there!)
  • damonmath
    damonmath Posts: 359 Member
    I feel that when people feel compelled to make a comment they are most likely jealous that you are paying attention to yourself. Words like "I could never do that..." means that they have thought about it, which means they are not strong enough! Same is true about people that say, "If I had to do that...?" or "That seems so bland...".

    I have also noticed that when you are ripped up like me, people do not question you about what your are asking, but how the hell you got so fit... Amazing how appearance alone can make people perk up or even change their stance on something.

    Keep it up people... one day those same people will be asking your advice!!!
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    People used to do that to me and I'd just come up with something snide to respond with. My step-mom was FAMOUS for it and I'd just tell her, "Yeah, well I'm glad I don't have to be fat."

    She quit after a while.
  • jane130
    jane130 Posts: 28 Member
    Wait till you have lost a significant amount of weight and people start saying how great you look. They'll start to rethink everything they thought before, and will be asking you for tips.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Wow, measuring your food at a family function seems pretty extreme to me .... I get measuring at home while you are learning about the right kind of portion sizes, but can't you judge it by eye when you are out? Honestly I think if you do this (which you have to admit is pretty unusual behaviour) you will just have to put up with the comments.
    To me its all about making choices - I choose to be discreet with choosing what and how much I eat when I'm in public because I don't want comments!
    Having said this, I think their comments are rude, some people just have no idea. I think though that they are probably saying it in self defense because seeing other people making healthier choices makes them feel guilty about the junk they are putting in their mouth!
  • StephanieDuckie
    I know! I was a vegetarian for 8 years, and I always got people who would say "Is it because you love animals?" or would say "You know, PETA stands for people eating tastey animals". Your choices are yours, and nobody should judge. It's not like I was telling them "well, statisically, I'm going to live longer than your *kitten*, so don't bother me". Some people are so unsupportive...
  • StephanieDuckie
    People used to do that to me and I'd just come up with something snide to respond with. My step-mom was FAMOUS for it and I'd just tell her, "Yeah, well I'm glad I don't have to be fat."

    She quit after a while.

    HAHA! That is perfect! How freaking funny. I'll remember that line. ;D
  • jujudot
    jujudot Posts: 129 Member
    I had a co-worker tell me to "be careful about watching your calories so closely-or you could get obessed with it". Um, better that than not ever looking at the calorie content!! :huh:
  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member
    I had a co-worker tell me to "be careful about watching your calories so closely-or you could get obessed with it". Um, better that than not ever looking at the calorie content!! :huh:

    I get told this ALL THE TIME!
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    People used to do that to me and I'd just come up with something snide to respond with. My step-mom was FAMOUS for it and I'd just tell her, "Yeah, well I'm glad I don't have to be fat."

    She quit after a while.

    Bahahahaah!!!! That's great! Good for you for standing up for yourself :)

    Sometimes people just don't think before they speak or even consider how what they say might affect someone. Sad but true, I agree with the other folks who have said its b/c they are insecure themsleves. Hang in there girlie; they'll be wondering how you did when you get to your goal. And can tell them it was by ignoring those nasty remarks from other people and actually DOING something for yourself!
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I would just respond cheerfully, saying that it's really not that much trouble and that you really enjoy all the healthy changes you are making in your life. Turn their put-down into something positive. I measure almost everything, and I don't find it bothersome at all!

    I agree, good idea.
    Also, they are just exclaiming they are Glad not to be doing that.
    I would certainly give them permission to be Glad about it.
    Hey, I'd be Glad if I didn't weigh and Log everything too :-)
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    People should be more understanding, that's for sure. Some people are trying to lose weight, but some folks are on special diets (low sodium, celiac disease, diabetes etc) and need to know certain things about the food that THEY are paying for. While restaurants cannot always accommodate every request, both the servers and the other customers should certainly be polite and act like they have some manners!

    Yet...while I hear and appreciate your anger, people are also going to be imperfect, and some time in the future, you are going to have to figure out how you will deal with the world as you find it. Such as...looking up nutritional information for corporate establishments ahead of time, deciding not to patronize places that can't be bothered to serve you in the way you would like, learning your own rules of thumb when eating away from home, and eating before going to family events so you only have to nibble on a few standard items while there.

    Because sometimes, just sometimes, you will have to be the one to accommodate in order to get along in the world, rather than others accommodating you.