feeding my two year old??

midpath Posts: 246 Member
I know this may not fall into this website very well, but I need to know how to feed my 2 year old and get her to actually eat her food. She used to eat everything and then she started daycare. I don't want to completely blame Daycare but that's when it started. They don't allow you to bring a lunch for your child and they serve things like chicken nuggets and french fries. its a government program thing. I think she prefers those foods over the foods that she used to eat at home and I cook every night.I've been offering her dinner every night, and if she doesn't eat it I put it in the fridge and I make her eat it before anything else. But I usually just do that for the night but she tends to go to bed hungry. I'm a little concerned that that might be bad for her even though it's just a few hours. So I guess I'm asking for some suggestions or confirmation that what I'm doing will work? I've even tried putting cheese on her vegetables hiding them she won't even touch meat. Nothing. Chicken beef pork vegetables. She will eat fruit like no problem but I can't let her live off of fruit only. Sometimes I can get her to eat cottage cheese but she has to be in the mood for it. What should I do? Should I just let her be picky? Will she come around in her own time? Thanks in advance.


  • Loridori4
    Loridori4 Posts: 7 Member
    edited April 2015
    Toddlers go through phases. She was introduced to new foods at daycare, but I bet if you ask them, there are things there she won't eat either. Don't worry yourself to death. If you want to get in some good nutrition, buy a good protein shake mix, and blend up a smoothie for "you" and let her taste it. Human nature to want what's not ours. Then if she likes it, you won! My 16 month old grandson was living off of goldfish, puffs, banana and Cheerios till my daughter tried the smoothie trick!
    There are tons of recipes online for smoothies. You can sneak in spinach, kale, fruits, nuts all,kinds of nutritious goodness!
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    She sounds two. Don't worry. As long as she continues to grow she will be fine. The only thing you can do is continue to offer healthy meal choices. Saying that though, I got frustrated with mine the other night and practically force fed him his peas and chicken. They go through phases, some days they eat nothing, the next day they are eating everything they can get their hands on
  • fallenoaks4
    fallenoaks4 Posts: 63 Member
    If nutrition wasn't important at my kids' daycare, i would find a new daycare.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    The smoothie thing is good. I have a 2 and a half year old. He's all over broccoli but he no long like onion, tomatos or eggs! You don't even need to use a protein powder (little ones could O.D. on adult amounts of protein) just find smoothie recipes that include hiding veggies with the sweeter fruit. My son loves blueberries and yogurt, and if he wants cereal his only choices are oatmeal, cream of wheat, and fortified cereals like Life and Special K. Also, letting them help in the kitchen is fun for everyone!