First post--40 pounds down and nobody is noticing!

Has anyone else lost 40+ pounds and have nobody notice? I even mentioned it to my staff and they said congratulations, but then I heard them say they can't tell I lost anything. Boyfriend hasn't even mentioned it. All of this weight loss has been since the end of December... So not super gradual. I still can't find pants that work with my big belly (which I swear has not gotten smaller) and itty butt so still wearing same pants.. Could that be why??? Frustrated!


  • elfkinbaby
    elfkinbaby Posts: 17 Member
    Oh, it is closer to 50 pounds I guess. 265 to 218 since December 23.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,370 Member
    It's hard to imagine that it is not noticeable when you've lost almost 1/5th of your body weight. It may that you had a lot of internal fat, that is in and around your organs.

    Do you have a before photo and a current photo that we can use to gauge how noticeable your weight loss is?
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    edited April 2015
    Awe, that sucks. I bet if you had your smaller size clothing, people could notice more. Something a little less "baggy" on you. It also depends on how much you need to lose overall, too. The percentage of 40lbs to what you need to lose...get it? I had to lose 50% of my weight before people noticed any change, and then they were like, "oh, you're losing weight" instead of "OMG you're losing weight!" 40lbs is significant definitely! And people that see you everyday may take awhile for people to "see it", know what I mean?
    don't give up!

    (eta: that's why its so important to take measurements, take before/after pictures. Helps with motivation.)
  • Vixenmd1
    Vixenmd1 Posts: 146 Member
    When I lost 75 lbs tons of people later told me that they noticed but they were afraid to say something. People hate to talk about weight. So don't assume silence means they haven't noticed. It just could mean that they are not sure what or how to bring it up without saying the wrong thing.
  • micwrites
    micwrites Posts: 123 Member
    In any case, congratulations to you! That is a huge achievement.
  • Snowdrops18
    Snowdrops18 Posts: 9 Member
    Well done !!!!
  • girlschmoopie
    girlschmoopie Posts: 140 Member
    edited April 2015
    A few years ago, one of my friends was quietly losing weight (not talking about it). I saw her frequently, and I didn't notice it. Then a mutual friend of ours, who sees her less frequently, commented to me about how great she looked and it was apparent that she lost a lot of weight. So then I asked her how much she lost, and she had lost 60#!! I congratulated her, and she did look like she was getting healthier...but honestly, because we had other things in common, I never saw her for her size/weight. I saw her for the friend she was and the things we did together & had in common. So her loss was never something I paid attention to, especially since I saw her so often...the change wasn't obvious.

    Perhaps that is the way it is for your coworkers. They see you often. Perhaps they see you as YOU (your talents, abilities & work), not your size/weight. That is something to take as a compliment. ;)

    ETA: congratulations on your loss!!
  • serra2009
    serra2009 Posts: 55 Member
    A few years ago, one of my friends was quietly losing weight (not talking about it). I saw her frequently, and I didn't notice it. Then a mutual friend of ours, who sees her less frequently, commented to me about how great she looked and it was apparent that she lost a lot of weight. So then I asked her how much she lost, and she had lost 60#!! I congratulated her, and she did look like she was getting healthier...but honestly, because we had other things in common, I never saw her for her size/weight. I saw her for the friend she was and the things we did together & had in common. So her loss was never something I paid attention to, especially since I saw her so often...the change wasn't obvious.

    Perhaps that is the way it is for your coworkers. They see you often. Perhaps they see you as YOU (your talents, abilities & work), not your size/weight. That is something to take as a compliment. ;)

    ETA: congratulations on your loss!!

  • camground2
    camground2 Posts: 41 Member
    elfkinbaby wrote: »
    Oh, it is closer to 50 pounds I guess. 265 to 218 since December 23.

    Congrats on that loss!!! Amazing!
  • have you invested in new, tighter clothing? I find that now that I'm wearing things much tighter on my body (and 3 sizes smaller) everyone seems to be noticing. I've lost 43 pounds and am down from a 22 to a 14/16 in most things. Keep up the weight loss. It will take the longest for the people you see every day to notice -- because they are with you every day!
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    It's true, it's harder to tell when you see the person every day. Just like for me, I couldn't actually tell a big difference in myself (62 pounds later), until about a week ago when I looked at old pictures of myself!
    Or, your coworkers might be being mean and catty.
    And guys hardly ever notice anything.

    Don't worry about it, you're doing AMAZING. Just keep up the good work!!
  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    Congratulations! That's an incredible accomplishment!

    I second the clothes theories. Maybe wearing the same things that you always wore, people just don't notice how baggy they have become. Maybe getting smaller, more form fitting clothes would accentuate your loss.

    Keep doing what you're doing - you are doing a wonderful job!
  • 1nelle
    1nelle Posts: 39 Member
    Dont feelbad i have lost 45lbs so far and went into a place i use to work. Ran into a friend and we were talking and she said wow you are doing such a good job and we were chating then these 2 other girls were talking and i over heard 1 say yea right were did she lost that she dont look any differant. I went from 225 to right now i am 180 in 2 months. I have been workingout and drinking tons of water and eating good just cutting down on portions. I know how you feel it kinda makes you feel bad cause you know how much you are working and for someone to say something totaly turns your mood into crap.
  • MindySaysWhaaat
    MindySaysWhaaat Posts: 401 Member
    I've lost 24 pounds since January (265-241) and the only person who's really noticed is my fiance. Probably because he's the only one who sees me naked. I can't even really tell a difference on myself yet. People who see you every day wearing the same clothing might not notice it right away. Either way, congrats on the loss. Keep it up :)
  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    Greatloss, take measurements and pics you will see! :)
  • elfkinbaby
    elfkinbaby Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you! Tip toe... I have some before pics I hid somewhere and I need to get a few full body ones for current after. Perhaps today. All about the cake... I have lost about 50 of the 100 I have for a goal.. Probably should lose another 30 after that but that's a future goal! Thank you all for the kind words! I'll try to post pics today after work!
    1nelle wrote: »
    Dont feelbad i have lost 45lbs so far and went into a place i use to work. Ran into a friend and we were talking and she said wow you are doing such a good job and we were chating then these 2 other girls were talking and i over heard 1 say yea right were did she lost that she dont look any differant. I went from 225 to right now i am 180 in 2 months. I have been workingout and drinking tons of water and eating good just cutting down on portions. I know how you feel it kinda makes you feel bad cause you know how much you are working and for someone to say something totaly turns your mood into crap.

    Hmmm... Must be at my work... Sounds like the same people lol.
  • chloem33
    chloem33 Posts: 4 Member
    I definitely think it's a combination of people seeing you regularly and people who feel it is a sensitive subject and don't mention it. I have lost 50lbs and even my best friend (who I don't see very often) hadn't mentioned it until I put an incredibly rare post on Facebook. I think because I don't talk about it as well I kind of make it a subject that is off limits.
    I've had very few comments from people I see every day, however we had an event at my daughters school where I saw people who haven't seen me for months and had lots of positive comments as they could see the difference.
    Try not to let it dishearten you, you know how successful you have been and I'm sure there are many ways in which you feel different in yourself. Try to use the positives, like fitting better into clothes etc as way to congratulate yourself instead xx
  • omelet2000
    omelet2000 Posts: 110 Member
    I think it's a cultural thing. Some people are reluctant to mention about your weight. A 50lb loss is definitely noticeable! If you are concerned about this, I would recommend talking openly about your weight loss to your friends. Like "I'm trying to eat better and lose weight" or "I'm doing pretty good losing weight, 50lbs already" and that'll give them permission to say things to you.
  • LuckyMe2017
    LuckyMe2017 Posts: 454 Member
    Diddo to the conclusions mentioned above. Also, sometimes weight come off first in weird places (your underarms, Breast, back, etc.). It's not until it starts to fall off your face, stomach, etc that it's noticed.
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    People are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Some people get really touchy if anyone comments on their weight...up or down! I see posts here all the time...somebody will complain because they have lost weight and somebody at work commented on it and asked them what they did. They seem to feel this is none of the person's business and seem offended by it. ;)

    Some people have probably gotten burned with that type of thing in the past, so are reluctant to even discuss weight...even if the person has visibly lost. They play it safe...which I can understand. Personally, I never comment on anybody's weight loss, unless they are a very close friend, for exactly that reason.

    If you lost that much, it is almost certainly noticeable. However, it is harder for people who see you every day to see. When I lost, I got most of the comments from friends who would go a while without seeing was much easier for them to see the changes than someone who saw me daily.

    Also, if you are wearing the same clothes that will hide the weight loss to some extent. Baggy clothes are not flattering, and tend to make people look bigger than they are. So that could be playing a role as well.

    You are obviously doing the right things. Just keep doing what you're doing.