Need other breastfeeding mama friends



  • jordon5799
    jordon5799 Posts: 32 Member
    Baby boy is 9 months and I'm breastfeeding. I was doing so Well until around Thanksgiving and since then I've been eating like crap and I really need accountability partners. I have 18pounds to my goal weight and have maintained the same weight for the past couple months which I'm not happy about! I didn't notice fitness pal had boards like this so please add me!
  • My baby is now 2 and still breastfeeding, I somehow gained 30+ lbs while nursing him (with my other 3 I dropped weight quickly). I tried to lose weight last yr but was always hungry and since he needed the breast then I lacked motivation now that he's only nursing for comfort its time I get back in shape.
    Feel free to add me.
  • RobynHernandez
    RobynHernandez Posts: 1
    edited April 2015
    I'm 4 weeks postpartum. I'm 13 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight, and a but closer to 20 lbs from where I'd like to be, though if be happy to put on muscle and weigh more. Exclusively breast feeding, so not dieting - just trying to be healthy and tighten up my preggo belly!
  • jtralongo1
    jtralongo1 Posts: 4 Member
    I gave birth 7 weeks ago to my seecond and need to loose about 30lbs. Are you able to breastfeed? I'm working out whenever I can. Just this week I started doing 100 squats a day, lifting light weights, and then if my kids sleep I do Jillian michaels 30 day fix (it's free on youtube) ..if the weather allows and my children I do as well I take a half hour brisk walk with a stroller or jog. I've cut my caloric intake down to 1700 and cut out dairy and pasta/bread. I need someone to help keep me motivated
  • Bjoyz
    Bjoyz Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 6 weeks pp and am trying to get back into a workout routine. Does anyone know an appropriate caloric intake that will result in weight loss but not a diminished milk supply? I feel like this is a tricky balance...
  • alexandriajohn
    alexandriajohn Posts: 4 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm 6 weeks postpartum, just got the Dr's clearance to workout, and like most of you are looking for some motivation and support to lose this baby weight while breastfeeding.

    No matter how far postpartum you are or how much you have to lose I'd love to be support buddies! Feel free to add me
  • alexandriajohn
    alexandriajohn Posts: 4 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm 6 weeks postpartum, just got the Dr's clearance to workout, and like most of you are looking for some motivation and support to lose this baby weight while breastfeeding.

    No matter how far postpartum you are or how much you have to lose I'd love to be support buddies! Feel free to add me