Keto friends?



  • Paul_Collyer
    Paul_Collyer Posts: 160 Member
    Are you guys doing keto counting calories? Eating at similar deficit to before?

    Just curious.
  • nomoredoughnuts
    nomoredoughnuts Posts: 130 Member
    I am currently on a holiday so I am eating carbs but I normally aim for under 60g per day. I know it's not Keto but I am trying to slowly get there. :)

    I also have PCOS and I agree with you it's the only way to do it! So far I have lost 30lbs and I have another 10-15lbs to go.

    Feel free to add me and best of luck with your journey
  • alan_huynh2000
    alan_huynh2000 Posts: 43 Member
    Keto here as well!!

    Currently, I'm doing a DIY Keto Soylent diet.
  • jlynch401
    jlynch401 Posts: 3 Member
    Keto too
  • On day 3 of the ketogenic way of life and in the midst of the keto flu (and it really really really sucks right now). I absolutely love the food since my favorite foods (eggs, cheese, some nuts, mmmm meats, etc). The only downside is getting my body adjusted. :\ I just went completely cold turkey (mmm turkey) so I'm guessing had I gradually stepped down this wouldn't suck so much lol.

    Looking for some friends who are going through/have gone through this adjustment and living this new lifestyle. I'm skeptic, but my brother-in-law has been doing it for a few months now and looks so much healthier! I just want to drop this excess weight so I don't injure myself running again and be off for 6 months + physical therapy. :( No fun.
  • Are you guys doing keto counting calories? Eating at similar deficit to before?

    Just curious.

    I actually find it hard to get in my calories for once in my weight loss life, lol. I'm on a 30 day diet plan that I found online so they map out everything (and have some amazingly tasty recipes) and each day ranges around 1600-1680-ish calories (my goal is 1900--for now, will adjust as weight comes off).

  • ConanSonja
    ConanSonja Posts: 32 Member
    Hi only doing Keto for about a week. Still feeling a little tired but ok. Loving the food. Feel free to add me. Would love the encouragement. Us Ketoers need to stick together
  • defcon4
    defcon4 Posts: 11 Member
    BellaJo78 wrote: »
    Hey I'm also new at this keto diet almost 1 week in n besides a few headaches here n there is pretty good so far. If there any takers I'm also looking for keto friends to share ideas with.

    For your headaches try chicken broth (sodium) to relieve and prevent as well a multivitamin.
  • karmalovesbananas
    karmalovesbananas Posts: 9 Member
    This is a bit old but I started keto a couple days ago, along with my father who has been at it for a while, and would love to add fellow keto-ers.
  • shawnaariel92
    shawnaariel92 Posts: 1 Member
    I started keto a little over 4 weeks ago and have lost 20 lbs! I feel great! I love the food...but I do miss fries!!