Fighting gastroparesis and weight gain

Hello all. I am hoping someone here might be able to relate to my struggles. I have a condition called gastroparesis. Most people with this condition dramatically lose weight. I however have the opposite issue. I have gained over 20 lbs and losing it is nearly impossible because of the diet restrictions I try to follow : low fiber, simple carbs, low fat, no raw anything and nothing with skin (such as beans). Pretty much it's soup, potatoes, white bread and pasta.
If anyone has experience with this struggle please help me!


  • Hello, I too have been recently diagnosed with gastroparesis. I am so limited on my diet right now... no meat, beans , etc.. so have problems coming up with protein sources. My diet consists of protein shake in the morning, cottage cheese and yogurt in afternoon and grilled cheese sandwich on home made bread..
  • alantz01
    alantz01 Posts: 2
    I'm new on here and I too have gastroparesis (and POTS, autonomic neuropathy, asthma, etc). I am a personal trainer and have been getting increasingly ill for over a decade. I was finally dx'd at CC 2 years ago. I have zero appetite, eat a little and feel full, and still throw it up. My cal. intake is about 600 cals., and I'm lucky if I can keep it down. I have gained about 25lbs. and can't lose. I can be up & down 5 pounds in a day. I know that I am malnourished and this had killed my metabolism, thus the gain. But dang, I am so frustrated as I know how to exercise & eat. I am also lactose, gluten intolerant and vegetarian because I can't digest meat. I've tried home juicing with no luck. I feel lost.
  • KKatherine611
    KKatherine611 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi All,

    I was diagnosed with gastroparesis three years ago and I have the same problem with weight gain. Right after I got sick, I quickly gained 20 lbs. I've been able to get some of it off, but I can't seem to get past this plateau. I'm trying to lose weight because my husband and I want to start our family, and I still have a few lbs to go to get to a healthy weight. I've worked so hard to lose this weight, and like I'm guessing is the case for some of you, my trouble is getting enough calories. I do have some ideas on things that have worked for me, if anyone is interested, but our bodies are all so different, I know it's really hard to find what works for each of us. I'm also just here if anyone needs to commiserate, it can be really hard for people without this nonsense to really understand it.