For the ladies - that time of the month



  • 4jenniferk
    4jenniferk Posts: 307 Member
    Hell yes I do... I crave salt so bad.... I want to eat salt out of the salt shaker and I tend to consume far too much which causes water retention and bloating and then my clothes are too tight and oh well! I'll take it once a month over having another child because two c-sections are enough for me right now and I don't care to be cut open in again in th near future.

    Hey, if you know a secret to stop the consuming of extra food clue me in.
  • Cusegirl1992
    Cusegirl1992 Posts: 124
    I too eat like a fiend usually 3-5 days prior and 3 days in to the cycle. I normally crave "salty" and yes, I do cave in. I try to work out extra on those days or days leading up (and eat under to bank calories). I drink 12-16 glasses daily and usually go up about 2 pounds...unfortunately, it is "nice" to read that this too happens to others. Misery does love company! :)
  • glamourenamored
    I allow myself two cheat days a month and I even try to make wiser decisions on those days. That being said, two or three additional days I'm starving. I try to eat smaller meals, enabling me to snack more but its still a pain in the *kitten*.
  • Curry0724
    Curry0724 Posts: 51 Member
    It is funny you ask this because I had this same question around 4:15 today when I felt like I was famished! (and I should be starting my period tomorrow). I found this interesting article by weight watchers. To sum it up, on the days before your period you burn about 150 more calories than regular daily. So if you are on a pretty strict calorie diet, you are going to notice those calories peacing out on you :) But they said you really burn no more than that, it is simply a myth. I am sure it different from person to person, but that is what the scientist people said :) Here is the link:

    I made the weekly goal of no sweets this week on purpose. I will prevail. :)
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
    Funny you should post this because for the past few days, I could not stop eating. I didn't know what was going on and what is wrong with me. Then low and behold, here he is. Thats why I felt the way I did. Glad to know I wasn't losing it. So yes except your hunger to change. Don't get discourage. You will get through this.
  • turbogirl4christ
    I figure my my body needs that energy for whatever reason (to fuel the pms rage, maybe lol)

    LOL!!! Thats great!! :laugh:

    i get the same way too....i always know when TOM is coming cuz a day or 2 before I am always sooooooooo starving I could eat everything in the house!! And my husband would probably agree with you that its to fuel the PMS rage!! my poor hubby....
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    I don't get hungry, but only because I am so nauseous and crampy that the thought of eating at all is a really bad thought.
  • rosiedoes
    rosiedoes Posts: 84 Member
    Oh definitely. And guess who sits eight feet from a vending machine crammed full of chocolate and crisps, at work?
  • gemco
    gemco Posts: 129
    haha, absolutely. i sometimes feel like i might have to eat one of the children if i can't get in the kitchen immediately. that proper shakey faint starving. *shakes fist* i just have to go with it. sadly i want to eat mountains of bread or pasta, which i'm trying to cut back on.
  • bkthomas2004
    bkthomas2004 Posts: 130 Member
    I get REALLY bad cravings the a few days to a week before, but I don't deprive myself because that's when I know I'll binge so I will eat a candy bar or something small but sweet to ease that. Then the week of I still get cravings so I have little 100 calorie snack cakes and peanut butter cookies to eat to help out.
  • Louiselesley
    Louiselesley Posts: 166 Member
    Weirdly for me it is never DURING but either BEFORE or AFTER that I get my cravings.

    I have to say I have a sweet tooth but I never really crave BAD foods unless it's that TOM. It really annoys me cause without it, I could happily live without 'bad' foods or snacks.

    Note: I'm also like the post above. I get a lot of cramps during it, so I don't feel like I can eat as much or even be as active unfortunately.