mom of 4 really looking for some people who are battling the

OK here is the deal....bottom line I started this about two weeks ago and I really am super pumped about making some major changes in regards to the foods I consume.
I started this journey at 232
I have lost 11 pounds so far....this past week I only lost 2 pounds....I was pretty bummed since the week prior I had lost 9
so i found this free ap on my i phone.
love it and hope to connect with a few people who are on the journey to feel better from the inside out!


  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    Welcome!! It is a lot of hard work but it is doable (even with kids and what they eat). Yes it will take more time, patience and understanding but if I have come this far you can too! I started out at 240 and have lost 46 pounds. Keep it up! Good luck!!! :flowerforyou:
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    2 lbs in a week is GREAT!!! The initial 9 you lost probably contained a LOT of water weight. So don't get discouraged. I lost 90 lbs before I got pregnant with baby 4 (due in 5 weeks). You can do this!!!
  • wicklessgal
    wicklessgal Posts: 56 Member
    Welcome! Add me if you want! I know you will do great!
  • jessicajoy87
    jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
    You are doing great! Welcome! I have my fourth baby on the way and then I will be trying to lose weight. Right now I am trying not to gain. I love this site and its so helpful! Add me if you like!
  • soccermom004
    soccermom004 Posts: 444 Member
    I'm a mom of 4 too. Feel free to send a friend request! Good luck!
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    Yup. Sounds like water weight. It is hard,but when I cut out processed(boxed or canned) foods it became a lot easier. More fresh fruits and veggies You can do this!
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    Yup. Sounds like water weight. It is hard,but when I cut out processed(boxed or canned) foods it became a lot easier. More fresh fruits and veggies You can do this!

    This. For ideas, I just figure out what meat I am serving, then google "Low Sodium ___________ recipes. There are usually quite a few choices.

    Also, you lost 11 pounds in 2 weeks, that is tremendous.
  • smvamp
    smvamp Posts: 32
    2lbs in a week is amazing...and a GOOD...SAFE amount. You're doing great! Don't get discouraged. You doing it...and doing it well.:smooched:

    Sending you a friend request!
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    I understand. Started my journey in late March and found this site in April. Don't get discouraged. The first couple of weeks can see some dramatic numbers but it does slow down and 2lbs a week is actually what is recommended for healthy weight loss. Hope this helps...
  • webbstace
    webbstace Posts: 17
    2 lbs is great! The first week you usually have a big number. Keep it up - 2 lbs. a week and you will make your goal in no time. I too am a mom of 4! Feel free to add me :)
  • nebraskapj
    nebraskapj Posts: 8
    I think 2 lbs. in a week is great. They always say the slower you lose the more likely you are to keep it off. This time I plan to take my time and finally get it right. Send me a friend request if you would like to keep in touch, keep each other motivated or just need extra support. I am hoping to lose at least 75 lbs so have a ways to go and could definitely use support and encouragement from others. :smile:
  • GoneWithTheWhinge
    GoneWithTheWhinge Posts: 168 Member
    Don't be discouraged, 2lb a week is a healthier, safer and more sustainable weight loss. An excellent loss in fact! Like PP's have said the 9lb was probably water weight, it takes your body time to adjust.

    Remember that the weight took time to creep on and so will take time to drop off. You can do this.
  • mllowe2
    mllowe2 Posts: 50 Member
    Same thing happened here...but now I'm loosing 2 pounds a week steadily. Hang in there...add me as a friend if you'd like:flowerforyou:
  • redsoxy
    redsoxy Posts: 73 Member
    Don't be discouraged! You have had a HUGE loss in a short time. I have a hard time battling my impatience with the slow progress as well, but if you stay the course - you will see results and make life time changes (rather than quick fixes). Feel free to add me if you'd like!