Looking for a few newbie/wanna be runners to start C25K



  • hnyzthms
    hnyzthms Posts: 393 Member
    just seen this post and was wondering how u were getting on with c25k?

    Have u seen a bigger weight loss with this and diet? Or a change in body shape?

    I plan to start 1st may xx
  • Debechild
    Debechild Posts: 37 Member
    @hnyzthms Hi there I am actually doing very well with it. I am losing. It may not show in weight but definately in my clothes. I am not consistent in doing it as planned (M,W,F), my schedule is all over the place. I do however make up the run and then some, however I can. This might be a bad thing but its working for me. I would do fo example day1 Saturday morning, Day 2 Sunday night and Day 3 Monday morning. Last week was a bit hectic so I didnt get it done as I planned, so I ended up doing day 2 and 3 back to back Thursday night.

    I find running on the treadmill way easier than running on the street. I do prefer the street. I notice I can run for much longer now. I feel stronger and my lungs havent felt this good in years. I am actually enjoying the run, it feels good and my joints are less swollen and hurt less when I run. I think I might be addicted. I can not wait to do it again and see how far I can push myself.

    Let me know how it goes for you. Good Luck.