Ladies......Whose been here.....

jpratt1980 Posts: 13 Member
edited September 27 in Motivation and Support
I don't write these things very often, but something happened tonight that I had to share. Kinda embarrassing for me, but if it helps anyone else, I am glad I shared.

So today starts out as one of those days where you just want to eat. (That time of the month) Before dinner I only had 300 calories left. My boyfriend comes home from work and asks me what I would like for dinner. He says the kids want Chinese food. I asked him if he would go for a walk with me and they could get Chinese and I can get Subway. I was very proud of myself to first of all, go walking to get a few more calories and second because I am not eating the Chinese food. We go to the park and walk a good mile and a half while having a conversation about me losing weight and my struggles I am having this week. As we are walking around our last lap,some guy hanging out of a car yelling out the window "You better keep walking Fat A**". Funny thing is he needed to walk 10 times more than I did. He said this at the worst possible time on the worst possible day. I know he was talking about me because my boyfriend is not overweight. First reaction was to cry. Now I am pissed and want to do better than ever. I am glad I have come this far and not going to let this guy get me down.

The point of me sharing this with all of you is I am sure there is a moment in your life where someone says something to you that puts you down.There always seems to be obstacles in the way of you and your weight loss journey (Monthly period, Chinese food, man screaming out the window calling you a Fat A**), Don't let things get to you. Take it choice by choice and day by day. Eventually we will all get to our goal someday


  • LittleMissAngi
    LittleMissAngi Posts: 243 Member
    I know how you feel.
  • charli21
    charli21 Posts: 13
    ugh...disgusting sorry this happened to you. tomorrow is a new day! :)
  • babygreen11
    babygreen11 Posts: 73
    I don't write these things very often, but something happened tonight that I had to share. Kinda embarrassing for me, but if it helps anyone else, I am glad I shared.

    So today starts out as one of those days where you just want to eat. (That time of the month) Before dinner I only had 300 calories left. My boyfriend comes home from work and asks me what I would like for dinner. He says the kids want Chinese food. I asked him if he would go for a walk with me and they could get Chinese and I can get Subway. I was very proud of myself to first of all, go walking to get a few more calories and second because I am not eating the Chinese food. We go to the park and walk a good mile and a half while having a conversation about me losing weight and my struggles I am having this week. As we are walking around our last lap,some guy hanging out of a car yelling out the window "You better keep walking Fat A**". Funny thing is he needed to walk 10 times more than I did. He said this at the worst possible time on the worst possible day. I know he was talking about me because my boyfriend is not overweight. First reaction was to cry. Now I am pissed and want to do better than ever. I am glad I have come this far and not going to let this guy get me down.

    The point of me sharing this with all of you is I am sure there is a moment in your life where someone says something to you that puts you down.There always seems to be obstacles in the way of you and your weight loss journey (Monthly period, Chinese food, man screaming out the window calling you a Fat A**), Don't let things get to you. Take it choice by choice and day by day. Eventually we will all get to our goal someday

    Kudos to you for choosing Subway over Chinese Food. I dont know if I could be that strong!!! Keep up the good work. And just remember you were walking to help yourself and he was sitting on his butt in a car doing nothing!
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    glad your not letting people like that get you down, good on you.
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    i have been there...i totally understand. Your right, just hold your head up and keep going. At least you can and are changing yourself and becoming better for it. That Ahole will always be what he Ahole.
  • lisa46219
    lisa46219 Posts: 99 Member
    Well, here's the good thing... you can always lose weight, but chances are he will never grow more brain cells!
  • adecker2007
    adecker2007 Posts: 10 Member
    very inspirational! I get so hungry around that time of the month too! it's so hard to control it sometimes! Keep up the good work and if you fall off for one day, just remember get back on the next day!
  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    Gld you had your boyfriend with you and I'm hoping he was good moral support. But this journey can be lonely and we all think you are doing GREAT!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Well done - go YOU!
  • destiny637
    destiny637 Posts: 79
    Thank you for posting and sharing that with us. You're headed down the right path, so screw him! I love your attitude to let that be your motivation. Keep focused on the prize. . . And you're right, we all will get there . . .just have to do it, one day at a time. Smiles to you!
    RCMILLER2 Posts: 38
    I agree, I think we have all been there. I just tell myself that if that guy yelling at me needed to say that to make himself feel better or cool, then I feel sorry for him. :sad: I'm doing this for me and my loved ones and not for anyone else, so keep walking and keep your head up :smile:
  • Hazelhaze05
    Hazelhaze05 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm sorry someone would be so awful... You can fix your weight, you can't fix stupid remember that :)

    I didn't have someone rudely say that to me. But, when I went to the Dr. today the lady said "I don't want to upset you, but you do know you've gained 8lbs since Feb". I laughed it off, but wanted to cry. I have been busting my butt! I've been so strict for 16 days now with no change, and before that I always ate healthy, and was active. I have to get my blood work done to see about thyroid issues. Then wait a month to go back, I don't want to wait. I want to know now! lol

    This is definitely a frustrating journey. There will be our "fat days", days where people hurt our feelings, days when our monthly friend is coming and we can't stop eating, etc. But, just know that we have to keep this up. One day didn't get us here, and one day wont get us out. You're doing a great job! I'm proud of you for making a healthy food choice and walking :)
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    Ugh, that is horrible - what is wrong with people! Good for you for not letting it ruin your day and continuing to make good choices for you! Good luck reaching your goal, it sounds like you are determined and have a great attitude :smile:
  • annastacia10
    annastacia10 Posts: 106
    Kudos to you for making the right walk and get a lower calorie meal. I know how you feel, I had a good friend call me exactly the same thing that stranger called you. And for the record, when I saw your pic, all I saw was a beautiful red-head with a wonderful smile. Keep up the good work! You have the right attitude so go get it girl!
  • keepkickingbutt
    keepkickingbutt Posts: 49 Member
    Ugh, what a disgusting jerk indeed. And AWESOME JOB you for just keeping on. People like that are truly pathetic and make me mad sometimes too, but we are better than that here and thanks to all of you for being so supportive! GO GIRLS AND GUYS! PS: You look fantastic, by the way!!! :)
  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    Well, here's the good thing... you can always lose weight, but chances are he will never grow more brain cells!

    Man, this is SO what I thought! You just keep up your awesome thought process, don't let one idiot get you down. You made the right choices, and he made a really bad one!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Kudos to you for making the right walk and get a lower calorie meal. I know how you feel, I had a good friend call me exactly the same thing that stranger called you. And for the record, when I saw your pic, all I saw was a beautiful red-head with a wonderful smile. Keep up the good work! You have the right attitude so go get it girl!

    Oh my gosh, your profile pic is soooo cute!

    To the OP, good for you, I think I would have cracked after that and had the chinese food! What a jerk. I will never understand why people feel the need to do that. I was riding my bike one day and this car full of teenagers drives by and one of them screamed at me on their way by. Nothing mean, just a scream....or I guess that's what it was. Ok I know I was a dumb teenager once too, but I can't imagine sitting there going hey guys...look ahead, there is someone riding their bike, lets scream at them, won't that be fun?
  • PepsiGal
    PepsiGal Posts: 85 Member
    I'm so sorry that happened to you. But you should be proud of yourself for making smart choices: walking and getting Subway for dinner. That jerk was just projecting his own insecurities on you, building himself up by tearing others down. From what I can see, you're a beautiful woman (love your red hair!) and we applaud you for trying to make healthy lifestyle changes.

    I've been in your shoes. On my wedding day, my stepfather asked me what size my wedding dress I was wearing. I replied size 10 and he muttered "fat bride". That comment crushed me and I spent the rest of my special day feeling fat and self-loathing. To this day, I still have body image issues and have gone through therapy to get help with my low self-esteem and to move past hurtful comments from my family and classmates. Now, I just don't keep company with toxic people - I seek out positive, supportive people instead. Sounds like you have support from your boyfriend and people here on MFP. Hang in there and push forward, girl!
  • allystone
    allystone Posts: 134 Member
    actually funny thing last year while i was out in vegas-some drunk guy-started making oink oink noises--at me, while i walking with my sister who is a beanpole. I started crying, and didn't want to go out the rest of the night, but it was vegas-and it just put my life into perspective. but I think it just motivates me to shouw those jerks, what were made of.
  • CanadianChic
    CanadianChic Posts: 141
    He's a loser.. who cares what he thinks... kudos to you for choosing subway!! You are doing fantastic!!
  • annastacia10
    annastacia10 Posts: 106
    Thanks! Saw that pic and had to have as my profile...primarily because I am a crazy ol' cat lady and secondly because he looks like he is trying to exercise. Just like me!
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