Something I can't get my head round.

Not a day goes by without me reading words to the like of ' I struggle to reach my calorie goal' or ' yeah when I used to struggle to reach 1200 calories I would just have a tablespoon of peanut butter'. How can anyone ever ( especially people who use this particular forum) struggle to get to 1200 on a daily basis?!?!?! What am I missing? I'm not picking on people here, genuinely intrigued if there is something I don't know.


  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    It's easy, really. People get on board with the "OK, I'm going to eat super healthy" and immediately go for the lowest calorie options possible. They cut out carbs, go for the leanest meat, fill up on veg... then get full eating 800 cals of chicken breast and leafy vegetables. Til they get bored and feel deprived.

    Truth is, mainstream 'diet' teaching is about going as low cal as possible. You don't get taught moderation through the media, because it isn't profitable. Relapsing dieters who burn out from too-hard too-fast make money!

    It takes time before people realise that lowest cal isn't the best option, and that moderation isn't just sustainable, it is necessary.
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    I'm am one that struggles to stay under 1620 so I can't imagine me not being able to eat 1200. I can see how it could be done but where's the joy? for me that would be a very strict diet and not sustainable. If I had a deadline I could do it but not long term.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I'm am one that struggles to stay under 1620 so I can't imagine me not being able to eat 1200. I can see how it could be done but where's the joy? for me that would be a very strict diet and not sustainable. If I had a deadline I could do it but not long term.

    That's the thing though, so many people get on a "health kick" and they aren't really thinking long term. It's all "I'm going to eat special k, salad, poached fish and broccoli and I'm gonna get THIN!!!" Then they join and get scolded by the "complete diary" button and then post because they don't get how they aren't doing it right, because, aren't they dieting right?? I really wish this stuff would be taught in schools. So many people don't realise you don't have to be miserable to lose weight.
  • Danniiiiii
    Danniiiiii Posts: 9 Member
    I struggle some days to reach 1200 calories but I go to the gym everyday and burn off at least 500, so in total I'm supposed to eat 1700 and that's difficult.
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    I struggle to reach 1200 and I don't go to the gym. I don't eat grains so my diet is protien, fruits and veg etc. I also make room for chocolate everyday- I suppose I could eat more chocolate but I don't want to. I'm just not really 'into' food- never have been. I can take me up to an hour to eat a meal- I just pick at it, laways have seince childhood.
  • bluworld
    bluworld Posts: 135 Member
    For some, there is also this want to prove weight gain wasn't their fault, but due to outside forces. This becomes a forum to show how little they do eat, usually followed by the "I can't loose weight" threads. They will log for show, with horrible inaccuracies, and "these calories don't count" snacks. ( I've had several room mates like this)
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I don't get it either....eating that little is depressing to think about!
  • bluworld
    bluworld Posts: 135 Member
    That being said, I personally did eat under 1200 yesterday - because I was full all day from the 8+ cups of popcorn I'd eaten the night before. I'm too old to snack like that before bed.
  • emmajulie98765
    emmajulie98765 Posts: 29 Member
    I just don't get how people get fat and then on here say 'I'm so full and can't reach 1200'. I have a few very overweight friends at work. They all swear that their diets are amazing ect ect. I don't buy it.
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    I just don't get how people get fat and then on here say 'I'm so full and can't reach 1200'. I have a few very overweight friends at work. They all swear that their diets are amazing ect ect. I don't buy it.

    Personally I'm just looking to lose a few pounds- the main reason for gaining those few extra pounds is that hwen my Mum died I stopped cooking and just ate frozen pizza or chocolate for dinner. Eating that way made me feel gross in the end - so I'm back to home cooking now which fills me up more. Of course if I went back to eating a whole frozen pizza by myelf and feeling over-stuffed-I'd gain the weight back, but I doubt I'd do that again

  • krissyreminisce
    krissyreminisce Posts: 284 Member
    I started on this site at 132 with about 10-15lbs to lose and chose the 2lb loss which put me at 1200. I struggled some days because I was so determined to lose the weight and set up mental blocks about eating snacks, etc, even though I knew I'd be burning a huge chunk of it off in the gym.

    Now I'm struggling to eat more now that I'm in maintenance because of those same blocks. My meal sizes are filling and sensible, I just don't eat a small snack when I should. I just ride out the hunger. It's very annoying knowing you're going to the gym later so you can eat that 100 cal snack, but then psych yourself out and drink hot tea instead. :confused:
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I wonder how these people who can't eat 1200 calories a day...ended up being overweight. Does. Not. Compute. Unless their regular TDEE is like, 800.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Sometimes I wonder how I used to eat 3300 everyday (bulking) was A LOT of food! :D But ya I guess some people fill up quick on very little? Maybe it's also a mental thing? I have no idea. I would collapse under 2000!
  • krissyreminisce
    krissyreminisce Posts: 284 Member
    edited April 2015
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    I wonder how these people who can't eat 1200 calories a day...ended up being overweight. Does. Not. Compute. Unless their regular TDEE is like, 800.

    I started at 220 and and my eating habits were pretty disgusting. I was also totally inactive. I ate frequently and high calorie items. I also gained 40lbs in college when I was depressed. I didn't care and would eat half gallons of ice cream in one sitting, or those huge candy bars (and not the king size ones, the massive ones) in one sitting.

    I slowly was able to turn it around and over four years kind of taught myself moderation and cut out eating so many high cal foods so often. When I joined here I had hit a plateau and was starting to gain, so I was just determined to drop the weight. Though I found the forums too late. I'm sure I would have been advised to have a less aggressive calorie goal.

    Now I just have a huge fear that'll it all come roaring back on me if I step a toe out of line. I'm working on that, though. :smile: I can have a good time, eat some Chinese and not wake up in my old body. Lol.
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    It might be due to different sorts of foods. I can put away three candy bars and still want lunch. But if I have grilled chicken and an awesome salad, I'm full up.
    That said I'm at 1380kcal. I dread 1200!
  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    It's weird. I was at 1,200 calories and lost eighteen pounds. I'm sedentary, btw.

    Some days I just wasn't hungry. MFP would "yell" at me to eat more but I just wasn't interested in eating over 1,000. Not hungry!

    Other days? Forget it. Half a pizza and eight beers? Wheeeee!

    I guess it all balanced out somehow.

  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    I drank a lot of my calories (in the form of Pepsi) before I started MFP. Not only that, the Pepsi stimulated my appetite so that I ate more.

    I'm now making an effort to hit my macros while mostly sticking with foods I was eating before but without the Pepsi. Before I started, I was eating way too much salt, not enough protein, and most days not enough fat.

    Now here I am with less of an appetite and eating more things that actually make me full.

    I've had days where I struggled to reach 1200 because I was full and just didn't want to eat any more food.
    It might be due to different sorts of foods. I can put away three candy bars and still want lunch. But if I have grilled chicken and an awesome salad, I'm full up.

    This is so true. I used to eat a lot of cereal with skim milk. It fit in with the "low-fat" mentality that had been pounded into my head for the last 20 years. Last week I had a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios and I was hungry 45 minutes later. That doesn't happen if I have a bowl of All-Bran.
  • LiveLoveLift67
    LiveLoveLift67 Posts: 895 Member
    What is this " full" and how do i get it?? lol. I cant understand how these 1200 calorie people think either. Hungry or not hungry i fuel my body. I eat between 1600-2000 calories a day and yes you can get full quickly on junk or processed foods. I cant wrap my head around someone that is working out or doing any form of fitness and cant get in 1200 or more. Their body will crash eventually and stop producing the results they are looking for.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    RIGHT! I get the whole eating healthier and having less calories in those food choices, but really! How often do you see someone that's been at this, say 3+ months saying that? It's usually someone newer trying to say "Oh look at me, I can't eat my calories". How the heck did you come to need to lose 50 pounds then?
    I'm sorry but mouth meet peanut butter here!
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    RIGHT! I get the whole eating healthier and having less calories in those food choices, but really! How often do you see someone that's been at this, say 3+ months saying that? It's usually someone newer trying to say "Oh look at me, I can't eat my calories". How the heck did you come to need to lose 50 pounds then?
    I'm sorry but mouth meet peanut butter here!
    The newer people are the ones who do struggle with it. It takes time to adjust to eating differently. Once they get the hang of things, they can come closer to meeting the calorie goal. As for just shoving some extra peanut butter in your mouth, that's certainly an option. However, people slowly learn how to distribute calories throughout the day.

    What is this " full" and how do i get it?? lol. I cant understand how these 1200 calorie people think either. Hungry or not hungry i fuel my body. I eat between 1600-2000 calories a day and yes you can get full quickly on junk or processed foods. I cant wrap my head around someone that is working out or doing any form of fitness and cant get in 1200 or more. Their body will crash eventually and stop producing the results they are looking for.
    There are many people, like me, who have physical problems and can't burn off much through exercise. I do what I can but the exercise that I do isn't enough to stimulate extra appetite.

    My goal is set at about 1600. Some days I meet it and some days I don't. When I started, I struggled to hit 1200 some days but I'm learning how to budget my calories and I'm coming closer to my goal most days.

    If I stopped logging and started drinking a lot of Pepsi again, I'd go right back to gaining weight. Just because I have days where I can't hit 1200 doesn't mean that I won't go overboard if I stop MFP.