New here, need motivation

Hi, I joined at the request of a friend to provide support for her...but I need to lose 45 lbs myself. I need to find motivation, and some better ways to manage stress instead of eating. Any comments/new friends would be great!


  • mlo10
    mlo10 Posts: 2
    I'm new too! Looking to lose 25-30 pounds. Stress eating has been the biggest struggle for me!!

    Will add you and we can motivate each other! =)
  • balston2010
    balston2010 Posts: 62 Member
    i have been here awhile but need to lose another 40..
  • redsoxy
    redsoxy Posts: 73 Member
    This is the best place to get motivation - make sure you log on regularly and you will find all the support you need! Feel free to add me if youd like!
  • jgrice
    jgrice Posts: 22 Member
    With a little motivation many things are possible.... feel free to add me.