Sprint Intervals



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    rock climbing
    spin class
  • getsmarter82
    getsmarter82 Posts: 1 Member
    Sorry for hitting an old thread, but I'm new here. How do you add an interval workout like these to your myfitnesspal account?
  • charlesmauch
    charlesmauch Posts: 58 Member
    I alternate sprint distances (I sprint twice a week after squatting & deadlifting). 40yds and 100yds has worked for me.

    I don't bother timing it. But if your going to time intervals, 7 seconds for 40yards, and maybe 15-18 seconds for 100 yards seem like reasonable goals at those distances. Getting under those numbers will require some serious dedication. My numbers are a lot worse than that, but I'm going up a hill too. :)

    If your going to sprint, then do it like you mean it and hold nothing back the entire time your moving. Walk back to your starting point, do it again, no resting (your rest was walking back!). When you no longer feel explosive/fluid stop and call it a day. If your wobbling around and generally looking like gumby on your way back, you've been going at it for too long.

    If the weather sucks, there are a ton of things you can do for "hard conditioning" besides sprints, prowler work, and shoving cars around parking lots. You can try:
    • 200 Jump Squats in a row, (make it more fun with a sandbag or weight vest)
    • ( 5 Mountain Climbers + 1 Burpee ) x 75
    • 200 Kettleball Swings at 50lbs or more, in a row.
    • ( 15 Tuck Jumps / 15 Situps ) x 10
    • Font Squat 20 sec as fast as possible, rest 10 seconds, repeat (tabata style), never load more than 75lbs or so.
    • ( Sprint the length of the basketball court, 25 Tuck Jumps, Bear Crawl back ) x 6
    • 13 Kettleball Swings, 13 Burpees, 12 Kettleball Swings, 12 Burpees, etc until none left

    If you don't get the proscribed number, just do the routine for 20 minutes (and/or puke). Shoot to improve and get further until you finish. Then try something else.

    With this kind of work, I don't bother to time anything other than to set an alarm for 20 minutes. If I survive the experience, the session was a rousing success!