4 days in.. :/

cnewbie Posts: 12
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, I'm 4 days in, started Sunday morning. My husband is my true inspiration! Training now for a triathlon, and doing amazing!! I am just 4 days in and I am up 6 pounds?!? What is the deal? I have gone full bore into this thing, and I'm up 6?!? What could I possibly be doing wrong? I'm walking, even interval running and adding elliptical. All my foods are healthy choices, drinking water... HELP!!


  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    u may be gaining muscle, do not give up!!! its only 4 days in... keep going, i didnt see a huge change until months after i started my journey 2 yrs ago
  • heart_explodes
    heart_explodes Posts: 48 Member
    I've done the same thing, I started on Monday weight myself and then weighed myself again today (4 days later) and I am up by 1.2kilos (or almost 3lbs)! So I'm definitely interested as well to hear the answers.
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    Hey there, don't give up just yet. Make sure you are tracking everything you eat and then go back and look to see ifyou need to tweak something. Also, could it be that the scale is wrong? I had an old scale that if it was moved over 1 inch it said I weighed like 10 more lbs. and if I moved it again it would say I weighed like 5 less...sporadic numbers all the time. I gave in and bought a bran spankin new one at Target. I also agree on the gainin muscle part.

    Hang in there. :) You can do it. :bigsmile:
  • I gained weight the first couple of days too... i stopped exercising! lol... i wanted to lose the weight before i build muscle weight... i know... stupid
  • cnewbie
    cnewbie Posts: 12
    Thank you friends! :happy: I know it's silly to weigh after such a short time, and my scale is accurate. Not sure I would feel good about myself if I don't exercise... too much weight to go... :grumble: Anyway, I'll give it a little time, and should probably check measurements before I get any further in, huh? Love this program though... seems fail-proof!!
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    its muscle gain :) give it a few weeks and you will be pleasantly surprised :)
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Have no fear! Your body is probably just gaining muscle and getting used to increase exercise.
  • jenkamac
    jenkamac Posts: 61 Member
    It's muscle or a lot of times when you are sore (and you would be the first four days of training) you are retaining more water in your muscles. At least that's what I've heard and it has always been that way for me - if I am sore I tend to way more than the day before. Just give it time.
  • Caityrose
    Caityrose Posts: 23 Member
    definitely do measurements. I gained some pounds when I started too. It might be water retention. While you are drinking lots of water to flush out all the bad stuff and the water that was stored, it will take some time to do that, so its holding on to more until it realizes it doesn't need to. and then you will start peeing like a horse lol until all the stored water is out.

    also, are you weighing the same time of day like. morning before you eat?
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    I would also suggest taking measurements if you haven't already. My weight loss has been slow in terms of the scale but in terms of measurements I have lost a lot.
    drink lots of water and try adjusting your caloric intake. I found the 1200/day that MFP suggested was too low. I had to increase mine to 1400 but it took me a month to get to that point, and finally the scale is moving.
    keep your chin up and congrats for sticking with it for 4 days so far =)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hang in there, TRY to not weigh too often, make sure you are logging food and exercise accurately and you will find that it will be looking good for you soon!
  • traceyblt
    traceyblt Posts: 45
    I have the same problem, its so discouraging HELP :sad:
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    ...also, make sure you are eating enough calories
  • daveelamp
    daveelamp Posts: 43
    Good advice above. It could be a case of you gaining some muscle or water retention. Weight can be decieving sometimes, taking measurements is a good idea. Also a new scales may be needed. Make sure you weigh first thing in the morning, this is supposed to be the time of day when you get your 'true weight'. So always weigh the same time of day.

    My biggest advice would be though.. chill out!! its been 4 days?! You havent even started this journey yet. Not everyone will get the quick fix. I wouldnt even weigh til you have been doing it for 2 weeks, then every week from then. To be stressing about this after 4 days is silly.

    If your eating a good amount of calories... eating the right things at the right time and doing some exercise then you will see progress. Keep at it. Dont get discouraged.
  • Febgirl
    Febgirl Posts: 68 Member
    I posted something similar a few weeks ago. First week I stayed the same, second week gained 300g (less than a pound) but third week I lost 1.1kg (2.5 pounds). Right from day 1 I had been eating well, rarely going over calories and exercising 5-6 days a week, lots of weights. Those first two weeks were so discouraging that the scale didn't reflect my hard work, although I did lose inches.

    I was beginning to think maybe MFP wouldn't work for me until week 3 when the scales finally started going down. Week 4 weigh in is tomorrow and my pants that I didn't use to be able to button up now fit perfectly! Even if the scales don't show a loss I'm confident that my body is shrinking so that's enough to keep me going.

    So hang in there, give it at least 4 weeks before you look at doing something else.
  • I can only repeat what everyone else has said. But to give you some extra support and assurance, I did exactly the same, got on the scales yesterday and was like OMG how can I have put on weight I am being so good. The one thing I had done differently, is upped my exercise and not increased my water in take. I rectified that yesterday and it will definitely make a difference.

    Also, from years of experience on dieting and having a very good friend in the industry, if you are doing lots of gym work, it can take up to 6 weeks on the scales to show anything, whilst the muscles and fat have a little fight over who is going to stay and who is going to go. See keep up with the gym, healthy eating and water intake and the nice lean muscle will win hands down.

    Step away from the scales also, and only weigh once a week (I know it's hard if you are a serial weigher like I am) but your weight fluctuates so dramatically throughout the day's, as long as you are losing at the same time, same day every week, you are going in the right direction. I know that I have lost something, even if the scales don't tell me, as I can see it in my face and on my ribs, so keep at it and the scales will finally give in and give you the figure you are looking for.

    Don't be downheartened, just think how healthy and fit you are being, with your new exercise plan and way of eating.
  • daveelamp
    daveelamp Posts: 43
    At the end of the day, MFP isnt some program that is going to work for some and not for others. It is given you a tool to track what your eating... Showing you if your having enough/too much of certain nutrients and creating a calorie deficit for you.

    1lb of fat is 3500 stored calories... So you need to have a deficit of 500 calories a day to lose 1lb in a week. I wouldnt obsess too much about what the scale is saying for the first 4-6 weeks as your body will be changing. You may not even notice them in the beggining but if your eating right and exercising you will be benefiting...

    You can do this. Stay strong... you will lose weight!! Dont stress about the scales!!! Make sure you post an update after 4 weeks and 4 months. Guaranteed if you've stuck at it, the post will be in the success section!!
  • jpooley1988
    jpooley1988 Posts: 119 Member
    I agree with everyone else!!! Give it timeee!!!! Slowly but surely it will start dropping off you! :)

    It's my second weigh in today and unfortunately I cant weigh myself coz I am moving house today and have nooo idea where my scales are :( somebody packed them but I'm not expecting that great results again (last week I lost 1.8lbs)

    BUT I have measured myself and in the last 2 weeks I have lost 2 inchs on my waist and stomach and an inch on my hips and on my bust and half an inch on my neck!!!
    So even though I may not be losing the lbs straight away, I know I'm definately getting smaller, so that makes me happy :)

    Just stay with it, and use this site to log EVERYTHING, also after a week or two, you will have a great friend base that will keep you sooo motivated on here, seeing what they are all doing, and seeing them lose with you. Also when we have been doing this for a while and everyone in life is bored about hearing about our great losses, our friends on here will be great to congratulate you and help you through the bad times, instead of judging you!! :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I personally don't think that you could have that much muscle gain in 4 days!! What I would do is: 1)take your measurements (like 1/ month) along withyour weight to see if you are losing inches and truly gaining muscle, 2) make sure you were honest with MFP about your activity level (if you put in moderate and you are NORMALLY sedate then you will be eating too much), 3) make sure that you are being honest with how much you are truly eating (is that 1/2cup really a cup), 4) and watch your sodium and water intake...you could be having a gain from water retention in your muscles. I agree though...do not give up...you just need to figure out what adjustments you need to make for your body to be happy :)
  • jpooley1988
    jpooley1988 Posts: 119 Member
    1lb of fat is 3500 stored calories... So you need to have a deficit of 500 calories a day to lose 1lb in a week. I wouldnt obsess too much about what the scale is saying for the first 4-6 weeks as your body will be changing. You may not even notice them in the beggining but if your eating right and exercising you will be benefiting...

    I didn't know this! Thanks this will make me think twice if I'm having a bad day!!!! (",) Going to add you as a friend, I hope you don't mind :)
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