Fat photos of me on facebook.... MORTIFYING

So, my aunt whom I love, really do, put up picture of our family from thanksgiving on facebook, so now the whole world, including all my friends from high school, etc now see im fat. I was never over 100 lbs before I got pregnant seven years ago, and had three babies right in a row, then faced a very rough disease- depression and early onset parkinsons disease. So I gained about 100 lbs. I now have motivation to lose weight , I am dying from embarrassment. I have made a safe cocoon in my life, and its time to step out and be proud. Accept myself, lose weight and be proud of myself.
for anyone who wants to see a pic of me, go to www.momtothreebabies.blogspot.com
has anyone else ever actually lived perfectly comfortable and then BAM-- saw yourself the way other people see you?


  • momtothreebabies
    momtothreebabies Posts: 106 Member
    So, my aunt whom I love, really do, put up picture of our family from thanksgiving on facebook, so now the whole world, including all my friends from high school, etc now see im fat. I was never over 100 lbs before I got pregnant seven years ago, and had three babies right in a row, then faced a very rough disease- depression and early onset parkinsons disease. So I gained about 100 lbs. I now have motivation to lose weight , I am dying from embarrassment. I have made a safe cocoon in my life, and its time to step out and be proud. Accept myself, lose weight and be proud of myself.
    for anyone who wants to see a pic of me, go to www.momtothreebabies.blogspot.com
    has anyone else ever actually lived perfectly comfortable and then BAM-- saw yourself the way other people see you?
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Don't be embarrassed because you don't like your external appearance--that is easily changed. You should be proud for making it through such hard times and coming out motivated to improve your health for yourself and your family.

    That said, I have been in a similar situation! When I was 16 or 17, I went to my great grandparents' anniversary and there were tons of pictures taken. I was eating in every one!! I looked AWFUL. One picture only got my butt--it stuck out so far even while I was standing up that the rest of me wasn't in the picture! :laugh: My stepmom was overweight then too, and she was also unpleasantly surprised at her pictures. Then I was tipping the scales at about 155, which is a lot considering I am 5 feet tall. I was in a tight size 13 pant. I jumped right into exercise and the South Beach diet, but got into an abusive relationship and wasn't 'allowed' to go to the gym because of the other guys there. But once I came to college, I regained my freedom and set out to improve my emotional and physical health. Changing my eating habits and exercise habits has literally changed my character in very positive ways.

    You can do this! Be happy with who you know you will become!
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    Girl! I know what you mean! First of all, I was your friend on FB, and looking back over the months on my own page, I find it shocking to see myself. YOU CAN DO IT! You totally motivated me to start walking, and I did, but then I was the only one, so I stopped logging it. :ohwell: But, my point is....if I can do this, anyone can. This time last year, I was in a 22, today I sit here in a loose 10. Embrace yourself, know that you are worth it. You give everything to your precious family, give yourself that same attention. YOU GOT THIS!!!!
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    you know what... I come from the opposite end! I know people hate to hear this but it's a big emotional issue for me. I have never been heavy, but have always been aware of my appearance and have never liked what I saw. I go through spurts of feeling totally self confident followed by spurts of total self-loathing. with these come spurts of a healthy lifestyle followed by binge eating and binge dieting. I have always seen myself as heavier than other people see me until I saw some pictures from the beach when I was visiting my boyfriend! I had worked so hard to look "hot" in my bikini but in these pictures I looked "skinny" and it was gross! after seeing these pictures I realized that I need to be HEATHY more importantly than being thin. It was a big eye opener and i think people need to realize that extremes go in both directions. :-) keep up the good work, guys! :flowerforyou:
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    yes dont be embarassed!!! I purposely put a fat picture on Here to remind myself that i need to change and you can see the progression in my pictures as i have changed!!! use it as motivation to make a difference :)
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    yes dont be embarassed!!! I purposely put a fat picture on Here to remind myself that i need to change and you can see the progression in my pictures as i have changed!!! use it as motivation to make a difference :)

    I agree! I keep my "before" picture up on my profile. It was from this past Christmas. I need it there to remind me that I have come far...sometimes it is not so easy to see.

    You look awesome Jackie!:heart::drinker:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Ok...story time.

    I had gained 70 pounds since I was in my 20's. I was always the skinny girl, I am talking 100 pounds soaking wet. Well I had done a great job of avoiding every one I knew, not an easy feat as I lived in the neighborhood I grew up in.

    I didnt go to HS reunions, the yearly New Years Eve party thrown by a friend. I shopped for groceries out west so I wouldnt run into anyone in the stores.

    So one night it is around 11 pm and I need milk for breakfast for the kids. Go to the store thinking I am the only fool out at this time.

    I am going down an isle and see a guy I grew up with. I quickly reverse and go down another isle. He chases me and catches me on the next isle. How embarrasing. He KNEW I was avoiding him!

    He asks me why I avoided him. I tell him I am embarrased. Embarrased about what? he says. I said well I have gained almost 70 pounds since I last saw you!

    He took off his hat to show me a bald head!! He said " Jeannie, you can lose weight, I am NEVER going to see my hair again!!!!"

    We then talked about friends and ppl we grow up with, we are all getting older, changing, transforming from one lifestyle to another. We need to stand tall and hug each other. Accept ourselves and then we will be accepted. He said everyone was sad I didnt go to the get togethers and share my 3 kids and DH with them.

    The End:flowerforyou:
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    Ok...story time.

    I had gained 70 pounds since I was in my 20's. I was always the skinny girl, I am talking 100 pounds soaking wet. Well I had done a great job of avoiding every one I knew, not an easy feat as I lived in the neighborhood I grew up in.

    I didnt go to HS reunions, the yearly New Years Eve party thrown by a friend. I shopped for groceries out west so I wouldnt run into anyone in the stores.

    So one night it is around 11 pm and I need milk for breakfast for the kids. Go to the store thinking I am the only fool out at this time.

    I am going down an isle and see a guy I grew up with. I quickly reverse and go down another isle. He chases me and catches me on the next isle. How embarrasing. He KNEW I was avoiding him!

    He asks me why I avoided him. I tell him I am embarrased. Embarrased about what? he says. I said well I have gained almost 70 pounds since I last saw you!

    He took off his hat to show me a bald head!! He said " Jeannie, you can lose weight, I am NEVER going to see my hair again!!!!"

    We then talked about friends and ppl we grow up with, we are all getting older, changing, transforming from one lifestyle to another. We need to stand tall and hug each other. Accept ourselves and then we will be accepted. He said everyone was sad I didnt go to the get togethers and share my 3 kids and DH with them.

    The End:flowerforyou:

    AWWWWWW....great story!
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    Ok...story time.

    I had gained 70 pounds since I was in my 20's. I was always the skinny girl, I am talking 100 pounds soaking wet. Well I had done a great job of avoiding every one I knew, not an easy feat as I lived in the neighborhood I grew up in.

    I didnt go to HS reunions, the yearly New Years Eve party thrown by a friend. I shopped for groceries out west so I wouldnt run into anyone in the stores.

    So one night it is around 11 pm and I need milk for breakfast for the kids. Go to the store thinking I am the only fool out at this time.

    I am going down an isle and see a guy I grew up with. I quickly reverse and go down another isle. He chases me and catches me on the next isle. How embarrasing. He KNEW I was avoiding him!

    He asks me why I avoided him. I tell him I am embarrased. Embarrased about what? he says. I said well I have gained almost 70 pounds since I last saw you!

    He took off his hat to show me a bald head!! He said " Jeannie, you can lose weight, I am NEVER going to see my hair again!!!!"

    We then talked about friends and ppl we grow up with, we are all getting older, changing, transforming from one lifestyle to another. We need to stand tall and hug each other. Accept ourselves and then we will be accepted. He said everyone was sad I didnt go to the get togethers and share my 3 kids and DH with them.

    The End:flowerforyou:

    AWWWWWW....great story!
    Just goes to show that everyone probably has an issue that they area embarrased about...
  • momtothreebabies
    momtothreebabies Posts: 106 Member
    Oh my goodness, thank you soooo much everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are amazing, each and every one of you, and if you guys can do it, so can I. I LOVE the story about going to the store, I so do that too! Now, I am happy to say, that I can do this, with your help everyone of course, but I can do it!
    With much love to you all,
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    I feel the same way you ladies do. I was 100-105 when I graduated high school and am now at 192. I feel so horrible about how I look and can't believe I let myself get this way. It is embarassing for people to see me like this but at this moment in time, this is who I am. You can always loose the weight, you just have to do it! I had lost 40 pounds (down to 155) when my husband and I separated and was only 20 pounds from my goal weight. Now that he and I are back together and 3 surgeries within 1 1/2 years later I am up to 192. We are all on here to be healthy together so I wish everyone all the luck in the world!