5 Week Challenge - HELP!

Hello all!

In 5 weeks time I am going on holiday with a few of my friends (who are all size 6-10). I'm
Roughly around 12-14 but I really want to feel confident and secure when I'm around them so want to lose weight, quickly!

Can anyone suggest any quick fixes to shedding weight, quickly and healthily?

I don't really want all of the - they will understand, you're beautiful as you are opinions because this is more for me than trying to impress them.

Any ideas would be fabulous :)


  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    in 5 weeks u could lose probably 10lbs. maybe a bit more if your very overweight. stay within your calorie goals and do some exercise. i recommend strength training since this made the biggest difference for me as far as how my body looks. there isn't really a quick AND healthy way. buy a slimming swim suit.
  • monkey246
    monkey246 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 5ft 3", 160lbs.
    I have seen a 6 weight loss since I started MFP about 5 weeks ago which I believe is because I have been doing exactly that. I'm just wondering if there a particular exercise I should be doing. By strength training do you mean weights? What would you recommend?
  • moncada0035
    moncada0035 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm trying to lose 16 more pounds by June 16th. I eat tuna in water drained with pickle relish, add Valentina sause and a Roma tomatoe with 3 baked tostadas instead of using crakers. I'll have a protein shake either for breakfast or lunch. For snacks I eat an apple or 1 package of grits. Most important is to eat clean and exercise. I walk/jog 3 to 4 miles a day and try to keep my calories between 800 to 1200 per day. I'm 5'4 and currently at 156 pounds. I've lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks.
  • tshirtartist
    tshirtartist Posts: 109 Member
    I have done (and am starting tomorrow) a smoothie cleanse. I had nothing but green smoothies for 30 days and lost about 20lbs.
    This time around I am going to make sure my smoothies and higher protein and lower carb. My smoothies consist of a protein source from either whey protein, hemp or seeds and nuts, a healthy fat, a low glycemic fruit and some greens like spinach or romain or kale.
    Basically it is a healthy diet but it for me because it is liquid it simplifies my life and takes away cravings. Just what works for me. Good luck to you!!! You can do it!!!
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    I would recommend looking up a routine on youtube with free weights. No those other two diets are not sustainable. The one eating 800 cals is extremely unhealthy. U will lose muscle on that. The other.... well guess if u love smoothies. But seriously what about after that? Just be healthy. U dont need a liquid diet. U dont need to starve yourself. Good luck friend me if u like!
  • monkey246
    monkey246 Posts: 30 Member
    I have done (and am starting tomorrow) a smoothie cleanse. I had nothing but green smoothies for 30 days and lost about 20lbs.
    This time around I am going to make sure my smoothies and higher protein and lower carb. My smoothies consist of a protein source from either whey protein, hemp or seeds and nuts, a healthy fat, a low glycemic fruit and some greens like spinach or romain or kale.
    Basically it is a healthy diet but it for me because it is liquid it simplifies my life and takes away cravings. Just what works for me. Good luck to you!!! You can do it!!!

    Is that literally how it sounds? Blend up green fruit/veg and have that as a meal?
    I could work with that and snack on protein :)
    Thanks Jenn will look that up :)