Support and help with control ...Too much snacking

Hi everyone. I've said hello before but then i vanished for a week. I'm looking for a support network, liek anyone. At the moment my lifestyle is bad in one way and that is that I am a full time carer so I am in a house surrounded by biscuits all day. It's good in that I have two hours a night to go to the gym. I am trying hard to resist all these goodies and stay healthy and it's going ok. my one big problem is that I pick at food when i cook and eat throughout the day, I need advice in how to stop myself from snacking so heavily.

In September my life will change again and I will be training during the day and have coursework at night, meaning that I will have less time to gym it! Does anyone know where I can get reasonable priced treadmills?

Finally this is like a big free weight watchers and I would love to get a network of people who will support me and I will do the same back. Being in this community makes me feel a lot less insane which is what people I know in day to day who; discourage a healthy lifestyle.



  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    I am not a big snacked anymore, but I used to be. I would bring a snack bag with me, and fill up small plastic containers an baggies with my own snacks. Nuts in one container (small containers, remember), whole wheat crackers in another with a container of peanut butter, or my personal favorite, almond butter or soy nut butter, some dried fruit in another container, baby carrots in another. So I would mix up high fiber and more fattier snacks that fill me up with veggies, then take along a banana and an orange. This is what worked for me.
  • Funnybunnyboo
    thats a great idea, you know, as i am a terrible grazer, and can snack all day, if i am bored or stressed
    totally identify with the bad food snacking, its genarally so much easier to eat rubbish, than healthy food where i am
  • CJG85
    CJG85 Posts: 9
    Thats what i'm trying to do but I can't have peanut butter anywhere near me, I like it waaay to much. I'm trying carrot stick, cucumber sticks, celery sticks with tomato salsa and like you said fruit. Most of the time its not that i'm hungry i'll just eat everything around me. Even though my snacks are low fat I still eat too much. Although you said you hardly snack at all now so maybe if I keep it up and keep away the things I like too muck (peanut butter and humous) then my snacking will naturally decrease. Thanks for the advise.

    And it is always easier to eat rubbish food not only is it easier but it's cheaper. Maintaining a healthy diet is really hitting my bank balance, which is not looking healthy as is.
  • Brooke1542
    Brooke1542 Posts: 115 Member
    I am the same way, if there is food around, I will eat it, even if I'm full. What I've found to help me is to drink a lot of water and chew gum. That way my mouth is doing something and I am not thinking about putting something else into it.