So call friends



  • geekgrrl84
    geekgrrl84 Posts: 24
    Some people just can't be happy for others because they are miserable pieces of crud. You are healthy and beautiful!
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    Oh, dear. Yeah, it can be heartbreaking when you suddenly realize that there's a big gap in maturity to those you consider(ed) your friends. From all I can see you've been doing extremely well, and even better, you know what you're doing and are in control of it. Some of your friends may realize they have some catching-up to do and grow up a little, but ultimately you already know that you need to maintain your own support network, and if they aren't part of it it's their own loss.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I feel your pain on this one girl.:cry: When I was at my lowest weight one of my high school friends who has known how I struggled with my weight in high school and the stigma that goes with teen obesity was tripping really hard when I lost weight. I was super morbibly obese in high school so when I opted to have WLS she claimed she was so scared I was going to die. When I had WLS I weighed close to 600 pounds and I was a very high risk too.

    I had the surgery in 2004 and in 2006 I had lost about 300 pounds. She told my sister that I was too skinny at about 310!! My sister let her have it. I am tall and at 310 I look like I may weigh 250 or so to most folks but the point is at 310, 250 there is no WAY:noway: I LOOKED TOO SKINNY. If you look at my profile page, the picture with me in the pants is at my lowest weight and as you can see I was not too skinny. But guess what there were others starting to say that to me too and I started to believe it too and I got laccked on my program and sad to say in about 2 to 3 years I had gained 80 pounds back. Other than me knowing my clothes were getting tighter others could not really tell I was gaining until I had gained about 40 pounds.

    SO good for you for not listening to the garbage! Many of them are just haters and some of them may actually believe it. But the important thing is do what is best for you and what makes you feel good about you. Forget the nay sayers. I wish I had found MFP sooner because I know I would not have gained those 80 pounds back if I had.

    Some of your friends just have to get used to the new you. Seriously, some of them were in shock and just need time to get used to the weight loss, but there are others that are just plain old haters. It took some in my family and even myself to get use to the new me. So give some them time, they may come around......:-)

    BTW - Did I forget to say, I looked at your before and after pictures and YOU LOOK GREAT!!!:flowerforyou: and you do not look like a crack head. Keep up the good work and do your thing!!! Drop it like its hot!!:wink: and let the haters hate on.:happy:
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    You look gorgeous...don't let the jealousy of others determine your outcome! Keep up the good work. Your body will tell you when you are at your optimum weight - not the losers you work with!

    Congrats on the weight loss and the quest to be healthy!
  • CommittohealthCHANGED
    CommittohealthCHANGED Posts: 436 Member
    Thanks everyone for all your support, it is really appreciate. Much love to everyone. :tongue:
  • c3lxxx
    c3lxxx Posts: 25
    Girl this made me soooo sad to read!!! I'm so sorry, you have done an immaculate job and are a motivation to me and to everyone on here. I want to thank YOU for taking these steps to be healthy and even more I want to thank YOU for making me believe I could kick *kitten* like you. Have an amazing day, keep that chin up and know all of those heads turnin as your walking down the street are because you look FIIIIINE.