We are starting the revolution! May the odds be ever in our favor!

this is my first complete week loging in tracking my calories. CRAZY! I'm a mom of two who gave in for about 8yrs and now I want to reclaim what's rightfully mine!.....My health and body! Oh yeah! Who's with me!?! GRRRR!


  • Marshmella
    Marshmella Posts: 64 Member
  • Marshmella
    Marshmella Posts: 64 Member
    So I'm sad to say I was bad one day and not so good yesterday... However today I am back on the battle field !!!!!
  • Marshmella
    Marshmella Posts: 64 Member

    I'm a bit nervous I'm getting some blood work done to see how my bods doing....ahhhh....I'll be posting my horrible results and maybe those of you in the same situation can post your results and we can see them improve in the span of 1 yr.
  • Marshmella
    Marshmella Posts: 64 Member
    Ok so I should have my blood test results this coming Monday 4-20-15 ahhhh!...Needles!!!....
  • SallyinIL
    SallyinIL Posts: 85 Member
    Hopefully, your blood work will come back better than you anticipate. I had mine in January and I have a few things to work on but it wasn't too bad. My vitamin D was low so I take a supplement. My LDL cholesterol was a bit high but I'm confident that the healthy eating I've adopted through using MFP will take care of that.

    My non-blood work issue is that my blood pressure was creeping upward. My systolic was fine but my diastolic was averaging 83 most days. I'm sure being sedentary and overweight added to that. As I increase my exercise, it seems to be inching down.

    Like you, I have good days and bad days. I have a tough time if I don't get enough sleep because I don't have the resilience to make choices that get me to my goals.

    Good luck on your blood work!
  • Marshmella
    Marshmella Posts: 64 Member
    Thank you ;) I hope for the best also but I'm prepared to hear the worst. My LDL cholesterol was really bad about 4 yrs ago when I last went to get blood work before I got prego. Then the last month of pregnancy I had gestational diabetes so.... That's what scares me. From then to now I've gained about 15-20 lbs. not good.
    I hope your blood pressure keeps going down and that we both reach our goals.

    Keep sweating and eat well.....and may the odds be ever in our favor.
  • Marshmella
    Marshmella Posts: 64 Member
    Well tomorrow's the big day...Ahhhhh!...no matter how my results come out....the time for change is here and now there is no turning back.
  • Marshmella
    Marshmella Posts: 64 Member
    So I called in for my results....they told me they didn't have them yet to call again on Monday....ahhhhh....I wanted to know NOW!!...o well....Friday it is :/
  • SallyinIL
    SallyinIL Posts: 85 Member
    Gah! Waiting is so hard!
  • Marshmella
    Marshmella Posts: 64 Member
    Felt sluggish today. Didn't think I'd use the tred but I just have to get rid of some weight so I conquered my Sloth and burned atleast 400cal. Took me an hour cause I just speed walked it while watching Son Of God on Netflix but something is better than nothing ;)
    Together as one, the odds are in our favor
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    Marshmella wrote: »
    this is my first complete week loging in tracking my calories. CRAZY! I'm a mom of two who gave in for about 8yrs and now I want to reclaim what's rightfully mine!.....My health and body! Oh yeah! Who's with me!?! GRRRR!

    Good job!
  • Marshmella
    Marshmella Posts: 64 Member
    Just burned another 400calories on the tred. Had a long day at work and didn't think I'd even make it to 200 but once I got there...I thought....well I'm already half way there....what's another 200 and another episode on Netflix
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Marshmella wrote: »
    Just burned another 400calories on the tred. Had a long day at work and didn't think I'd even make it to 200 but once I got there...I thought....well I'm already half way there....what's another 200 and another episode on Netflix

    Keep it up, great job! :) Just in case you didn't know, there's a personal blog here on MFP that you can use to post these updates, rather than posting in a thread in the public forums, but of course which one you prefer is up to you. The forum is nice because more people are likely to see it/find it, and the blog is nice because you can easily find your posts after a year or so and compare yourself to the posts when you were just starting out. :)
  • Marshmella
    Marshmella Posts: 64 Member
    Cool thanx I love the idea that one day I can look back and compare ;)
  • Marshmella
    Marshmella Posts: 64 Member
    Well... Got my blood results...sigh....my Glucose levels are above normal they should be between 65-99 and I'm at 102. My bad cholesterol should be lower than 99 and it's at 121
  • Camarose79
    Camarose79 Posts: 86 Member
    I haven't been to a dr. In about 6 years. I'm afraid. I think I might get diabetes. But I actually feel ok and everything works. I keep telling myself that ill go when I quit smoking and lose some more lbs.
  • in_it_to_thin_it
    in_it_to_thin_it Posts: 432 Member
    Hunger games quotes dragged my inner geek here, wishing you lots of luck, you are doing great!
  • Marshmella
    Marshmella Posts: 64 Member
    Yesterday I went to Ihop....ugh...I wish I hadn't. It is better to Skip than Ihop. I was over 700 calories :( anyone know of a good Swedish drapes recepie that's somewhat healthy? Please share.
  • Marshmella
    Marshmella Posts: 64 Member
    Lol "drapes" I meant crapes
  • Marshmella
    Marshmella Posts: 64 Member
    Any suggestions on what to watch while on the tred